Boao Forum for Asia can promote quickly;it is up to the high development of Asia, and to witne and promote the historical proce.2、亚洲发展不仅有力改变着亚洲人民命运,而且日益影响着世界发展进程。
The development of Asia does not only change the fortune of Asians, but also influence the development course of the world.3、亚洲的发展,得益于总体稳定的国际和地区环境,得益于深入发展的经济全球化和区域合作,得益于亚洲睦邻友好关系的发展,The promotion of Asia profits from the whole stabilization of international and regional environment, the further development of economic globalization and regional cooperation, the progre of the harmonious relationship around Asia.4、近代以来,在内外多种因素作用下,亚洲经历了曲折和艰难的发展历程
From modern times, with the various inner and outer factors, Asia experiences the intricate and difficult progre of development.5、今天人们所看到的亚洲发展成就,是勤劳智慧的亚洲人民不屈不挠、锲而不舍奋斗的结果。
Today, the achievement of progre which people can see benefits by the hardworking Asians, that is the result of their laborious endeavor.6、亚洲人民既弘扬自身优秀文化传统,又广泛吸收世界各国人民创造的优秀文明成果,促进了亚洲和世界共同发展。
Asians spread their own outstanding culture as well as widely absorb the excellent civilization achievement of all over the world, and that facilitates the development of Asia and the world.7、步入21世纪第二个十年,亚洲发展站在了新的历史起点上。
The promotion of Asian has stood in a new historical starting point since the second decade of 21century.8、今天的亚洲,经济更加繁荣,社会更加进步,人民信心更加坚定,发展前景更加广阔。
Now, Asian economy is more flourishing, the society has a high progre, people have more steady confidence and it has a widen evolution prospect.9、同时,我们也要看到,亚洲经济结构性矛盾凸显,发展不平衡性突出,地区热点问题此起彼伏,传统和非传统安全问题大量存在。
Meanwhile, we also know Asia is facing the contradiction of the unreasonable economy structure, the unbalance of development, the regional usual iues, the traditional and untraditional security iues.10、在世界多极化、经济全球化深入发展的形势下,如何处理好发展和稳定的关系依然是摆在亚洲人民面前的重大课题。With the tendency of deep going of世界多极化, economic globalization, how to deal with the relationship between development and steady is still the significant problem for Asians.11、推动共同发展,共建和谐亚洲,这是时代赋予亚洲人民的共同使命。
It is the common miion for Asians in this century that propelling the common development and establishing the harmonious Asia.12、第二,转变发展方式,推动全面发展。
Secondly, transforming the development models and enhancing the integrated development.13、第三,分享发展机遇,共迎各种挑战。
Thirdly, sharing the evolution opportunity and facing the various challenges.14、我们应该加强宏观经济政策协调,不断扩大共同利益,推动地区所有成员共同发展。
We should enhance and harmonize the macroscopic economic policy, amplify the common profits and propel the common promotion of the whole members in the area.15、努力让发展成果惠及地区所有成员,让全亚洲民生活得更加幸福。
We should try our best to make the whole members enjoy the achievement of development, make the life of all the people in Asian be better.16、事实充分证明,中国发展繁荣离不开亚洲,亚洲发展繁荣也需要中国。
The fact proves sufficiently that Chinese great progre can’t deviate from Asia, and the promotion of Asia also depends upon China.17、我们将更多投资亚洲和新兴市场国家,同时增加对亚洲发展中国家的经济援助。We will invest more Asian and newly developing countries, at the same time, add the economy aid to the developing countries in Asia.18、促进经济社会发展与人口资源环境相协调,走可持续发展之路。
China will promote the development of the economic society and population, natural resources and environment in harmony, then obey the sustainability of development.19、积极发展同亚洲各国的睦邻友好和互利合作,不断增进相互理解和信任。
China will positively enhance the cooperation with mutually beneficial and friendly surroundings in Asia, further the understanding and dependence.20、努力维护有利于亚洲和平与发展的地区环境。
China will try its best to maintain the common area condition to make for the Asian peace and evolution.
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