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Geography 1.location and size for a long time there were forty-eight states, then in 1959 Alaska and Hawaii became the forty-ninth and fiftieth states.Of all the states Alaska is the largest in area and Rhode Island the smallest.2.Topography-----The Face of the Land

mountains California on the Pacific coast, you have to cro two mountain ranges----the Appalachian mountains and the Rocky mountains.Rivers and lakes The Miiippi proper rises in the lake region in North Minesota and flows south to the Gulf of Mexico.南北向 从五大湖区流到墨西哥湾

The Miiippi has been called “ father of waters or “old man river老人河

On the Pacific side there are two great rivers:the Colorado in the south,and the Columbia,which rises in Canada。It flows through mountains,plateaus and deep canyons 5大湖

The most important lakes in the United States are the Great Lakes。Lake Superior Lake Michigan(the only one entirely in

the U.S.)lake Huron,Lake Erie Lake Ontario。They are all located

The Great Lakes are the economic lifeline of the Midwest。五大湖经济生命线 Geographical Regions New England is sometimes called the birthplace of America.Many famous universities and colleges such as Yale,Harvard,the Maachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT)are located here。马瑟柱塞州

New Englanders were originally known as Yankees,which came to stand for all Americans。扬基人 代表美国佬 美国新英格兰人

The nation’s capital city Washington D.C.and New York are located here。

These factors make the Midwest America’s most important agriculture area。It is also a major manufacturing region and the nation’s leading centre of heavy industry。

Chicago,the largest and busiest port on the Great Lakes,is the largest industrial and commercial centre of the area。Chicago is also the cultural capital of the Midwest American West美国西部

Mining is the chief industry in the Rocky Mountains。矿业


Ghost mining towns鬼镇 淘金热

Because of its scenery the tourist industry is well developed here.The Grand Canyon in north-western Arizona is one of nature’s most impreive sights。旅游业发达

The Canyon carved by the Colorado River is科罗拉多河


California加州 Important cities in this region include Los Angeles,the Pacific Coast’s largest and busiest commercial city,San Francisco Chapter 14 Population,Race and Ethnic Groups 1.Introduction Immigration accounts for a major source of population growth。移民带来最多人口 Baby boom婴儿潮immigration日后文化核心

五月花号 最早美国移民 The first immigrants in American history came from England and the Netherlands,some running away from religious and political persecution,3 Population Movement 人口移动性

Mobility is considered to be one of the characteristics of the

American people。Racial and Ethnic Minorities The slave system was formally ended by Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation in 1863.but even after the abolition of slavery,林肯总统


This started the slow proce towards desegregation,反种族隔离制

This led to a strong civil rights movement in the 1960s。民权运动


The Spanish-speaking population of the United States is a large 3.Asian-Americans 亚裔美国人

Experts say three Asian traditions best explain the succe of Asian-Americans:education,hard work,and family。4 Indians

After the civil war,government reservations,land specially set aside for the Indians政府保留地

大峡谷位置 5 White ethnics Traditionally,the mainstream Americans were called WASPs,that is,White Anglo-Saxon Protestants。Chapter 15 American History 1

The Colonial Period The Pilgrims were an example。清教徒

The Puritans,英国逃到美国

清教徒 请教革命

The Puritans did not allow religious dient(holding different religious belief)清教文化价值观 3.The War of Independence Boston Tea Party波士顿清茶

Thomas Jefferson of Virginia drafted the Declaration of Independence。On July 4,1776,独立日 4.A New Form of Government The Bill of Rights权利法案 宪法前十修正案 7.The Civil War内战

Black slavery 美国内战


With the territorial expansion towards the west,the problem of whether slavery should be allowed to spread into these areas arose again。

These people were called abolitionists。Abraham Lincoln 最受热爱的总统 Emancipation Proclamation解放宣言

