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焊接机器人welding robot 点焊机器人spot welding robot 弧焊机器人arc welding robot 切割机器人cutting robot 焊接机器人生产线robot line for welding 焊接机器人工作站welding robot station 机器人运动自由degree of free for robot 机器人工作空间robot working space 波峰钎焊flow soldering/ wave soldering 分级钎焊step brazing/ step soldering 不等间隙钎焊brazing with the unparalleled clearance 红外线钎焊infra-red brazing(soldering)光束钎焊light soldering(brazing)激光钎焊laser brazing(soldering)电子束钎焊electron beam brazing 钎接焊braze-welding 钎料brazing filler metal/ solder 硬钎料brazing filler metal 软钎料solder(m)自钎剂钎料self-fluxing brazing alloy/ self-fluxing filler metal 活性钎料active filler metal/ active metal brazing alloy 成形钎料preformed filler metal/ solder preform 非晶态钎料amorphous filler metal 粉状钎料powdered filler metal 钎料膏braze cream/ braze paste/ solder cream/ solder paste 药皮钎料 flux coated brazing(soldering)rod 层状钎料 sandwich filler metal 药芯钎料丝 flux-cored colder wire 敷钎料板 clad brazing sheet 钎剂 brazing flux;soldering flux 气体钎剂 gas flux 反应钎剂 reaction flux 松香钎剂 colophony flux;rosin flux 钎剂膏 flux paste 阻流剂 stopping-off agent 钎剂活性 flux activity 钎剂活性温度范围 activation temperature range of flux 钎剂热稳定性thermal stability of flux 钎焊过程 brazing(soldering)proce 钎焊操作 brazing(soldering)operation 工艺镀层 technological coating 钎焊面 faying face 钎缝间缝 joint gap;joint clearance 钎焊参数 brazing proce variables 钎焊温度 brazing temperature 钎焊时间 brazing time 钎焊保温时间 holding time of brazing 钎缝 brazing seam;soldering seam 钎缝界面区 interfacial region 钎缝金属 brace metal 钎角 fillet 钎焊接头 braced joint;soldered joint 平面搭接头 joggled lap joint;flush lap joint 搭接对接接头 butt and lap joint 搭接T形接头 lapped T-joint;flanged T-joint 锁缝接头 folded joint 平面锁缝接头 lick side seam joint;flat lock seam joint 锁缝角接接头 lock corner joint;corner double seam 嵌入T形接头 inset T joint T形管接头 branch T saddle joint 套管接头 socket joint 外喇叭口套管接头 flare tube fitting 扩口套管接头 spigot joint 钎焊性 brazability;solderability 润湿性 wettability 润湿角 wetting angle;contact angle 铺展性 spreadability 铺展系数 spread factor;coefficient of spreading 钎着率 brazed rate 脱钎 de-brazing;de-soldering 润湿称量试验 wetting balance test 铺展性试验 spreadability test 填缝性试验 clearance fillability test 未钎透 incomplete penetration 虚钎 cold soldered joint 钎料熔析 liquation of filler metal 溶蚀 erosion 钎料流失 brazing filler metal erosion 钎剂夹杂 flux inclusion 晶间渗入 intergranular penetration 波峰钎焊机 wave soldering machine 冷壁真空钎焊炉 cold wall type vacuum brazing 热壁真空钎焊炉 hot wall type vacuum brazing furnace 钎焊盒 brazing retort 钎剂涂敷器 fluxer 钎炬 brazing(soldering)blowpipe 喷灯 brazing lamp 烙铁 solder iron 热喷涂 thermal spraying 火焰喷涂 flame spraying 电弧喷涂 electric arc spraying 等离子喷涂 plasma spraying 高频感应喷涂 high frequency spraying 气体爆燃式喷涂 detonation flame spraying 金属喷涂 metal spraying;metallizing 塑料喷涂 plastic spraying 陶瓷喷涂 ceramic spraying 喷熔 spray-fusing 表面粗糙化处理 surface roughening 电火花拉毛 electrospark roughening 抛锚效应 anchoring 喷涂层 spray-fused coating 喷熔层 spray-fused coating 