全片以旅美的四对华裔母女为中心,分别描述她们几个家庭在近百年来的遭遇,从而对比出中国女性从受尽辛酸屈辱的祖母辈逐渐成长为具有独立人格和经济地位的新一代女性。主要情节是温明娜饰演的琼原来跟母亲有很深的误会,但当她代替已去世的母亲回中国大陆探望两个当年在抗战逃难时被遗弃的姊姊时,却深深感受到上一代的苦难和割断不了的亲情。Set in the my American journey to Chinese center for four respectively, and their family in several described the encounter, which nearly 100 years compared women from out of China suffered humiliation grandmother generation poignancy for growing with independent
personality and economic status of the new generation of women.The main plot is playing WenMingNa with mother has deep Jon originally the misunderstanding, but when she already died mother back to replace in Chinese mainland refugees in Anti-Japanese War visit two of abandoned sister when, but deeply impreed when the generation of suffering and cut off not affection.书中的四个中**亲,都是1949年离开中国大陆来到旧金山的,她们每个人都
将自身的一部分,永永远远地遗留在中国大陆了。然而,她们不得不入乡随俗,以美国的生活方式过日子:她们信奉上帝,也畏惧海龙王,在一次仿效美国生活方式的海边野餐中,他们中的一个家庭丢失了一个儿子。在一个完全陌生的国度,她们只觉得危机四伏,险像环 生。母亲们为着给自己家庭争得安宁之地,几乎天天与某种说不出的惊恐在抗争,担心着某种祸患成为现实,避免着种种暗礁旋涡,犹如古代受凌退之罪的犯人,一刀一刀地承受着痛苦,直到离开这个世界才得到解脱。母亲们最不放心的,是自己的女儿。女儿身上,寄托着她们种种未遂的心愿,她们希望生在异国的女儿,能成为一只华贵的天鹅。然而事实却令她们失望:这些女儿们是“根本没见过世面的美国出生的傻瓜”,母亲们只能“无奈地看着这些女儿们长大成人,生儿育女”,从而发出“我与女儿隔着一条沟,我永远只能站在岸的这边观望她”的悲叹。美国女儿也有她们难言的隐痛:她们自认是美国人,但母亲却用中国人的准则去要求她们,而社会又将她们排在“少数民族”之列、正宗的美国人之外,这种偏见,甚至影响了她们的婚姻。更令她们苦恼的是,那流在她们体内的中国血液。她们有着天生的中国式的谦虚、温顺,这使她们对自己的真正美国丈夫、纯美国式的家庭生活方式束手无措,迷惑不已,从而导致了婚姻上的危机甚至完全的失败!母亲们为了与女儿沟通,苦口婆心地给她们讲述自己以及自己母亲的故事,让她们都有了自己的新的生活。电影的结局,她终于与她失散多年的同母姐姐在在大陆相见,不论美国女儿还是中国大陆女儿,双方都共有一个伟大的中华母亲!
In the movie, is four Chinese mother left in 1949 the Chinese mainland arrived in San Francisco, they everyone
Will own part, forever and ever left behind in mainland of China.However, they have to do as the Romans do, to the American way of life live: they believe in god, also fear in a locker, follow the American way of life in a picnic on the beach, one of the family lost a son.In a completely strange country, they just think, risks like huansheng crisis.Mothers to his family for the land for peace, almost every day and some say a panic in the fight, worrying some evil to become a reality, avoid the various reefs like ancient vortex, the crime by bullying withdrew a sword, a sword inmates to suffer pain until leave this world to get free.Mothers, is the most not trust his own daughter.Daughter of him, entrusts they wish, they hope the attempted in exotic daughter born, can become a showily swan.However but fact makes them down: these
daughters is “didn't see the American born fool died,” mothers can “helplely looking at these daughters grew up, having children”, thus send out “my daughter and I acro a groove, I never can only stand watching her side of the onshore” lamented.The United States also have
their daughter dumb sore: they believes it is American, but mother but with the Chinese
criterion to ask them, and social and will they row in “minority” list, authentic americans besides, this bias, and even influenced their marriage.The more to their distre is that the flow of blood in their body in China.They have naturally Chinese humility, docile, which make them to their true American husband, pure American patterns of family life s handles, into confusion, leading to a marriage crisis even a complete failure!Mothers in order to communicate with her
daughter, well-meaning to their mother tells yourself and your story, let them have their new life.The conclusion of the movie, she finally and her long-lost sister in same mother in mainland China, whether the United States meet or mainland China daughter, daughter both with a Shared the great Chinese mother!.
从《喜福会》看跨文化交流电影《喜福会》(The Joy Luck Club)以插叙的方式和细腻的手法将四对华裔母女的故事缓缓道出。四位母亲,她们生长在中国,准确的说是生长在解放前的旧中......
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