在上述工作的基础上,采用制图软件AutoCAD 2004绘制了建筑施工图和结构施工图。
Design of the teaching building in Northwestern Polytechnical University Student Name : Ceng Fanliang cla of 0801: Civil Teacher: Ma Binqi, Ding Yijie, Abstract: the teaching building has 6 floors,43.6 meters tall, the building area of about 6687.7m2, building a total height of 21.60 meters, with reinforced concrete frame structure, seismic grade two, seismic fortification intensity is 8 degrees, the design consists of architectural design and structural design of two parts.Part of the architectural design, according to the construction of the first use of function determine the initial layout of the building, including the building shape and layout of the indoor space, and then use a combination of materials, practice further determine the specific size peace, elevation style.Structure design part, firstly according to the architectural design, proce, materials supply and requirements for the use of the site geological conditions determine the layout of the structure, and then selects a pin typical framework design.In the explicit calculation diagram under the premise, further determining the frame under load, including dead load, live load house(floor)surface, on the basis of calculation of internal forces of frame(the D value method to calculate the wind load, the moment two methods of distribution to calculate vertical load under the action of internal force, internal force)combination, beam, column and foundation member reinforcement calculation and wind load under the lateral displacement calculation.On the basis of the above work, using graphics software AutoCAD 2004drawing construction plans and construction plans.Keywords: reinforced concrete frame structure;teaching building;architectural design;structure design.
摘 要本设计主要进行了结构方案中横向框架的结构设计。在确定框架布局之后,先进行了层间荷载代表值的计算,接着利用经验公式求出自震周期,进而按底部剪力法计算水平地震荷载作......
摘要 本设计是安徽省江淮地区某中学一幢教学楼,建筑面积为6331.5m²,共五层,建筑高度为19.4m,整体是钢筋混凝土框架结构。包括建筑设计,结构设计两部分内容。建筑设计是在总体规......
General Design Specification1.Survey of the buiding This building is an office building named Xing Cheng, which is to be located in the urban area in the city o......
结 论通过为期两个月的毕业设计,总的体会可以用一句话来表达,纸上得来终觉浅,绝知此事要躬行!。以往的课程设计都是单独的构件或建筑物的某一部分的设计,而毕业设计则不一样,它需......