结合层 bond coating;under coating 工作层 work coating 结合强度 adhesive strength 涂层强度 strength of coating 封孔处理 sealing 封孔剂 sealant 喷涂率 spray rate 沉积效率 deposition efficiency 孔隙率 porosity 喷涂材料 spraying material 自熔剂合金粉末 self-fluxing alloy powder 喷炬(枪)spray torch;热切割 thermal cutting(TC)气割 gas cutting;oxygen cutting 氧溶剂切割 powder cutting 氧-石英砂切割 quartz powder cutting 电弧切割 arc cutting 氧气电弧切割 oxy-arc cutting 空气电弧切割 air arc cutting 等离子弧切割 plasma arc cutting(PAC)空气等离子弧切割 air plasma

arc cutting 氧等离子切割 oxygen plasma arc cutting 水再压缩空气等离子弧切割 air plasma water injection arc cutting 双层气流等离子弧切割 dual gas plasma arc cutting;shielded gas plasma arc cutting 激光切割 laser cutting(LC);laser beam cutting 电子束切割 electron beam cutting 喷气激光切割 gas jet laser cutting 碳弧切割 carbon arc cutting 水下切割 underwater cutting 喷水式水下电弧切割 waterjet method underwater arc cutting 氧矛切割 oxygen lancing;oxygen lance cutting 溶剂氧切割 powder lancing 手工气割 manual oxygen cutting 自动气割 automatic oxygen cutting 仿形切割 shape cutting 数控切割 NC(numerical-control)cutting 快速切割 high-speed cutting 垂直切割 square cut 叠板切割 stack cutting 坡口切割 beveling;bevel cutting 碳弧气割 carbon arc air gouging 火焰气刨 flame gouging 火焰表面清理 scarfing 氧熔剂表面修整powder washing 预热火焰preheat flame 预热氧preheat oxygen 切割氧cutting oxygen/ cutting stream 切割速度cutting speed 切割线lone of cut/ cut line 切割面face of cut/ cut face 切口kerf 切口上缘cutting shoulder 切口宽度kerf width 后拖量drag 切割面平面度evenne of cutting surface/ planene of cutting surface 割纹深度depth of cutting veins/ stria depth 切割面质量quality of cut face 上缘熔化度shoulder meltability/ melting degree of shoulder 切口角kerf angle 缺口notch 挂渣adhering slag 结瘤dro 割炬cutting torch/ cutting blowpipe/ oxygen-fuel gas cutting torch 割枪cutting gun 割嘴cutting nozzle/ cutting tip 快速割嘴divergent nozzle/ high-speed nozzle 表面割炬gouging blowpipe 水下割炬under-water cutting blowpipe 水下割条electrode for under-water cutting 粉剂罐powder dispenser 数控切割机NC cutting machine 门式切割机flame planer 光电跟踪切割机photo-electric tracing cutting 火焰切管机pipe flame cutting machine 磁轮式气割机gas cutting machine with magnetic wheels 焊接结构welded structure/ welded construction 焊件weldment 焊接部件weld aembly 组装件built-up member 接头设计joint design 焊接应力welding stre 焊接瞬时应力transient welding stre 焊接残余应力welding residual stre 热应力thermal stre 收缩应力contraction stre 局部应力local stre 拘束应力constraint stre 固有应力inherent stre 固有应变区inherent strain zone 残余应力测定residual stre analysis 逐层切割法Sach’s method X射线衍射法X-ray stre analysis 小孔释放法Mathar method 固有应变法inherent strain method 消除应力stre relieving 局部消除应力local stre relieving 应力重分布stre redistribution 退火消除应力stre relieving by annealing 温差拉伸消除应力low temperature stre relieving 机械拉伸消除应力mechanical stre relieving 应力松弛stre relaxation 焊接变形welding deformation 焊接残余变形welding residual deformation 局部变形local deformation 角变形angular distortion 自由变形free deformation 收缩变形contraction deformation 错边变形mismatching deformation 挠曲变形deflection deformation 波浪变形wave-like deformation 火焰矫正flame straightening 