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终身贵族:所有终身贵族都拥有男爵的头衔,并且都是上议院成员。终身贵族的头衔不能继承。一些人获封为终身贵族并不是由于他的成就,而是通过册封让他可以进入上议院,比如大法官等。该头衔是根据1876年的《上诉权法案》(Appellate Jurisdiction Act)和1958年的《终身贵族法案》(Life Peerage Act)而设立的。






嘉德勋章(Most Noble Order of the Garter,1348年设立)

蓟花勋章(Most Ancient and Most Noble Order of the Thistle,1687年设立)

圣帕特里克勋章(Most Illustrious Order of St Patrick,1783年设立)

巴思勋章(Most Honourable Order of the Bath,1725年设立)

印度之星勋章(Most Exalted Order of the Star of India,1861年设立)

圣迈克尔和圣乔治勋章(Most Distinguished Order of St Michael and St George,1832年设立)

印度帝国勋章(Most Eminent Order of the Indian Empire,1877年设立)

维多利亚女王勋章(Royal Victorian Order,1896年设立)

不列颠帝国勋章(Most Excellent Order of the British Empire,1917年设立)






總的來說, 從高到低的排列順序是: 女皇侯爵子爵never “Fergie” or any such vulgarity.Neither should she be called Sarah, Duche of York

Royal Dukes keep the cap at subsequent mentions(eg, the Duke of Kent, later the Duke);other dukes do not retain the cap(see below)


Titles of nobility in descending order are as follows: duke, marque(not marquis, except in foreign contexts and occasional Scottish titles), earl, viscount and baron.At first mention, give the formal title(as in Who's Who)eg, the Marque of Paddington, the Earl of Waterloo, but then Lord Paddington, Lord Waterloo etc.This does not apply to barons, who are always Lord except in the announcement of new baronies.Dukes are always dukes and do not become Lord(eg, the Duke of Rutland).Note style of the 2nd Earl, the 3rd Viscount etc.Baronees in their own right or life peerees are Barone at first mention, and then Lady(eg, Barone Thatcher, then Lady Thatcher).The wife of a duke is a duche(and is always called Duche, eg, the Duche of X);the wife of a marque is a marchione, of an earl a counte, of a viscount a viscounte.Use Lady at second and subsequent mentions.The wife of a baronet, eg, Sir John Euston, should be called Lady Euston from the start.Widows or former wives of all these titles who have not remarried use their Christian name before the title, eg, Margaret Duche of Argyll(no commas).A widow may also be known as the Dowager Duche of Y, or the Dowager Lady Z.Apart from royalty(eg, the Duke of York), all these titles take l/c rather than cap after the first mention(eg, the Duke of Argyll, thereafter the duke).Some titles include a place name , eg, Lord Callaghan of Cardiff, Barone Jay of Paddington, while others do not.Again, follow Who's Who, where those whose place name must be included appear in bold caps.Always give the full title at first mention, thereafter the abbreviated form, eg, Lord Bingham of Cornhill, thereafter Lord Bingham.Among titles spelt differently from the place name are the Marque of Ailesbury, Marque of Donegall, Earl of Guilford, Earl of Scarbrough.Take great care with the use of first names with titles, especially the wives of peers, baronets and knights.The wife of Lord St Pancras is simply Lady St Pancras.The wife of Sir John Fenchurch is simply Lady Fenchurch(together, Sir John and Lady Fenchurch).However, when the name is a common one and there is no other convenient identification, or where there is some other compelling reason to give the first name, it is permiible to say Lady(John)Brown(brackets eential;see last sentence of next paragraph).Baronets and knights are known as Sir John Smith, thereafter Sir John.Again, to repeat this eential point, no wife of a baronet or knight takes her Christian name in her title unle she is the daughter of a duke, a marque or an earl.If a baronet has had more than one wife, the first wife is, eg, Mary Lady Smith(no commas)-the same form applies to the widow of a baron.If a knight has had more than one wife, the former wife puts her Christian name in brackets, eg, Lady(Alice)Brown, to distinguish her from the present wife, Lady Brown.Also, if there are two baronets or knights with the same name, their wives(when mentioned apart from their husbands), put his Christian name in brackets, eg, Lady(Stephen)Brown, Lady(Andrew)Brown.Dames of an order of chivalry take the same style as knights, eg, Dame Felicity Brown, thereafter Dame Felicity.A dame who is married may prefer to use her own style, eg, Dame Margaret Arrowroot, wife of Lord Arrowroot of Nice;personal preferences should be respected.CHILDREN OF PEERS

Eldest sons of a duke, marque or earl use the father's second title as a courtesy title(eg, the Duke of Bedford's son is the Marque of Tavistock).These people are not peers, even in headlines.Younger sons of dukes and marquees use their first names and the family surname(eg, Lord John Worthington;subsequent mention, Lord John, never Lord Worthington;his wife is Lady John Worthington).A woman is Lady Olive York etc only if she is the daughter of a duke, marque or earl;in subsequent mentions, she is Lady Olive, never Lady York.Younger sons of earls and all children of viscounts and barons have the style the Hon, but it is unneceary to use this except in Court Page copy;normally, they are simply Mr, Mi, Ms etc(none is a peer).ANNOUNCEMENT OF TITLES

Baronets, knights and dames take the appropriate title as soon as the honour is announced.Peers have to submit their choice of title for approval, so wait until the formal public announcement(usually in The London Gazette).




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