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China is different from the wedding on the West, the entire wedding's main colours are red, this is also the representative of the traditional Chinese festivity colours.This change will enable the wedding jubilation.In the traditional wedding, the bride wearing red Luoyi general, wearing Fengguan, still above a red scarf.While the groom wearing red long gown mandarin jacket, wearing a red cap along.Palanquin bride rode in the red, the groom on horseback in front, with matchmaking and Yingqing teams to the groom's house in Baitang.Parents sitting on the two sides appear, and appear next married bride and groom.Entire wedding presided over by the master of ceremonies, in his command , a bride and groom Baitiande, Xiabai GAO Tang, and then a husband and wife Baidoa, into the bridal chamber.Noisy wedding is the climax of wedding, the bride and groom first to wait for the wedding, the groom and guests on the outstanding hospitality, Jiujufanbao, in a lot of the groom greeted came to the wedding.everybody started Noisy wedding, the bride and groom all stirred up trouble in the next game…… do all this in a whole wedding laughter ended.By studying the differences between Chinese and Western wedding, I understand their characteristics: Western wedding is pure romantic, and China is happy wedding;Western wedding is feeling valued, and China values the ceremony.In the West because of their different customs, have also formed their own characteristics wedding customs.Though, have different customs, but no matter where the wedding was all full of bleings and laughter.Journal Article Excerpt

“Here comes the Bride”: the making of a “modern traditional” wedding in western culture.by Dawn H.Currie

Changes in marriage and family dynamics during the past 25 years have given rise to new questions for sociologists of the family.Following legislative changes in the 1960s, the divorce rate in Canada has increased steadily, so that up to one third of marriages today are likely to end in divorce.(1)As indicators of marital instability rose in most western industrialized societies, commentators declared a “crisis in the family”(see Gittins, 1985).However, against trends of family breakdown the vast majority of Canadians continue to marry, and also to remarry after divorce.On this basis some writers claim that marriage and the family are “alive and well,” or even “getting better.” In support of the latter interpretation, writers note that Canadians continue to value family life: between 1984 and 1986, 86% of women and 83% of men were, or had been, married, supporting Maclean's(1987)poll that 81% of Canadians rate the family as becoming a more important part of their lives(in Nett, 1988: 2).These types of data have been used to advance the claim that marriage remains popular because it is more poible now, than before, for individuals to seek out fulfilling relationships.On the other hand, feminists draw attention to the frequency of violence against wives by husbands and the unequal division of domestic labour which characterizes most heterosexual households.For these writers, the modern nuclear family is interpreted as a central factor in women's continued oppreion in the West, and thus as being in need of further dismantling(see Burt, Code and Dorney, 1988;Boulton, 1983;Thorne, 1982;Barrett and McIntosh, 1982).Given the public documentation of trends which underlie this latter claim, and a rising consciousne about gender parity among Canadians, feminists are beginning to ask why the traditional, nuclear family persists.The answer to this question is complex, and thus is the matter of ongoing academic debate.Here, one enduring aspect of traditional family life is explored: the everyday activity of “getting married.” While the past few decades have seen growth in alternatives to marriage(see Wilson, 1990), Canadians continue to perceive legal marriage as an indicator of greater commitment, even when they are already living in common-law unions.Baker(1990: 48)notes that the wedding ceremony itself is frequently seen as a “rite of paage” to adult status.Many families save for years and spend considerable sums on wedding clothing and receptions, even though the event itself is short-lived.For those marrying, Church weddings remain important.Although they declined from 91% of marriages in 1972 to 70% in 1982, this figure has levelled off(Nett, 1988: 211).Proce of traditional Chinese wedding 传统中式婚礼流程

6:00 新娘开始化妆,新郎更衣; Bridal makeup, dreing the groom

8:00 新郎乘花轿花车到达新娘家

The bride and groom arrived by sedan-chair floats home 8:40 新娘蒙红盖头,在伴娘的伴随下,由新郎手持的大红绸牵着,慢慢地登上花车; Mongolian red lid bride, accompanied by the bridesmaids, the groom's hand holding a large red silk, and slowly board the floats

9:15 花车到达花轿地点

Place the float(花车)to reach sedan

9:20 新娘上花轿,开道锣在前,紧跟舞狮表演,后面是八位吹鼓手合八位手举冠盖的执事,最后是批红挂彩的八抬大轿;新郎手扶花轿,伴郎伴娘随轿向婚礼地点出发

The bride on the sedan chair, to clear the way gong(锣)in front, followed by lion dance, followed by eight advocates of the co-eight hand-held canopy cover of the deacon, and finally approved the Bataitaijiao red wounded;hand bridal groom, best man, maid of honor with the car to starting wedding venue