反变形backward deformation 焊接力学welding mechanics 断裂力学fracture mechanics 弹塑性断裂变形elasto-plastic fracture mechanics 线弹性断裂力学linear elastic fracture mechanics 延性断裂ductile fracture 脆性断裂brittle fracture 应力腐蚀开裂stre corrosion cracking 热应变脆化hot straining embrittlement 临界裂纹尺寸critical crack size 裂纹扩展速率crack propagation rate 裂纹张开位移(COD)crack opening displacement 拘束度restraint intensity 拘束系数restraint coefficient 应变速率strain rate 断裂韧度fracture toughne 应力强度因子stre intensity factor 临界应力强度因子critical stre intensity factors 应力腐蚀临界应力强度因子critical stre intensity factor of stre corrosion cracking J积分J-integration 罗伯逊止裂试验Robertson crack arrest test ESSO试验ESSO test 双重拉伸试验doucle tension test 韦尔斯宽板拉伸试验Well’s wide plate test 帕瑞斯公式Paris formula 断裂分析图fracture analysis diagram 焊接车间welding shop 焊接工作间welding booth 焊接工位welding post/ welding station 焊接环境welding surrou

ndings 焊工welder 电焊工manual arc welder 气焊工gas welder 焊接检验员weld inspector 焊工培训welders training 焊工模拟训练器trainer of synthetic weld 焊工考试welder qualification test 焊工合格证welder qualification/ welder qualified certification 钢板预处理steel plate pretreatment 喷沙sand blast 喷丸shot blast 矫正straighten 开坡口bevelling(of the edge)/ chanfering 装配aembly/ fitting 安装erect 刚性固定rigid fixing 装配焊接顺序sequence of fitting and welding 焊接工艺评定welding procedure qualification 焊接工艺规程welding procedure specification 焊接工艺试验welding procedure test 焊接工艺卡welding procedure card 工序operational sequence 焊接材料消耗定额welding consumables quota 焊接工时定额welder-hour quota 清渣slag removal 清根back gouging/ back chipping 锤击peening 返修次数number of rewelding 焊接工作台welding bench 装焊平台welding platen 电磁平台electromagnetic platen 焊接翻转机welding tilter 焊接回转台floor turnable positioner 焊接变位机positioner 焊接滚轮架turning rolls 焊接操作机manpulator 焊工升降台welder’s lifting platform 焊接夹具welding jig/ fixture 磁力夹紧器magnetic jig 螺旋推撑器screw operated tensioning unit 焊丝盘绕机welding wire coiler 焊条压涂机welding electrode extrusion pre 红外线加热器infra-red heater 干燥箱dryer 焊条保温筒thermostat for electrode 流量计flow meter CO2预热器CO2 heater CO2干燥器CO2 desiccator 焊接电缆welding cable 电缆夹头welding connector 地线earth lead 地线夹头earth clamp 焊接参数记录仪welding parameter recorder 焊缝检测规weld gauge 喷嘴通针tip cleaner 测温笔tempil stick 敲渣锤chipping hammer 焊接衬垫backing/ welding backing 保留垫板fusible backing/ permanent backing 临时垫板temporary backing 焊剂垫flux backing 惰性气体衬垫inert-gas backing 引弧板run-on tab/ end tab/ starting weld tab 引出板run-off tab/ end tab 定位板strong-back 加强勒stiffener 嵌条insert 套环ferrule 面罩helmet 滤光镜片filter gla/ welding gla 防护镜片cover gla/ plain gla 气焊眼镜welding goggles 轨迹重复精度path repeatability 点位重复精度PTP repeatability 焊接专家系统welding expert system 焊接机器人示数welding robot play back 焊接图象识别pattern recognition for welding 焊接图象处理welding image proceing 计算机辅助焊接工艺设计computer-aided welding proce programming(CAWPP)计算机辅助焊接结构设计computer-aided design for welding structure 焊接烟尘weld fume 焊接发尘量total amount of fumes 焊接烟尘浓度weld fume concentration 焊接烟尘容限浓度threshold limit values of weld