aeroplane ['eərəpleɪn]chair [tʃeə]square [skweə]pair [peə]mare [meə]repair [rɪ'peə]
air [eə]airbus ['eəbʌs]aircraft ['eəkrɑ:ft]airle['eəlɪs]airport['eəpɔ:t]airy ['eərɪ]area['eərɪə]bear [beə]care [keə]careful['keəfʊl]chairman['tʃeəmən]hair [heə]fairly ['feəlɪ]fare [feə]parent ['peərənt]prepare [prɪ'peə]rare [reə]haircut ['heəkʌt]rarene['rɛənis]share [ʃeə]various ['veərɪəs]vary['veərɪ]wear [weə]where [weə]a pair of hares
at various ['veərɪəs] times
dare [deə] to declare [dɪ'kleə]
find a chair
have a haircut
rare [reə] air
scare [skeə] him away
share [ʃeə] the pears [peəs]
I can’t bear [beə] the dirty air.Their parents are very careful.Where there is a will [wɪl], there is a way [weɪ].[ʊə]
jewel ['dʒu:əl]tourist ['tʊərɪst]fury ['fjʊərɪ]cure [kjʊə]moor [mʊə]Europe ['jʊrəp] actually['æktʃʊəlɪ] allure[ə’lʊə]continually[kən'tɪnjʊəlɪ] cure[kjʊə] curious['kjʊərɪəs]duel['dju:əl]during ['djʊərɪŋ]February ['febrʊərɪ]fewer ['fjuə]fuel [fjʊəl]influence ['ɪnflʊəns]insure[ɪn'ʃʊə] intellectual[ɪntə'lektjʊəl]January['dʒænjʊərɪ]lure [lʊə]manual ['mænjʊəl]moor [mʊə]poor [pʊə]pure [pjʊə]rural ['rʊərəl]
spiritual ['spɪrɪtjʊəl]sure [ʃʊə]tour [tʊə]valuable ['væljʊbəl]
A poor lady
Cure the wounds [wu:nds]
Fuel [fjʊəl] the car
Go on a tour
In rural ['rʊərəl] areas['eərɪəz]
Insurance [ɪn'ʃʊərəns]company
Tour brochure [brɒ'ʃʊə]
I want to have a tour of Europe ['jʊrəp].One thing is sure that this is a pure gold [gəʊld].The doctor is sure to cure the poor boy.[p]
park[pɑ:k]pen[pen]soup[su:p]tape [teɪp]computer [kəm'pju:tə]rope [rəʊp] apple ['æpl]chapter ['tʃæptə]cheap[tʃi:p]example [ɪg'zɑ:mpl]happen ['hæpən]hope [həʊp]map [mæp]open['əʊpən]page[peɪdʒ]paper['peɪpə]pay [peɪ]peak [pi:k]
person ['pɜ:sən]play [pleɪ]pole [pəʊl]post [pəʊst]price [praɪs]pretty ['prɪtɪ]proud [praʊd]pure [pjʊə]slip [slɪp]step [step]stop [stɒp]wipe [waɪp]a bit of pity
a piece of paper
a pretty present['prezənt]
a very expensive[ɪk'spensɪv]purse
help the poor
paint [peɪnt]the picture
pay the bill
play one’s part
Peter bought me a purse as a present.Peter is playing the piano [pɪ'ænəʊ].Put the paper on the desk.[b]
bag [bæg]box [bɒks]bike [baɪk]about [ə'baʊt]above [ə'bʌv]absent['æbsənt] back[bæk]bad[bæd]basis['beɪsɪs]best [best]big [bɪg]bit [bɪt]black[blæk]block [blɒk]bo [bɒs]busy ['bɪzɪ]buy [baɪ]cabin ['kæbɪn]club [klʌb]crab [kræb]globe[gləʊb]grab[græb]habit ['hæbɪt]lab[læb]lobby ['lɒbɪ]mobile ['məʊbaɪl]robber ['rɒbə]as blind [blaɪnd] as a bat [bæt]
bag and baggage['bægɪdʒ]
baked['beɪkt]beef [bi:f]
Beauty['bju:tɪ] and Beast [bi:st]
behind one’s back
black and blue
bread and butter
I beg your pardon.Behind bad luck comes good luck.Bob is absent['æbsənt] because of backache['bækeɪk].bread [bred]cab [kæb]web [web]
Let bygones ['baigɔnz] be bygones.
/ ә /listen ['lɪsən]sugar ['ʃʊgə]ocean ['əʊʃən]doctor ['dɒktə]worker ['wɜ:kə]water ['wɔ:tə] above [ə'bʌv]again [ə'geɪn]alcohol ['æ......
英语国际音标表(48个)元音(20个)辅音(28个)26个字母音标发音总括A a [ei]B b [bi:]C c [si:]D d [di:]E e [i:]F f [ef]G g [d3i:]H h [eit∫]I i [ai]J j [d3ei]K k [kei]L l [el......
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