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Chapter1 Marketing Management [营销管理]

1、Marketing Management Philosophies [营销管理基本原理]

2、Five alternative concepts:

the production concept[生产观念] It holds the philosophy that consumers will favor those products that are widely available and low in cost.the product concept[产品观念] consumers will favor products that offer the most quality, performance, and innovative features.the selling concept[销售观念] Many organizations follow the selling concept, which holds that consumers will not buy enough of the organization's products unle it undertakes a large-scale selling and promotion effort.the marketing concept [市场观念]

the societal marketing concept[社会营销观念]

3、Four Pillars for Marketing Concept: target market[目标市场],customer needs[消费者需求],integrated marketing[整合市场营销],profitability[利益].4、Describe the differences between the selling concept and the marketing concept.5、Three steps to targeting: market segmentation, target choice, product positioning.6、Relationship Marketing[关系营销];Collaborative Marketing[协作营销]

Chapter2 Consumer Behavior[消费者行为]

1、Stages in the Buyer Decision Proce[购买决策的步骤]

(1)problem recognition[问题确认]

(2)information search[信息收集]

(3)evaluation of alternative[备选方案评价]

(4)purchase decision[购买决策]

(5)post purchase behaviors[购后行为]

2、Types of Consumer Buying Decisions and Consumer Involvement:

routine response behavior, limited decision making, extensive decision making.3、The level of involvement in the purchase depends on five factors: previous experience; interest;perceived risk;financial risk;social risk;psychological risk;situation;social visibility4、Factors influencing consumer behavior[影响消费者行为因素]

1)Underlying cultural, social, individual, and psychological factors strongly influence the decision proce.2)Cultural factors:culture and values, subculture, and social cla.3)Social factors :reference groups, opinion leaders, word of mouse and family members.4)personal characteristics:gender;age and life-cycle stage;and personality, self-concept, and lifestyle.5)Psychological factors :perception, motivation, learning, beliefs, and attitudes.5、Maslow’s needs hierarchy:Hierarchies of Needs[需求层次]:(1)physiological needs[生理需要](2)safety needs[安全需要](3)social needs[社会需要](4)personal needs [个性需要](5)self-actualization needs[自我实现需要]

6、Marketing mix consist of the four Ps: product, price, place, and promotion.7、The buyer decision proce for new products(Stages in the Adoption Proce):(1)Awarene.(2)Interest(3)Evaluation(4)Trial(5)Adoption

Chapter3Integrated Marketing Communications 整合营销传播

1、A company’s total marketing communications mix—also called its promotion mix—consists of the specific blend of five different parts.(1)Direct marketing[直接营销]

(2)Sales Promotion[销售促进]is a marketing communication technique where additional incentives beyond the inherent qualities or benefits of the product or service are offered to the target audience, sales force, or distributors.(3)Personal selling[人员销售]is exactly what it says--a form of person to person marketing communication in which the seller attempts to persuade the consumer to buy the company's product or service.(4)Advertising 广告Advertising is traditionally defined as any paid form of non-personal communication about a product, a service, or a company with the intention to sell the product or service or to influence opinions on and attitudes towards the product, service, or company.(5)Public Relations 公共关系

2、what is Integrated Marketing Communications3、The tools of Public Relations:(1)pre releases[新闻稿];(2)lobbying[游说];(3)education and training[教育和培训] ;(4)exhibitions and shows[展览和展示];(5)in-house journals [活动与实践]

Chapter4 Contemporary Advertising 当代广告


(1)pioneering advertising开创式广告,产品初期阶段采用

(2)Competitive advertising竞争性广告,随产品生命周期往前发展

(3)Reminder advertising提醒广告

2、Marketing management must make four important decisions when developing an advertising program: setting advertising objectives, setting advertising budgets, developing advertising strategy, and evaluating advertising campaigns.3、the three primary purposes of advertising objectives:which can be claified by primary purpose: whether the aim is to inform, persuade, or remind.4、Advertising media广告媒体:television, newspaper, radio, magazine, yellow pages, outdoor, direct mail, Internet.Chapter5 Sales force Management 销售队伍管理

1、The tasks of sales management销售管理的任务

(1)Define sales goals and the sales proce

(2)Determine the sales force structure

(3)Recruit and train the sales force

(4)Compensate and motivate the sales force, ,(5)Evaluate the sales force.2、Steps in the Selling Proce

(1)Generating leads

(2)Qualifying leads

(3)Approaching the customer and probing needs

(4)Developing and proposing solutions

(5)Handling objections

(6)Closing the sale

(7)Following up

Chapter6 Brand Management 品牌管理

1、Brand is a “name, term, sign, symbol or design, or a combination of them”

2、Kotler define five levels to a product.产品的五个层次.(1)the core benefit level is the fundamental need or want that consumer satisfies by consuming the product or service.核心利益

(2)The generic product level基础产品

(3)The expected product level期望产品

(4)The augmented product level附加产品

(5)The potential product level潜在产品

3、Market penetration strategy市场渗透;Market development strategy市场开发;

Product development strategy产品开发;Diversification strategy多元化

4、Customer-based Brand Equity.基于顾客的品牌资产.5、A brand extension is when a firm uses an established brand name to introduce a new product.品牌延伸

Line extension means that the parent brand is used to brand a new product that targets a new market segment within a product category currently served by the parent brand.Category extension: The parent brand is used to enter a different product category from that currently served by the parent brand.6、Sub-brand 副品牌 parent brand母品牌.Horizontal Extensions 水平延伸 Vertical Extensions垂直延伸

7、the advantages of brand extension.8、the disadvantages of brand extension:Can confuse or frustrate consumers;Can encounter retailer resistance; Can fail and hurt parent brand image; Can succeed but cannibalize sales of parent brand; Can succeed but diminish identification with any one category; Can succeed but hurt the image of parent brand; Can dilute brand meaning ; Can cause the company to forgo the chance to develop a new brand.


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