Unit1 翻译
The spokesman made it clear that the President would not cancel the trip under any circumstances.2)杰克对书架上那些书一本也不了解,所以他的选择是很随意的。
Jack didn't know anything about any of the books on the bookshelf, so his choice was quite arbitrary.3)随后发生的那些事件再次证明了我的猜疑(suspicions)是对的。(confirm)The subsequent events confirmed my suspicions once again.4)我认为我们应该鼓励中学生在暑假找临时工作。
I think we should encourage high school students to find temporary jobs / employment during their summer holidays.5)令我们吃惊的是,这位常被赞为十分正直的州长(governor)竟然是个贪官(corrupt official)。
To our surprise, the governor who had often been praised for his honesty turned out to be a corrupt official.6)少数工人得到提升(be promoted),与此同时却有数百名工人被解雇。
A few workers were promoted, but meanwhile hundreds of workers were dismied.7)如果有机会,约翰也许已成为一位杰出的画家了。(given)Given the chance, John might have become an outstanding painter.8)数小时后,有人看见那个男孩在林子里瞎转。
Several hours later, the boy was found wandering around in the woods.Unit3 翻译
Many American students apply for government loans to pay for their education /
tuition.2)除阅读材料外,使用电影和多媒体(multimedia)会激发学生学习的兴趣。Besides reading materials, the use of films and multimedia can stimulate students' interest in a subject.3)这位律师试图说服陪审团(jury)他的当事人(client)是无辜的。(convince sb.of)
The attorney / lawyer tried to convince the jury of his client's innocence.4)提问常常会引发创造的火花。
Asking questions often generates the spark of creativity.5)我已经把我的简历(résumé)寄往几家公司,但尚未收到回复。
I have sent off my résumé to several corporations, but haven't yet received a reply.6)她的结论是建立在对当前国际情况进行了认真的分析的基础上的。
Her conclusion is built / based on a careful analysis of current international affairs.7)我们满怀期望地来参加会议,离开时却大失所望。
We came to the meeting full of expectations, yet we left very disappointed.8)暂时他只得接受了一份给一家化妆品公司发促销传单的活儿。
At the moment he has to take the job of distributing leaflets to promote products for a cosmetic company.Unit6 翻译
1)装了(fitted with)假肢(artificial leg),他起初走路走不稳,但经过锻炼他的步子(step)稳了。
Fitted with the artificial leg, he walked unsteadily / shakily at first, but with practice his steps became steady.2)医生说我得了重感冒,给我开了四种药,三种是药片,饭后服,另一种是药水(liquid),睡前服。
The doctor said I had caught a severe cold and she prescribed me four different medicines.Three of them are pills to be taken after meals and the other is liquid to be drunk before going to bed.3)我妹妹的爱犬被人偷走后,她心里难受了好几个星期。
My sister felt miserable for weeks after she had her pet dog stolen.4)汽车早已开走看不见了,珍妮(Jenny)还站在大门口凝视着路的尽头。
Jenny was still standing at the gate gazing at the end of the road long after the car was out of sight.5)就我所知,他们相互感情上疏远已有一些时间了。
As far as I know, they have been emotionally detached from each other for some time.6)一般来说,通过增加供给或减少需求可以降低物价。
In general, prices may be brought down by increasing supply or decreasing demand.Unit8 翻译
We didn't like his attitude that he deserved special treatment.2)即使你是班上最好的学生之一,要保住成绩也得常常温习功课才行。
Even if you are one of the best students in cla, in order to maintain your grades you must review your leons often.3)过去有关太空时代的某些幻想已经成为现实。
Some of the old fantasies about the space age have come true.4)情况确实是如此,有些人一生中很早就获得成功,而另一些人则要工作很长时间方能实现自己的目标。
It is true that some people achieve succe very early in life, while others must work a long time before attaining their goals.5)他坚持认为这次实验的失败主要由于准备不足(inadequate)。
He maintained that the failure of the experiment was largely due to inadequate preparation.6)如今研究人员提倡我们应该每天花些时间将自己想要达到的目标投射到心灵的屏幕上。
