A new report from the United States surgeon general finds that smoking tobacco is even deadlier than had been known.The report says smoking causes birth defects-a leading cause of death among babies.It also links smoking to cancer of the liver and colon, diabetes and other diseases.来自美国公共卫生署长(surgeon general)的一份新的报告发现,吸烟比我们已知的更为致命。该报告称,吸烟会导致先天性缺陷,这是婴儿死亡的首要原因。它还将吸烟与肝癌、结肠癌、糖尿病等疾病联系起来。
The first U.S.surgeon general's report on tobacco and health was released in 1964.It was the first scientific report to link smoking with lung cancer and heart disease.Now, 50 years later, Acting Surgeon General Boris Lushniak has released a new report.His report provides more evidence about smoking tobacco and how it can harm health.第一份美国公共卫生署长关于烟草和健康的报告发布于1964年。它是第一份将吸烟与肺癌和心脏病联系起来的科学报告。现在50年过去了,公共卫生代理署长鲍里斯·鲁希尼亚克(Boris Lushniak)发布了一份最新的报告。他的报告提供了关于吸烟及其影响健康的更多证据。
“If we're going to work together to achieve a society free of tobacco-related disease, this must be understood,” said Lushniak.鲁希尼亚克说,“如果我们要共同努力实现一个摆脱烟草相关疾病的社会,这一点必须了解。”
The new report urges increased use of tobacco-control measures.The suggested controls include raising prices of cigarettes, and expanding bans on smoking in enclosed spaces.这份新报告督促强化烟草控制措施的应用。建议的措施包括提高香烟价格,扩大密闭空间吸烟禁令。
The 2014 report calls for research on whether lowing the amount of nicotine in cigarettes could help people stop smoking.It also contains new findings.这份2014年的报告呼吁研究降低香烟中尼古丁的含量是否有助于人们戒烟。报告还包含了一些新发现。
“Today we know that smoking is a cause of diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis and poor response to treatment of arthritis, erectile dysfunction, and increased risk of tuberculosis, disease and death.We're adding colon, rectal and liver cancer to the long list of cancers caused by smoking,” said Lushniak.鲁希尼亚克说,“今天我们知道,吸烟是糖尿病、类风湿关节炎、关节炎治疗效果不佳、勃起功能障碍,以及肺结核、疾病和死亡风险增加的一个原因。我们正把结肠癌、直肠癌和肝癌增加到吸烟引起的一长串癌症名单中。”
Doctor Lushniak also said smoking supprees the body's natural defenses for fighting disease.He said this increases a smoker's likelihood of getting an infectious disease.鲁希尼亚克医生还表示,吸烟会抑制人体对抗疾病的自然免疫力。他说,这会增加吸烟者患上传染性疾病的可能性。
“One of the most disturbing findings is that the disease risks from smoking by women have risen sharply over the last fifty years.Women are now as likely to die from smoking as men, women smokers' risk of lung cancer is now the same as men, and more women die from chronic lung disease than men,” said Lushniak.鲁希尼亚克说,“最让人不安的一项发现是,源自女性吸烟的疾病风险在过去50年大幅上升。女性现在和男性一样可能死于吸烟。女性烟民患肺癌的风险现在和男性一样,而且死于慢性肺部疾病的女性比男性更多。”
The new report finds that those who do not smoke are at a higher risk for stroke if left unprotected from tobacco smoke.The latest research also shows damage to unborn children.Babies are more likely to be born with cleft palate if the mother smokes.The chemicals in tobacco smoke can have lasting effects on brain development in a fetus.这份新的报告发现,非烟民如果不得到保护远离香烟的烟雾,就会面临较高的中风风险。最新的研究还表明会伤害未出世的宝宝。如果母亲吸烟,孩子生下来就更可能患先天性腭裂。香烟烟雾中的化学物质可能会对胎儿的大脑发育产生持久影响。
The surgeon general would like to see more action to keep young people from developing a smoking habit.He supports higher prices on cigarettes, more anti-smoking media campaigns and more help for people who want to quit smoking.美国公共卫生署长希望看到更多行动防止年轻人染上吸烟恶习。他支持更高香烟价格,更多反吸烟媒体宣传,以及更多帮助意图戒烟者。
吸烟与健康摘要:从吸烟对人体的伤害,来论述吸烟与健康的关系,指出吸烟对产生癌、导致心脏病、肺组织等损伤危害人体健康的效应。为人们重新认识吸烟的危害提供理论依据。 关......
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