9:40 中途颠轿

Great Britain half-way car 10:00 到达婚礼地点,新娘在女傧相的搀扶下,走下轿子,放鞭炮

Reach the wedding venue, the bride bridesmaid's leading scorer, off the chair, setting off firecrackers

10:10 迈火盆:寓意未来的生活红红火火 Main brazier: meaning of life is booming future

10:15 进门:狮子封门,讨要红包(舞狮者拦路舞狮,要到红包方许进门)

Door: Lions closed doors to discu a red envelope(highway lion lion who, Xu side door to the red envelope)

10:30 射箭:射天,祈求上天的祝福。射地,代表天长地久。射向远方,祝愿未来的生活美满幸福

Archery: Shooting, pray for God's bleing.Shot, the representative of permanence.Shooting distance, wish happy future life

10:35 拜天地:一拜天地,二拜高堂,三夫妻对拜

Preparing for the wedding: one preparing for the wedding, two prayer Diocese, the three couples of worship

10:50 掀盖头:用秤杆挑下新娘的盖头

Lifting the veil: The bride's veil under pick weighbeam

11:00 喝交杯酒 Drink wedlock 11:10 敬茶改口

Changed to offer tea 11:20 进洞房(新人退场换服装,在此时会好吃点东西)

Jin Dongfang(new exit for clothing, something good will at this time)


New toast for the guests, the cigarette lighter

12:00 民俗表演Folk performance 13:30 婚宴结束End wedding 西式婚礼流程

Western-style wedding proce

西式婚礼分为仪式和宴会两部分。一般说来新人只邀请最重要的亲人和朋友见证婚礼仪式,而宴会相对于仪式的严谨与严肃就显得比较随便、热闹,邀请的来宾也更为广泛 仪式

Western-style wedding ceremony and banquet is divided into two parts.Generally speaking, the most important new only invite relatives and friends witneed the ceremony, while the party opposed to the strict and solemn ceremony becomes more casual, lively, invited guests and more extensive ceremony

17:00仪式开始,换进场音乐,神父到位,伴娘伴郎入场后,面对客人成八字排开站好;戒指童入场,将戒指交到神父手中 The ritual, for approach music, the priest in place, after the bridal party entrance, facing the guests into the station arranged a good character;ring of child admiion, the hands of the priest handed the ring

17:03 奏响婚礼进行曲,新娘挽着父亲入场,新娘父亲将新娘交到新郎手中

Played the wedding march, father of the bride holding admiion, the groom handed the bride father of the bride hands

17:10 停止奏乐,新娘新郎交换戒指并宣誓Stop the music and the bride and groom exchange rings and pledge

17:15 证婚人致辞Mr witnees 17:20仪式完毕,音乐响起后新人退场,宾客向新人抛洒花瓣The ceremony is completed, the music sounded after the new exit, guests throw the petals to the new

17:30 新人与来宾拍照留念New people take pictures with guests

婚礼宴会Wedding party

17:40 客人们陆续进入餐厅按请柬上的桌号就座,乐队奏乐表示欢迎,各种提前准备好的饮料和餐前开胃小菜可以供客人们享用Guests enter the restaurant after another invitation on the table by table number, the band music to welcome the variety of drinks and prepared ahead appetizer before a meal for guests to enjoy

18:10 新郎新娘进入餐厅。上第一道菜,侍者们给客人斟上香槟,重要来宾演讲祝词The bride and groom enter the restaurant.The first dish, the waiter who poured champagne to the guests, the important meage from guest speaker

19:40 开胃菜用完后,新郎新娘跳第一支舞,然后伴郎伴娘及其他客人进入舞池一起跳舞After an appetizer with the bride and groom first dance, and then the maid of honor and best man enter the dance floor to dance with other guests

19:00 每人重新入座等待主食Re waiting for the staple food per person per seat

19:30 上甜点时,舞会继续Deert, the party continues

20:00 新娘抛花束,新人在客人们间穿梭为他们的光临表示感谢。提供咖啡及各种餐后新品可供客人享用Bridal bouquet to, new shuttle between the guests expreed gratitude for their presence.Coffee and a variety of new products for guests to enjoy a meal

20:30新郎新娘一起切蛋糕,供客人们跳舞空闲时享用,此时宾客可自由退场The bride and groom cut the cake together, dancing for the guests to enjoy free time, guests are free to exit at this time


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