摘 要世纪是管理科学的世纪。随着知识经济的发展以及经济全球化、信息化 和知识化的迅速提高,知识的作用越来越大,从而决定了对管理科学的需求也越 来越大在。随着科学技术的进步和生产力的发展,顾客消费水平不断提高及消费 需 求 的 日益 多 样化,企 业 通 过实 施 先进 的企 业 资 源计 划 系统(Enterprise Resource Planning,ERP)加速数据的采集、处理与传递速度,能迅速提高工作效 率,节约劳动成本。国内企业实施 ERP 项目的重重困难。但仔细推敲却不难发现,在 ERP 项目实施过程中,信息流、物流、资金流的运转,无一不需要上下层与各 部门密切而高效的沟通配合。沟通是管理的基础,从一定意义上讲,管理过程就 是沟通过程。对于 ERP 项目这种大型项目,更需上下一心团结奋进,共同努力。每一个环节都要精诚合作,不可有一丝马虎。那么员工之间除了应有的默契外,更应通过彼此的沟通,优质的完成任务,能够有事半功倍的效果,ERP 项目才能 顺利完成。关键词 关键词:企业资源计划,ERP 项目,管理沟通,组织沟通
The 21st century is the century of management science.With the development of knowledge economy and economic globalization, information and knowledge rapidly, increasing the role of knowledge, to determine the needs of management science is also growing in.With the scientific and technological progre and the development of productivity, customer consumption levels rising and the increasing diversity of consumer demand, companies through the implementation of advanced enterprise resource planning systems(Enterprise Resource Planning, ERP)to accelerate data collection, proceing and transmiion speed, can rapidly improve efficiency, saving labor costs.Domestic enterprises to implement ERP project difficulties.But a closer scrutiny is easy to find, in the ERP project implementation proce, information flow, logistics, capital flow of the operation, without exception, on the lower deck and all departments need to close and effective communication and coordination.Communication is the basis of management, from a certain sense;the management proce is the communication proce.The ERP project these large-scale projects, more needs of one mind forge ahead in unity and work together.Must cooperate with every aspect, not a hint of slack.So in addition to proper understanding between employees, but also, through mutual communication, high-quality job done, to have a multiplier effect, ERP project can be succefully accomplished.Keyword: Enterprise Resource Planning,ERP project,management communication,organizational communication
河南科技大学毕业设计(论文)轴载与胎压对轮胎接地行为影响研究摘 要轮胎是汽车唯一的接地部件,其主要功能是支承负载,向地面传递制动力、驱动力和转向力,以及缓冲减振。随着国民......