Enrich Our Culture, Diverse Our Culture Speaking of the future of our culture, I strongly believe that the culture will be more and more diverse.Firstly, you must be astonished when a native Australian ties to welcome you by touching your nose;you may not believe that even men can wear skirts, but that’s what Scottish men do;you can hardly picture what a woman or girl would like be with a plate-like mouth in an African tribe.And it is cultural diversity that colors our world.Besides, it helps preserve our own cultures.A few years ago, the balance of our own culture and others was broken by the flood of TV plays and cultures from Japan and South Korea.What’s worse, when did we begin to celebrate Christmas or Valentines’ Day and not be able to tell the date of Tomb-sweeping Day? However nowadays, with the defense of the importance of our own culture and the heat of Chinese traditional culture, like Confucianism and Taoism, our awarene of national confidence, patriotism and solidarity has increased greatly.Lastly, cultural diversity does not mean to resist or to accept all the other cultures.It’s based on one’s own culture.(Imagine that all the other family members are enjoying their dumplings with their chopsticks while you taking out a pair of knife and fork and cutting the dumplings into pieces so that you are able to eat.I’m absolutely sure you will appear in the front page of Humor the next day.Do as Romans do).And I think we had enough leons learned from the Opium War of 1840 due to which numerous of our fellow countrymen died while the British made a good fortune.Just like the Chinese sayings of “two heads are better than one” and “abolish its defects, absorb its merits.” say, only by absorbing good ideas from other cultures and applying them to ours can we better develop our nation and better serve our people.To sum up, culture diversity makes our world more colorful, fulfills our pursuit for knowledge, and unites its own country.So let’s learn to respect different cultures and enrich our own ones.
呼和浩特市关帝庙街小学六年级(2)班演讲稿 孙明佳中外文化差异据美国《星岛日报》报道:中国人的家庭观念强,血缘关系,亲情伦理,在脑中根深蒂固,父母、子女始终一家人。哪怕成家立业......
本人联系方式 ,张坤,女。所在单位,安徽三联学院。联系方式***.本人联系地址,安徽省合肥市,金寨南路66号,芙蓉名园3#2单元306 邮编230306英汉思维差异对大学英语写作的影响......
文化差异跨国并购面对的不只是企业层面的文化差异及冲突,还包括国家文化的差异及冲突,因此并购双方对彼此文化的认同和接受程度就成了文化整合的关键因素。 企业并购的文化整......