fume(TLV)焊接发尘速率weld fume emiion rate 焊接有害气体welding toxic gases/ weld harmful gases 标定卫生空气需要量nominal hygienic air requirement 焊工尘肺pheumocomsis of welder 焊工锰中毒chronic occupational manganese poisoning of welder 焊工氟中毒fluorosis of welder 焊工金属烟热metal fume fever of welder 电光性眼炎eye-flash(arc eye)电光性皮炎electro-photo dermatitis 电弧紫外线灼伤ultraviolet ray burn 防电击装置voltage reducing device 除尘装置dust collection device 焊工手套welding gloves 护脚welding spats 防护鞋shielding shoes 焊接欠缺welding imperfection 焊接缺陷weld defect 气孔blowhole/ gas pore 针尖状气孔pinhole 密集气孔porosity 条虫状气孔wormhole 裂纹crack 表面裂纹surface crack 咬边undercut 焊瘤overlap 凹坑pit 烧穿burn through 塌陷exceive penetration 未焊透incomplete penetration/ lack of penetration 未熔合lack of fusion/ incomplete fusion 未焊满incompletely filled weld 根部凹陷root concavity 电弧擦伤arc scratch 夹渣slag inclusion 夹杂物inclusion 夹钨tungsten inclusion 白点fish eye/ flake 错边misalignment/ dislocation 试件test piece 试样test specimen 无损检验nondestructive test 破坏检验destructive test 外观检查visual examination 超声波探伤ultrasonic inspection 直射法超声波探伤straight beam method 斜射法超声波探伤angle beam method 液浸法超声波探伤immersion method 射线探伤radiographic inspection/ radiography X射线探伤X-ray radiographic inspection γ射线探伤gamma-ray inspection X射线工业电视探伤

X-ray industrial television inspection 磁粉探伤magnetic particle inspection 电磁探伤electromagnetic inspection/ eddy current test 探伤灵敏度flaw detection sensitivity 渗透探伤penetration inspection 荧光探伤flurescent penetrant inspection 着色探伤dye penetrant inspection 密封性检验leak test 气密性检验air tight test 枕形气密检验pillow test 耐压检验preure test 水压检验hydraulic test 气压检验pneumatic test 液晶检验liquid crystal test 声发射检测acoustic emiion testing 面弯试验face bend testing 背弯试验root bend test 侧弯试验side bend test 横弯试验horizontal bend test 纵弯试验axial bend test 压扁试验squeezing test 顶锻时间 upset time;upsetting time 有电顶锻时间 upset current time 无电顶锻时间 upset current-off time 闪光速度 flashing speed 闪光电流 flashing current;flash current 顶锻电流 upset current 预热电流 preheat current 回火电流 temper current 调伸长度 initial overhange;extension 总留量 total allowance 闪光留量 flash allowance 顶锻留量 upset allowance 顶锻速度 upset speed 电极接触面 electrode contact surface 贴合面 faying surface 焊点 welding spot 熔核 nugget 熔核直径 diameter of nugget 塑性金属环区corona bond 焊透率penetration rate 压痕indentation 压痕深度depth of indentation 压深率indentation ratio 翘离sheet separation 缩孔shrinkage cavity 胡须intrusion 电极粘损electrode pick up 喷溅splash/ expulsion 毛刺fin 飞边upset metal/ fin 焊点距weld spacing/ spot weld spacing 边距edge distance 分流shunt current 接触电阻contact resistance 电阻焊机resistance welding machine 点焊机spot welding machine 多点焊机multiple spot welding machine 移动式点焊机portable spot welding machine 缝焊机seam welding machine 纵横两用缝焊机universal seam welder 对焊机butt resistance welding machine 凸焊机projection welding machine 三相低频焊机three phase low frequency welder 二次整流电阻焊机direct current resistance welder secondary rectification 电容储能电阻焊机condenser discharge resistance welder 电容储能点焊机condenser type spot welder/ capacitor