Researchers now recommend that we take time every day to project our desired goals onto the screen in our minds.泛读翻译题
Leon 1P9T3
1)青少年读者感觉他和他们站在一边对付父母和老师,而较年长的读者则感觉他和他们站在一边杜甫工作中的老板一方。(on one’s side)
Teenage readers felt he was on their side against their parents and teachers.Older readers felt he was on their side against their boes at work.2)和陌生人呆在一起,许多人都感到不自在。(in the company of)Many people are uneasy in the company of strangers.3)如果你完全按照这些指令办,你将完成这项任务。(to the letter)If you follow these instructions to the letter you will succeed in this task.4)他跳起舞来往往有点控制不住自己,于是开始满场地转啊跳个不停
He tends to get a bit carried away when he’s dancing and he starts spinning and leaping all over the place.5)那是不可能的,玛丽太忙无法照料孩子。(out of the question)
That’s out of the question: Mary is much too busy to look after her children.6)我十几岁的时候,与父母有口角。(have a quarrel with)
I had a lot of quarrels with my parents when I was a teenager.Leon 12P102T3
1)假如你不抓紧时间复习功课,就有可能考试不及格。(may well)
If you don’t make the best use of your time reviewing the leon, you may well fail the examination.2)汤姆沉浸在环游世界的梦想之中。(absorbed)
Tom was absorbed in the dream of going on a round-the –world trip.3)他中等身材,头发和黑人的一样卷曲。(average;curly)
He is of average height, and his hair is as curly as that of a black.4)黑奴们挤在小船中,被运送到美洲大陆。(pack)
The Negro slaves had been packed into a small ship and transported to the American continent.5)他每次去巴黎都住在五星级豪华旅馆里。(luxury)
Every time he went to Paris, he lived in a five-star luxury hotel.Leon 16P144T3
1)他严肃指出,中国许多大学生在花大量的时间学英语,可他们对汉语掌握的程度之差却令人不安。(in all seriousne,alarming)
He points out in all seriousne that while many university students in China are spending much of their time learning English, their poor command of Chinese is alarming.2)对重点大学毕业班学生所作的调查表明,他们中的一半多对目前的课程设置不满意,希望主管部门采取措施加以改进(senior,curriculum,take steps)
A survey on the seniors of some top universities shows that more than half of them are not content with the present curriculum and hope that the authorities concerned will take steps to improve it.3)我强烈地感觉到历史就像一面镜子,让我们清醒地知道如何避免犯类似的错误,如何走正确的道路。(paionately)
I paionately feel that history is like a mirror, making us have a clear idea of how to avoid similar mistakes and how to take a right course.4)如果没有员工的奉献精神,公司今年的成功是不可能的。(commitment)
The company’s succe this year would not have been poible without the
commitment and dedication of the staff.5)不管你怎么争辩,我将坚持我的决定。(hold to)
Whatever your argument, I shall hold to my decision.Leon 30P272T2
1)看着他喝得有些醉醺醺地回家,我内心充满痛苦,恨不得他不是我爸爸。(be a little lit up)
Seeing him come home a little lit up, I was filled with bitterne and wished that he were not my father.2)自从汤姆接管他父亲的公司以来,一直无所事事。我敢说公司早晚会破产的。(fool around,bet,go broke)
Ever since Tom took over his father’s busine, he has been fooling around.I bet the busine will go broke sooner or later.3)他一整天都没露面,我不知道他一直在忙什么。(show up,be up to)
He hasn’t shown up the whole day.I have no idea what he has been up to.4)听到女儿在奥运会上夺得金牌的消息时,他不由自主地产生了强烈的自豪感,他的病也奇迹般地好了。(a glow of pride,miraculously)
When he heard the news that his daughter had won a gold medal at the Olympic Games, he couldn’t help feeling a glow of pride and his illne was also miraculously cured.5)她与室友们的关系非常亲密,每当有好事发生时,她都会马上与她们一起分享快乐。(be intimate with,right away)
She is very intimate with her roommates.Whenever something wonderful happens to her, she will share her happine with them right away.