Substation is an important part of the power system, power transmiion is an important part, it's safe to run or not directly affect the safe operation of the entire power system, substations and distribution of electric energy conversion plays role in power delivery in.With the rapid development of China's economy, the electricity requirements are increasing, how to reduce the lo of power transmiion, how to get a higher power quality and become the primary factor considered in the factory, in order to meet this requirement, and now increasingly more and more companies and factories have adopted 10KV line, so 35KV/10KVstep-down substation design configurations role in conveying the power increasingly evident month.The step-down substation 10KV side of the electrical part of the design is based on the current design specifications of the substation electrical system performed;selection Select the main transformer, main wiring options, short-circuit current calculation, electrical equipment, the wiring of points, configuration and substation lightning protection devices planning is the main content of this design.Keywords: Buck 35KV substation;short-circuit current;main transformer;mine
摘 要21 世纪是管理科学的世纪。随着知识经济的发展以及经济全球化、信息化 和知识化的迅速提高,知识的作用越来越大,从而决定了对管理科学的需求也越 来越大在。随着科学技术......
X6台阶定位盘数控加工工艺设计摘 要数控加工是机械行业一门新的专业,数控技术是数字程序控制数控机械实现自动工作的技术。它广泛用于机械制造和自动化领域,较好地解决多品种......
河南科技大学毕业设计(论文)轴载与胎压对轮胎接地行为影响研究摘 要轮胎是汽车唯一的接地部件,其主要功能是支承负载,向地面传递制动力、驱动力和转向力,以及缓冲减振。随着国民......