Hello, everyone!With the progre of the society, more and more women friends think that housework is no longer their vocation.However the man still insist that “man, the bread winners while women inside”.The theme of this debate is “who should do more housework ,husband or wife ?” NowThe competition is beginning, first , welcome the NO.1 of square.正方一辩
Thank you for the host ,hello everyone ,I am wucailing.the NO.1 square.we think that husband should do more housework.“man, the bread winners while women inside” is the feudal ideology.In today's society, the preure of women is very great.So the man in his spare time can and should help his wife with the housework。Instead of at home with nothing to do, It is better to be a model husband.反一:
I am the lerder of opposition.lichanglin ,as the other party debate the preure of women is very great.We still think that wife should do more hoyusework.men are now under great preure, but also to earn money to support their families, but also work hard to support the whole family, and home from work, and men do housework, this fair? traditional Chinese are “men, the bread winners while women inside.”
主持人Now enter the questions,please the NO.2 of oppsition
反二:I would like to ask No.2.Men home, which is coming from the Western cultural heritage, traditional Chinese are “men, the bread winners while women inside.” Now both men are outside and inside the main.Why? 正二Female should not only work, but also to procreate, serve her husband, why should we bear all the housework? 自由辩论
男 We worked hard to earn money to support the family, and earned more than you, so we should rest at home.女一we work outside make almost the same contribution.男The fact is that men still earn more than women 女 Even if a man earn more, women have to Give birth to a child.and raise him.? Women are more tired than men 主持人
Home is made by men and women together, they should understand each other, a man should do more housework when wife is occupied, a woman should Tolerant,when her husband is busy.if so, our family will be more harmonious and happy。
Thanks to the Great Debaters debate and audience participation
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