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《霸王别姬》(1993年)由陈凯歌导演,张国荣、张丰毅、巩俐主演,曾于1993年荣获法国戛纳国际电影节最高奖项“金棕榈大奖”,这也是我国唯一一部获此殊荣的影片。《霸王别姬》除获得金棕榈大奖外,还获得国际影评人联盟大奖、金球奖最佳外语片奖等多项国际电影奖项。这部作品也曾在全世界多个国家和地区公映,是一部享有世界级荣誉的电影。“Farewell my concubine”(1993)by the director Chen kaige, Leslie cheung, zhang feng yi4, gong li, who starred in 1993 was the highest award at the Cannes film festival “heavy-hitters include”, this is also the only one in China won the honor of the film.“Farewell my concubine” in addition to get heavy-hitters include outside, but also from the international league golden globe awards, critic best foreign film award and so on many international film awards.This book was in the world DuoGe countries and regions to reflect, is a world-cla honor of the movie.霸王别姬》的时间从清末一直跨到*,主要描写了一对戏子(程蝶衣和段小楼)离奇悲惨的一生,同时展现了广阔丰富的社会风貌,因而具有史诗的性质。小豆子出身妓女家庭,因生活所迫,被母亲送到关师父的戏班。古时戏班的训练异常艰苦,小豆子承受不住,与小癞子一块出逃,却在出逃途中,因震服与京剧和名角的巨大魅力和影响力而返回戏,结果又遭关师父死打。小癞子受到惊吓,上吊而死。春去秋来,几年后,小豆子成长为一代名角,取名程蝶衣,而他的师哥也同时成名,取名段小楼。两人合唱的《霸王别姬》名震京师。程蝶衣由于被当作女孩养大,进入戏班后,又强学旦角,以至心理扭曲,竟爱上了师哥段小楼。而段小楼在一次狎妓时与菊仙一见钟情。程蝶衣随即和菊仙争风吃醋,并欲与段小楼决裂。随后日本鬼子进城,段小楼因拒演而入狱。程蝶衣为救师哥,为鬼子唱了一折《牡丹亭——游园惊梦》。抗战结束,程蝶衣因曾为日本人演戏而被以汉奸最罪起诉,段小楼倾力营救。解放后,两人的绝艺并没有受到重视,程蝶衣因此而吸毒堕落。*到来后,师兄弟、夫妻之间在外界非人的压迫下相继反目成仇,相互揭发,菊仙上吊自杀。程蝶衣和段小楼在十一年后再唱《霸王别姬》,但此时的程蝶衣已经悲观绝望,而自尽身亡。

Farewell my concubine, “from the time in the late Qing dynasty, the main cultural revolution has been cro to about two opera performers ,fantastic miserable life, at the same time show the wide variety of social features, thus has the nature of the epic.Small beans, because life was born in prostitutes family, was send to Guan master theatrical troupe.In the training of the existed very hard little beans, endurance, and small LaZi a piece of escape, but fled on the way, because in shock and Peking Opera and serve the charm of footballing terms and influence and return to play, and the results were shut the master die play...Small LaZi are scared, and commit suicide by hanging and die.Autumn comes after spring, and a few years later, little beans grow up to a generation of footballing terms, named cheng butterfly clothes, while he also become famous courses, named period of house.Two people of the chorus ”farewell my concubine“ name choice in the earthquake.Cheng butterfly clothing because he was as a girl up, up, and strong into after learning that woman, he fell in love with the distortion of mental shigeshijiemen period of house.And in a XiaJi xiaolou period with chrysanthemum fairy love at first sight.Cheng butterfly garments immediately and chrysanthemum jealousne borne, and to the house with section break off.Then the Japanese, went into the town house and act out for because of the prison.Cheng butterfly garments for courses for the devil, save sang ten percent the peony pavilion-a garden surprised dream.End of Anti-Japanese War, cheng butterfly clothing for once for the Japanese acting and the most charges against the traitors to apply the rescue workers, period.After liberation, two people's JueYi and not taken seriously, cheng butterfly clothes so and drug fall.The arrival of the cultural revolution,'t of

senior younger brother, between a husband and wife in the outside world under the oppreion of man have become his enemy, mutual exposure, chrysanthemum fairy commit suicide by hanging suicide.Cheng butterfly clothing and period of house in 11 years later to sing again ”farewell my concubine", but at this point in the proce butterfly clothing, and peimism has killed himself.说的是一辈子,差一年,差一个月,差一个时辰,都不是一辈子!

I'm talking about a lifetime.One year one month one day even one second's le makes it le than a lifetime.你真是不疯魔不成活。戏得疯魔不假,可要是活着也疯魔,在这人世上,在这凡人堆里,咱们可怎么活哟!You are really obseed.Your obseion with the stage carries over into your everyday life.But how are we going to get through the days and make it in the real world among ordinary people?


霸王别姬──这是一个太复杂的故事 力拔山兮气盖世,时不利兮骓不逝 《 霸 王 别 姬 》讲 的 是 楚 汉 相 争 的 故 事 。楚 霸 王 ,何 许 人 也 ? 那 是 天下无敌的盖世英雄, 扫......










