英语辩论主持人稿 Beginning: 开场
Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.下午好,女士们,先生们.This cla will be your stage to show your strong ability in debating and I'm your chair—XX.Today, we’ll be witneing a brilliant debate.这里是展示你雄辩的舞台,我是主持人XX,今天我们将亲眼目睹一场非常精彩的辩论赛。
I think you all have known the topic today is“ whether the internet finance will replace the traditional finance”.众所周知,我们今天的辩题是:“互联网金融能否取代传统金融。”
To start with, let’s welcome our judge :XX 首先呢,让我们欢迎本次辩论赛的评委--XX。now there are two sides ,the affirmative side is group,their opinion is the internet finance will replace the traditional finance;the negative side is group,they hold the view that the internet finance won’t replace the traditional finance.这儿有正反双方,正方来自第?组,他们的观点是互联网金融能够取代传统金融,反方是第?组,他们认为互联网金融不能取代传统金融。OK,please allow me to introduce the rules of debate.The competition is divided into five rounds,before each round begains,I will briefly introduce the competition rules.So our debaters need to listen carefully.请允许我介绍辩论的规则,本次比赛分五个板块,在每个部分开始之前,我都会简单的介绍比赛规则,所以辩论选手们可要认真听哟!
The first part: The first debater of affirmative side needs to make statements within two and a half minutes please.有请正方一辩陈述观点,时间为两分半钟。(Time is up!时间到了!)
The first debater of negative side needs to make statements within two and a half minutes please.有请反方一辩陈述观点,时间为两分半钟。
Let’s move to the second part—rebutment!让我们进入第二个环节——攻辩 1.The second debater of affirmative side needs to choose the second debater or the third debater from negative side to debate one to one within one and a half minutes.正方二辩选择反方二、三辩中任意一位展开攻辩,时间是1分30秒。2.The second debater of negative side needs to choose the second debater or the third debater from affirmative side to debate one to one within one and a half minutes.反方二辩选择正方二、三辩中任意一位展开攻辩,时间是1分30秒。3.The third debater of affirmative side needs to choose the second debater or the third debater from negative side to debate within one and a half minutes.正方三辩选择反方二、三辩中任意一位展开攻辩,时间是1分30秒。4.The third debater of negative side needs to choose the second debater or the third debater from affirmative side to debate within one and a half minutes.反方三辩选择正方二、三辩中任意一位展开攻辩,时间是1分30秒。The third part:
The first debater of affirmative side needs to make a short summary combined with the performance of rebutment within one and a half minutes.正方一辩结合攻辩形式作出小结,时间是1分30秒
The first debater of negative side needs to make a short summary combined with the performance of rebutment within one and a half minutes.反方一辩结合攻辩形式作出小结,时间是1分30秒 The fourth part is free debate time!自由辩论(时间未定)
The last part :the fourth debater of negative side needs to make a conclusion within three minutes.反方四辩作总结陈词,时间3分钟。
the fourth debater of affirmative side needs to make a conclusion within three minutes.正方四辩作总结陈词,时间3分钟。
Both teams have showed great debating ability in today's fierce competition.Let’s hear judge’s comments.双方都表现得很好,让我们听一听评委的意见吧(the winner of today's debate is(报赢的一方))Thank you!
Welcome to the debating competition of the issue “the advantages s and disadvantages of Qinghai—Tibet railway”. We have 8debators today,4 on each side and the positive side is leaded by XXX,the rest debaters are XX, XX. And the members of the negative team are XX,XX is the leader of their team .ok ,good luck to they(.or hot welcome to them.)
Next, I want to introduce today’s judges, they are our dear instructor mrsyan,and our classmates XX ,XX,XX ,XX, hot welcome to all of you .and thanks to all for joining today’s debating competition.
Now, I would like to introduce the rules for the contest.
The first is the time .each debater is allowed to express in limited.
Secondly, speakers are not allowed to bring any notes in hand.
