194页:了解什么归入类别嵌入计算,它足以说明什么不是嵌入式设备的要求。嵌入的设备的寿命非常不同于通用机器的3 年的逐渐过时循环。有些设备是几乎一次性的:平均日本celluar电话在少于一年被替换。在oppsite极端,基础建设的设备例如电话交换机在30年的日程表贬值。这些寿命差异产生具体的影响,可升级性和向后兼容性。少量嵌入设备有升级要求。例如,积极汽车热衷者更改自己的车里的芯片,但是这些通常是只读光盘,不是处理器。大多数消费者项将被替换,不会升级。
Backward compatibility is seldom an embedded requirement,as software does not migrate from one device to another.An interesting exception is game consoles:to maintain compatibility,later console chips must be capable of being exactly as fast as the early versions despite changes in underlying proce technology.In consoles,backward compatible is often implemented by putting a complete copy of the previous-generation console in one small corner of the next-generation die.Bacause many embedded designs need not be backward compatible with previous implementations,designers are free to switch designs with each product generation.Consequently,there is le emphasis on the distinction between architecture and implementation.If a new version of a chip is slightly incompatible but much better than its predeceors,designers may still be willing to use it.因为软件并不从一个设备迁移到另一个,向后兼容性很少是嵌入式的要求,一个有趣的例外是游戏控制台:要维护兼容性,尽管最新控制台芯片在基础工艺技术上有所改变,但是它一定是可胜任的是象早版本一样快速地确切。往往通过将上一代控制台的完整副本放在一个小角落里的下一代模向后兼容。因为许多嵌入式的设计需要,不能与以前实现向后的兼容,设计师可以自由切换的每一代产品的设计。因此,有少强调体系结构与实施之间的区别。如果稍有不兼容,但比其前任的芯片的新版本,设计师仍可能愿意使用它。
电气专业英语词汇电磁感应定律(electromagnetic inductive law) 变压器的分类(claification of transformer) 短路实验(short circuit test)标么值的定义(definition of pre-unit......
土木工程翻译实例----现场质量控制样件概述 On-site Quality Control SamplesThe Specialist contractor shall erect the first area of each type of the Works and offer......
1.It is conventional ..B positive 2.Electric..D amperes3.The energy..C voltage4.The plus..A voltage polarity5.According..B absorbed1.The switching..C the off2.T......