Smoking And Health(吸烟与健康)(精选9篇)由网友“范小妮范德尚舒普”投稿提供,以下是小编整理过的Smoking And Health(吸烟与健康),欢迎阅读分享。
篇1:Smoking and Health
Today cigarette smoking is a widespread habit all over the world. It was reported recently that smokers make up one quarter of the world population, while in China, 33.9 precent above the age of 15 are smokers. It's a very serious problem because not only the old, the youth, but also middle school students and girls have been engaged in smoking.
Many heavy smokers say they cannot leave off, although they know smoking is harmful to their health and they have tried again and again to stop.
Scientific research shows that smoking is not only harmful to smokers themselves, but also a threat to public health, especially to women and children. The poisonous gas from smoking is one of the major causes of many kinds of diseases. Therefore, many countries have worked out laws forbidding smokers to smoke in public places such as cinemas, hospitals and stations.
It is known to everyone that srnoking is harmful to our health. Research conducted in many countries has indicated that smoking causes lung cancer, heart disease and various respiratory illnesses.
Responding to overwhelming medical evidence of the harnful effects of smoking, many governments have taken actions to reduce tabacco consumption. Some have imposed heavy taxes on tabacco products, others have conducted anti-smoking campaigns.In theatres,cinemas and some public places nonsmoking is often demanded by authorities.
However, none of the governments have even considered prohibiting the sale of tobacco. This is due partly to the political power of the big tobacco companies and partly to the fact that so many people, particularly in influential position in society, are habitual smokers. Tobacco farmers and workers are also strongly opposed to legislation. In fact, smoking is not only a matter of habit but also a matter of profits.
篇3:Smoking Is Harmful(吸烟有害健康)
Smoking Is Harmful(吸烟有害健康)
Smoking Is HarmfulSmoking is not a good habit because it is harmful to people's health. Throughout the world, there are many anti-smoking campaigns here and there. We know every year many people have died from nicotine. Smoking in the public does harm to people around you. Our government has issued“ No smoking” regulations in airplanes, on trains and at cinemas. Let's try our best to help the smokers give up smoking.
篇4:作文素材smoking and health
作文素材smoking and health
We meet smokers everywhere. There are 6.5 billion people in the world, and about 1.2 billion of them are smokers, which make up to 20 percent of the worlds total population.
Smoking is very harmful. First, smoking costs a great deal of money. It wastes 200 billion dollars each year in the world. Second,smoking does harm to the health of smokers and even the people near them. About 3 million people die of diseases caused by smoking every year.
Luckily, more and more people have come to realize the great harm of smoking. To our delight the total amount of world tobacco production has dropped from over 14 billion pounds in to 7 billion pounds in . It is certain that the number of smokers will further decrease gradually.
篇5:吸烟与癌症(Smoking and Cancer)
smoking is harmful to the health of people . it not oilly pollutes air,brings about sufferings of other people such as children and nonsmokers,but also causes diseases of bronchitis,lung cancer,chest cancer and throat catcer.
smoking is associated with cancers.smoke is a mixture of gases,vaporized chemicals,minlute particles of ash,and other solids.there are also tar and nicotine,which are powerful the smoke is breathed in,all these components from deposits the membranes of the point of concentration where air tube,or bronchus divides.most lung cancer begins at this point.
world governments should conduct seriou campaigns against smoking.first,legislative step must be introduced.second,restrictions on cigarette advertisements must be imposed.third,public smoking in certain places such as theatres,cinemas,waiting roms at airports and railway stations should be this way,we may make the smokers feel increasingly uncomfortable about their bad habits.finally,cigarette price should be booste.
篇6:吸烟有害 Smoking Is Harmful
Smoking Is Harmful
It is said that about half of people in China smoke. Many young boys and girls have the habit of smoking, though they are middle school students
As we all know, smoking does great harm to human beings. More and more people have come to realize how serious this problem is. But they are never bored with it. Some people think it is a kind of fashion, some think it is of great fun and others think that smoking can refresh themselves.
Smoking causes many illnesses. A lot of people always cough because of smoking. The most serious illness caused by smoking is lung cancer. Meanwhile smoking is a waste of money. Besides, careless smokers may cause dangerous fires.
In order to keep healthy, we should get rid of the bad habit of smoking. Please stop smoking at once.
篇7:Smoking Is Harmful(吸烟有害)
At the class meeting our teacher read us a report in the newspaper. A certain student in a middle school smoked and he wouldn't get rid of the bad habit though his teacherand friends warned him not to smoke any more. He even stole money to get cigarettes and was pat into prison in the end. This really gave usa shock. As we all
smoking is very harmful to our health. It does great harm not only to our health, but also to our mind, especially for us teenagers. Now more and more people all over the world have given up smoking or have made up their minds to do so, I think we middle school students are the future builders of our country. We should study hard and make progress every day. We should form good habits so that we can spend our time learning things useful and valuable for our motherland and people, I think today's class meeting is very meaningful to my classmates who have a bad habit of smoking. (160 words)
篇8:Smoking and Cancer-吸烟和癌症
Smoking and Cancer-吸烟和癌症
Smoking and Cancer1.吸烟对健康有害。
Smoking is harmful to the health of people . It not oilly pollutes air,brings about sufferings of other people such as children and nonsmokers,but also causes diseases of
bronchitis,lung cancer,chest cancer and throat catcer.
Smoking is associated with cancers.Smoke is a mixture of gases,vaporized chemicals,minlute particles of ash,and other solids.There are also tar and nicotine,which are
powerful poisons.As the smoke is breathed in,all these components from deposits the
membranes of the lungs.One point Of concentration where air tube,or bronchus divides.Most lung Cancer begins at this point.
World governments should conduct Seriou campaigns against smoking.First,legislative step must be introduced.Second,restrictions on cigarette advertisements must be imposed.Third,public smoking in certain places such as theatres,cinemas,waiting roms at airports and railway stations should be banned.In this way,we may make the smokers feel increasingly uncomfortable about their bad habits.finally,cigarette price should be booste
篇9:吸烟有害 Smoking Is Harmful
It is said that about half of people in China smoke. Many young boys and girls have the habit of smoking, though they are middle school students
As we all know, smoking does great harm to human beings. More and more people have come to realize how serious this problem is. But they are never bored with it. Some people think it is a kind of fashion, some think it is of great fun and others think that smoking can refresh themselves.
Smoking causes many illnesses. A lot of people always cough because of smoking. The most serious illness caused by smoking is lung cancer. Meanwhile smoking is a waste of money. Besides, careless smokers may cause dangerous fires.
In order to keep healthy, we should get rid of the bad habit of smoking. Please stop smoking at once.
吸烟与健康摘要:从吸烟对人体的伤害,来论述吸烟与健康的关系,指出吸烟对产生癌、导致心脏病、肺组织等损伤危害人体健康的效应。为人们重新认识吸烟的危害提供理论依据。 关......
经济与管理学院市场营销09—2班540906050202程龙《吸烟与健康》之我见[摘要] 5月31日是“世界无烟日(World No-Tobacco Day),”自20世纪50年代以来,全球范围内已有大量流行病学......
吸烟与健康论文 烟是许多疾病的致病因素,吸烟能导致很多慢性疾病,甚至危及生命,所以它是人类健康的一个大敌。 烟的组成成分及对人体的危害: 烟草中含有1200多种化合物,绝大多数......