spot welding machine 工频电阻焊机mains frequency resistance welding machine 低频电阻焊机frequency converter resistance welding machine 高频焊机high frequency induction welder 逆变式电阻焊机inverter type resistance welding machine 全波阻焊电源full wave resistance welding power source 斩波阻焊电源chopped wave resistance welding power source 旋转焊接变压器rotary welding transformer 点焊钳spot welding head C形点焊钳C-type welding head/ C-type gun X形点焊钳pincer spot welding head/ pliers spot welding head 断续器contactor 同步断续器synchronous contactor 异步断续器non-synchronous contactor 程序控制器sequencer 程序时间调节器sequencer timer 电极臂arm 电极握杆electrode holder 电极台板backup die/ bolster 电极水冷管electrode cooling tube 电极头electrode tip 电极帽electrode cap 锥头电极truncated tip electrode 平头电极flat tip electrode 尖头电极pointed tip electrode 球面电极radius tip electrode 偏心电极offest electrode 直电极straight electrode 弯电极cranked electrode 双弯电极double cranked(swannecked)electrode 滚轮电极circular electrode/ welding wheel 斜棱滚轮电极bevelled wheel 顶锻机构upsetting mechanism 电极总行程total electrode stroke 工作行程operational stroke 辅助行程electrode travel/ electrode stroke 臂间距离horn spacing/ throat opening 电极臂伸出长度arm extension 摩擦焊friction welding(FW)转速friction speed 摩擦压力friction preure/ heating preure 摩擦转矩friction torque 摩擦时间friction time 摩擦变形量burn-off length 摩擦变形速度burn-off rate 停车时间stopping time 顶锻变形量forge length 顶锻变形速度forge rate 摩擦表面friction surface 储能摩擦焊fly-wheel type friction welding 径向摩擦焊radial friction welding 扩散焊diffusion welding(DW)过渡液相扩散焊transient liquid phase diffusion welding 热等静压扩散焊hot isotatic preure diffusion welding 热轧扩散焊roll diffusion welding 扩散缝焊seam diffusion welding 超塑成形扩散焊supperplastic forming diffusion bounding 隔离剂buttering mater

ial 爆炸焊explosive welding(EW)爆炸点焊explosive spot welding 爆炸线焊explosive line welding 多层板爆炸焊explosive welding of multiplayer plates 多层管爆炸焊explosive welding of multiplayer tubes 覆板(覆管)cladding plat(tube)/ flyer plate(tube)基板(基管)base plate(tube)/ parent plate(tube)保护层buffer/ protector 基础base 预置角preset angle 间距initial stand-off/ spacing 装药量explosive load 装药密度charge density/ loading density 质量比ma ratio 平行法parallel plate configuration 角度法preset angle configuration 均匀布药average arranging explosive 梯形布药gradient arranging explosive 爆炸焊参数explosive welding parameters 初始参数initial parameters 动态参数dynamic parameters 界面参数interface parameters 爆轰速度detonation velocity 覆板速度cladding plate velocity 碰撞点impact point 碰撞点速度velocity of the impact point 弯折角bending angle 碰撞角collision angle 碰撞压力impact preure 格尼能Gurney energy 垂直碰撞normal impact 倾斜碰撞oblique impact/ inclined impact 对称碰撞symmetrical impact 来流upper stream 出流down stream 再入射流re-entrant jet 自清理oneself cleaning 结合区bond zone 平面结合plane bond 波状结合wave-like bond 界面波长length of the interfacial wave 界面波幅amplitude of the interfacial wave 熔化层molten layer 熔化袋molten pocket 雷管区detonator zone 边界效应edge effect 焊接性窗口weldability windows 焊着率ratio of welding area 起爆方法method of initiation 内爆法internal explosion proce 