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题目:男生和女生之间有纯洁的友谊。The pure friendship exit in boys and girls.辩手一:俗话说“在家靠父母,出门靠朋友”、“多一个朋友多一条路”,这些都在阐明友谊对一个人的发展发挥着巨大的作用,当然友谊不仅仅限制于同性之间,自古就有“红颜知己”、“蓝颜知己”、“莫逆之交”“忘年之交”,可以看出友谊的跨度之大,范围之广,更何况在更加多元、开放的现代社会呢?As the saying goes ,parents can help us in home,so does friends out home.one friend stand for a chance.All these tell the trues that same sex play an imporent role for development ourselves.Of course,it not only happen in samesex,there are(),(),close friend ,friends between generation ,we can find its scope ,field is so broad, even in more pluralistic ,opend morden society ?

之所以一些人简单地认为没有,我认为是他们的预设或行动越过了友谊的界限,将奉献变为占有,将沟通变为投机,所以要想建立真正的友谊关键要端正态度,遏制贪欲,用宽广的胸襟拥抱友谊,我们要做的就是把握好这一火候。Some peole think it is not exist simplely, I think theire expect ,behaviour beyond the line of friendship.make sacrificial became occupy,communication became speculation , so if hope achieve pure friendship,we need to only to correct attitude,contain avarice,embrance friendship by broad mind and grasp the balance point.辩手二:按照逻辑原理,若否定一个命题,只需提供一个命题的反例即可。很明显,这样的例子是十分常见的。例如:苗可秀

与李小龙,成龙和金喜善,蔡依林与罗志祥,章子怡与苏毅。According to logical principle ,if negate subject ,we need to only provide a opposite subject.Obvious, there are many example , for example,另外对方还犯了一个“绝对化的错误”,因为任何绝对化都是一个伪命题,绝对的事情事实上是根本不存在的。Otherside, the opposite party make a mistake about absolute ,because any absolute thing all is a false subject , in fact absolute things is not exist.辩手三:从心理学方面看,认为男女之间不存在纯洁友谊的人,多是因为封闭、自私与恐惧,内心常常保持高度警惕,并通过

拒绝真诚的交流来维持安全感,相反那些自信且乐观的人,通过信任与坦诚更易建立起开放包容的心态并享受友谊带来的快乐。In psychological side, thoese people who think pure friendship is not exist,often display close ,selfish, horrible, keep height vigilant and refuse sinceres communication to maintain the sense of safe.Instend, these people who poe character of selfconfidience, optimistic ,build opend mind by trust and enjoy happy.辩手四:社会的发展为友谊的建立提供了更充分的条件,首先表现在职业的多样化,女性从家庭的解放,观念的开放,人与人

之间的交往更加频繁,传统意义上严格的性别观念意识也逐步解冻,人们更多地由工作上的关联聚集在一起,在这种合作互助的模式下,人们建立了纯洁的友谊。其次,通信网络的发达,人们兴趣爱好的多样化,因此出现了诸如俱乐部之类的交流活动组织,人们为了共同的目的带着热情与真诚走在一块儿,所以更容易建立起信任和友谊,当然这样的群体中不乏异性。再次,从性格方面考虑,男女由于性别的差异,两者在情感和心理方面具有互补性,也更倾向于接纳对方。最后,对方更多的是没有理解友谊、爱情二者之间的含义及区别,友谊更多的是理解与帮助,爱情更多的是依赖与占有。The development of socialprovid advantageous condition.First,the diverse of occupation, the update of concept ,the contact

from people to people ,became frequent , the strict traditional sex consciousne also thaw, people gather because works contact.Pure friendship is build in the middle of cooperate, help each other.Secondly, developed communication web , diverse interest lead to produce some communication organization, like club.These people build trust ,so friendship is build more easily.Of course it include opposite sex.Next ,because the difference of sex , they poe huge complement in emotional and psychological.In fact, one party accept the other party more easily.Last ,the opposite parety can not comprehension its intention and difference between friendship and love , friendship main display comprehention and help ,love main display rely and occupy.辩手五:综上所述,异性之间纯粹的友谊是肯定存在的,也是人类自身发展进程中所必须的。随着现代文明的发展,不仅在观

念上引导同时也为之提供了客观的条件,从实际效果看,纯洁的异性友谊呈现出规模与数量的同时上升。To sum up, the pure freidentship must be exist in opposite sex people ,also is eentitals in human developing proce with morden civilizations development ,not only lead in conscious ,but also provide objective condition.In fact, pure oppositesex friendship have huge rise in scale and quantity.


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