Welcome comeback ,after our judges’ discussion, the most exciting moment is coming, the winner of today’s debating competition is the---.and the best debater is .congratulation!
i hope we can express ourselves on the stage in English ,I hope we can show what we have learned in the competition, I hope we can exchange experience of how to learn English better, I hope we all make good use of this opportunity to improve ourselves.
Ok, this is the end of today’s English debating competition .thank you all for join us today, I hope all of you can have a good time .thank you .
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Good evening, boys and girls.This place will be your stage to show your strong ability in debating and we are your hosts.
Judge Introduction:
Firstly, I have the great privilege of presenting today's judges for this Debate Contest. Ladies and gentlemen, let’s welcome Mr. from...
Rule Introduction:
Now I would like to introduce the rules for this contest. No.1, contest will be divided into two parts, group of English major, and group of other majors. No.2, each group will be given 8 minutes, including 1 minute for stating the two debaters’ own opinion, 4 minutes for free debate,and 1 minute for their the last sum-up. No.3, at the end of the contest, we will choose five contestants including 2 English major contestants and 3 from other majors.
Up to now, I think all of you have known the rules very well. And then each group will begin your debate according the order and the topic you have got.
So first, lets welcome group one…
Their views all sound very nice, right? And I think you all have been well-prepared to defeat the other side.
All the contestants have shown great debating ability in today's fierce competition. I'm sure we're all deeply impressed by the intelligent debaters. Thanks for your hard work and let's give ourselves a big round of applause.
Now it's time for the result. Which contestants will win this wonderful debate? And who will be the best debater today? I am sure it is going to be very close. And I think all contestants need to be congratulated for their outstanding efforts.
一辩陈词 自由辩: 二辩:纸质书比电子书更有利于身体健康.There is no doubt about the rapid development of the e-book , but we don’t think that paper-books will be replaced by e-books.Nowadays, people are paying more and more attention to health iues.It is important to realize that e-books are easy to cause damage of our eyes and vision lo;And there are other health risks usin
英语辩论赛辩论词 正一:
Hello,everyone.We are glad to discu about “money can our happine or not.” Today, we firmly believe that money can buy happine.Actually, money isn’t everything, but we can achieve nothing without money.For example, when you are hungry,but have no money to buy any delicious food, will you be happy? Of course not.And the American 2006 gener
Hello, everyone!With the progre of the society, more and more women friends think that housework is no longer their vocation.However the man still insist that “man, the bread winners while women inside”.The theme of this debate is “who should do more housework ,husband or wife ?” NowThe competition is beginning, first , welcome the NO.1 of square
正方四辩: 补充发言部分:
As we all know, interpersonal relationship , is a basic concept of sociology , its meaning is between people , the proce of interaction , through the thoughts , feelings , behavior of mutual exchange and interaction generated.People as social animals , even with a more tenacious survival skills , cannot have more development , because h
题目:男生和女生之间有纯洁的友谊。The pure friendship exit in boys and girls.辩手一:俗话说“在家靠父母,出门靠朋友”、“多一个朋友多一条路”,这些都在阐明友谊对一个人的发展发挥着巨大的作用,当然友谊不仅仅限制于同性之间,自古就有“红颜知己”、“蓝颜知己”、“莫逆之交”“忘年之交”,可以看出友谊的跨度之大,范围之广,更何况在更加多元、开放的现代社会呢?As the saying goes ,parents can help us in home,so does friends out home.one friend stand for a chance.All these tell the trues that same sex play an
Are interpersonal relationships more important than one’s practical ability to a succeful career?
正方:Good morning, everyone we are the objective part.I am debater 1 I am debater 2。。.I am debater 3。。.I am debater4。。.反方:We are the negative part.I am debater 1。。
I am debater 2。。
.I am debater 3。。.I am debater4。。.立论环节(1.5min)
正方立论Hello everybody!As is k