外爆法external explosion proce 半圆柱试验法semi-cylinder experiment method 超声波焊ultrasonic welding(UW)超声波点焊ultrasonic spot welding 超声波缝焊ultrasonic seam welding 超声波点焊机ultrasonic spot welder 超声波缝焊机ultrasonic seam welder 冷压焊cold preure welding(CPW)热压焊hot preure welding 热轧焊hot roll welding 旋弧压力焊rotating arc preure welding 埋弧压力焊submerged arc preure welding 电渣压力焊electroslag preure welding 气压焊gas preure welding 锻焊forge-welding/ blacksmith welding 磁力脉冲焊magnetic-pulse welding 硬钎焊brazing 软钎焊soldering 烙铁钎焊iron soldering 火焰钎焊torch brazing/ torch soldering 热风钎焊hot gas soldering 感应钎焊induction brazing 电阻钎焊resistance brazing 接触反应钎焊contact-reaction brazing 电弧钎焊arc brazing 浸渍钎焊dip brazing/ dip soldering 盐浴钎焊saltbath dip brazing(soldering)金属浴钎焊molten metal bath dip brazing 炉中钎焊furnace brazing/ furnace soldering 保护气氛钎焊brazing in controlled atmosphere 真空钎焊vacuum brazing 蒸气钎焊vapor phase soldering 超声波钎焊ultrasonic soldering 扩散钎焊diffusion brazing 热丝MIG焊hot wire MIG welding MIG熔接metal electrode insert gas welding X射线衍射法X-ray stre analysis X射线探伤X-ray radiographic inspection X射线工业电视探伤X-ray industrial television inspection Tigamajig 薄板焊接裂纹试验Tigamajing thin plate cracking test 热丝TIG焊hot wire TIG welding 100℃残余扩散氢diffusible hydrogen remained at 100℃ 射频熔接;高频焊接radio-frequency welding 预热preheat 预热preheat 预热温度preheat temperature 预热时间preheat time 预热电流preheat current 预热火焰preheat flame 预热氧preheat oxygen CO2预热器CO2 heater 预热Preheating 预热温度Preheat temperature 错边量unfitne of butt joint 埋弧焊submerged arc welding(SAW)埋弧焊Submerged arc welding(SAW)自动埋弧焊automatic submerged arc welding 窄间隙埋弧焊焊剂flux for narrow-gap submerged arc welding 埋弧焊submerged arc welding(SAW)多丝埋弧焊multiple wire submerged arc welding 纵列多丝埋弧焊Tandem sequence(submerged-arc welding)横列多丝埋弧焊series submerged arc welding(SAW-S)横列双丝并联埋弧焊transverse submerged arc welding 热丝埋弧焊hot wire submerged-arc welding 窄间隙埋弧焊narrow-gap submerged arc welding 埋弧焊机submerged arc welding machine 接合线, 焊线埋弧焊bonding wire 埋弧焊Submerged arc welding(SAW)对接接头butt joint 对接接头banjo fixing butt jointing 对接接头butt joint I形对接接头square butt joint V形对接接头single V butt joint

U形对接接头single U butt joint 双V形对接接头double V butt joint 双单边V形对接接头double bevel butt joint/ K groove butt joint 带钝边U形对接接头double U butt joint 锁底对接接头lock butt joint 斜对接接头oblique butt joint 对接接头banjo fixing butt jointing 搭接对接接头butt and lap joint 焊接weld 硬焊, 铜焊, 钎焊braze welding 焊接法, 定位焊接welding 碳极弧焊carbon arc weld 平焊缝downhand weld 凹角焊concave fillet weld 气压焊gas-preure weld 凸面对焊法烂raised face welding neck flange 轨端补焊rail-end welding 射频熔接;高频焊接radio-frequency welding 自动点焊法automatic spot weld 爆炸焊接explosive weld 特形焊接contour weld 坡口焊groove weld 双斜边坡口焊缝, K形坡口焊缝double-bevel groove weld 对接焊缝butt weld 焊(接)件weldment 无焊缝的weldle 可焊的weldable 硬焊, 铜焊, 钎焊braze welding 可焊的weldable 空气-乙炔焊接air-acetylene welding 氩弧焊argon arc welding 自动电渣焊automatic slag-pool welding 自动调弧氩弧焊, 惰性气体保护金属极弧焊aircomatic welding 铸焊, 铝热剂焊接aluminothermic