8.Rapid Growth of Capitalism after the Civil War Monopoly垄断 Chapter 16

American History 2 Progreivism进步运动

The Muckrakers, a group of reform-minded journalists, 4.The United States in the 1920s Red Scare Communist 共产党

5.The Great Depreion and the New Deal大萧条 1930年 罗斯福新政

In the summer of 1932 a few hundred W.W.I veterans(ex-soldiers)came to Washington D.C.to demand full payment of bonuses promised by Congre in 1924.Franklin D.Roosevelt 小罗斯福

his fireside chats 火炉边谈话

6.World War 2 and the United States The bombing of Pearl Harbour changed the whole situation。The nation was formally in war with the Axis powers,that is,二战 珍珠港 Chapter 17 American history 3 America in Post-W.W.2 Era Later the containment policy became the official policy towards the Soviet Union until 1989.扼制政策

2.The Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan杜门主义

Marshall Plan经济元素

3.The Berlin blockade and the Founding of the NATO Berlin Blockade柏林封锁

The United States decided to start a large airlift 空投 5.McCarthyism Anti-Communism and the Cold War had its reflection on the home front。

Anti-Communist hysteria反共 歇斯底里

6.The Civil Rights Movement in the 1950s黑人运动 7.The Cuban Miile Crisis 古巴

8、The Vietnam War 冷战前20年越战

The policy of containment of Communism led the United States into the war in Vietnam which turned out to be the longest war it fought(1950-1975)Chapter 18 1.The Economic System of the United States The United States has a free-market economy with a dominant private sector。自由市场经济

Government involvement in the economy increased during the Great Depreion(1929-1937)

American agriculture is highly mechanized and the farmers are productive美农业 高度机械化

4.American Industry The Midwest is the nation‘s leading centre of heavy industry。中西部地区重工业 Chapter 19

political institution 1.The U.S.Constitution 美国宪法


The Constitution of the United States is the basic instrument of American government and the supreme law of the land。2.Separation of powers:checks and balances三权分立 4.Bill of Rights 权利法案 立宪时候

Some people wanted to list the people’s rights in the Constitution。

二 The Executive Branch Presidential Powers总统权利 选择 Legislative powers: Executive powers Powers in foreign affairs Judicial powers 3.The executive departments

Cabinet内阁 三

The Legislative Branch 1.A Two-chamber Congre 两议院

Congre composed of two chambers,a Senate and a House of Representatives。参议院 众议院

3.The judicial branch 1)The Supreme Court 最高法院

The Supreme Court is the highest court of the United States and is the only organ which has the power to interpret the Constitution。5)Political Parties Two-party system The Democrats and the Republicans---dominate politics at the federal,state and local levels。主要政策分

(The two major parties are really not very different today.But this does not mean there is no difference between them。On economic iues,the Democrats traditionally favour government intervention while the Republicans stre the role of the market more。On social iues the Democrats support a strong social security system while the Republicans oppose large government social security programs。In spite of these differences,the two parties both believe in individualism,defend capitalism and uphold private ownership of means of production。)Literature Architecture and Music 2.Emerson and Hawthorne Nathaniel Hawthorne(1804-1864)

In The Scarlet Letter霍桑 文字

Mark Twain The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 3.Whitman and Dickinson Walt Whitman(1819-1892)Leaves of Gra草叶集 4.Theodore Dreiser His first novel Sister Carrie嘉莉妹妹 8.Ernest Hemingway(1899-1961)海明威

‘Lost Generation“ of young intellectuals disappointed and bitter after World War I。

who became


感恩节(Thanksgiving Day)感恩节是美国和加拿大共有的节日,原意是为了感谢上天赐予的好收成。在美国,自1941年起,感恩节是在每年11月的第四个星期四,并从这一天起将休假两天。像中......


针对程度较好的学生,每次课之前给学生介绍一些西方的文化或典故,一方面激发学生的兴趣,拓宽视野,另一方面也训练了英语阅读的能力。美国文化介绍:Independence Day• In the Uni......