welding 对接焊, 对焊butt welding 不锈钢(焊条)焊接austenite welding 自动埋弧焊automatic submerged arc welding 氩护电弧焊argon shielded arc welding 焊工welder 焊工Weldor 焊工护目镜welding goggles 焊工welder 电焊工manual arc welder 气焊工gas welder 焊工培训welders training 焊工模拟训练器trainer of synthetic weld 焊工考试welder qualification test 焊工合格证welder qualification/ welder qualified certification 焊工升降台welder’s lifting platform 焊工尘肺pheumocomsis of welder 焊工锰中毒chronic occupational manganese poisoning of welder 焊工氟中毒fluorosis of welder 焊工金属烟热metal fume fever of welder 焊工手套welding gloves 焊机,焊工Welder 焊工技术鉴定试验Welder performance qualification test 电焊工的长手套Welder’s gauntlets 电焊工手套Welder’s gloves 焊工护目镜Welder’s goggles 焊工手持护目镜welder’s hand shield 焊工护目帽罩Welder’s head shield 焊工保健Welder’s health 焊工帽罩Welder’s helmet 焊工的围裙Welding apron 焊工班,焊接组Welding gang 焊工帽罩Welding helmet 焊工握把Welding holder 自动焊工Welding operator 焊工工作Welding work 焊工Weldor 铸焊, 铝热剂焊接aluminothermic welding 热风焊hot gas welding 热输入heat input 预热preheat 后热postheat 焊后热处理posweld heat treatment/postheat treatment 预热温度preheat temperature 后热温度postheating temperature 热阴极hot cathode 焊接热循环weld thermal cycle 焊接热源welding heat source 点热源point heat source 线热源linear heat source 面热源plane heat source 瞬时集中热源instantaneous concentration heat source 热效率thermal efficiency 热能集中系数coefficient of heat flow concentration 去氢热处理heat treatment for dehydrogenation 过热组织overheated structure 热焊接性thermal weldability 热影响区heat-affected zone(HAZ)过热区overheated zone 热影响区裂纹heat-affected zone crack 热裂纹hot crack 再热裂纹reheat crack 分块形槽热裂纹试验segmented circular groove cracking test 缪雷克期热裂纹试验Murex hot cracking test 热朔性试验hot-ductility test 热影响区冲击试验impact test of HAZ 热影响区模拟试验synthetic heat-affected zone test 焊接技术welding technique 电阻焊 resistance welding(RW)点焊 spot welding;resistance spot welding 凸焊 projection welding 缝焊 seam welding 滚点焊 roll-spot welding 连续点焊 stitch welding 多点焊 multiple spot welding 手压点焊 push welding;poke welding 脉冲点焊 pulsation spot welding;multiple-impulse welding 双面点焊 direct spot welding 单面点焊 indirect spot welding 串联点焊 series spot welding 多点凸焊multiple projection welding 频道进缝焊 step-by-step seam welding 压平缝焊 mash seam welding 串联缝焊 series seam welding 对接缝焊 butt seam welding;foil-butt seam 电阻对焊 upset butt welding 闪光对焊 flash butt welding(FBW)储能焊 stored energy welding 电容储能点焊 condenser discharge spot welding 高频电阻焊 high frequency resistance welding 冲击电阻焊 percuion welding 胶接点焊 spot weld-bonding;weld-bonding 闪光 flashi

ng;flash 过梁 bridge;lintel 顶锻 upsetting;upset 夹紧力 clamping force 顶锻力 upsetting force;upset force 电极压力 electrode force;electrode preure 电极滑移 electrode skid 焊接循环 welding cycle 预压时间 squeeze time 锻压时间 forge-delay time;forge time 焊接通电时间(电阻焊)welding time(resistance welding)预热时间 preheat time 加热时间 heat time 冷却时间 cool time 间歇时间 quench time;chill time 回火时间 temper time 维持时间 hold time 休止时间 off time 闪光时间flash time;flashing time


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