二.修辞手法(Finger of speech)1.Simile(明喻)……像……
It is a comparison between two distinctly different things and the comparison is indicated by the word as or like
E: my love ‘s like a red, red rose 2.Metaphor(暗喻)……是……
It is the use of a word which originally denotes one thing to refer to another with a similar quality.No expreed with the word as or like
E: He is the soul of the team.//Irrigation is the lifeblood of agriculture.3.Personification(拟人)It is to treat a thing or an idea as if it were human or had human qualities.E: Youth is hot and bold , Age is weak and cold, Youth is wild, and Age is time.///// The storm was raging and an angry sea was continuously toing their boat.4.Metonymy(转喻、借代)与自身相关的东西替代
It is substituting the name of one thing for that of another with which it is closely aociated.E: crown can stand for a king.White house for the American government.Bottle for wine or alcohol.Bar for the legal profeion.5.synecdoche(提喻)整体与部分,抽象与具体替代。
when a part is substituted for the whole or the whole is substituted for a part.E: hands stands for men/ bread for food or living expenses/// the name of two countries for the two team/// creature for a woman.6.Euphemism(委婉语)It is the substitution of a mild or vague expreion for a harsh or unpleasant one.E: to die---to pa away/// old people---senior citizens /// dustman—sanitation worker/// mad---emotionally disturbed 7.irony(反语)It is the use of words which are clearly opposite to what is meant, in order to achieve a special effect.E: raining heavily---what a fine weather /// a barbarous act –civilized 8.overstatement(hyperbole)and understatement(夸大或缩小)E: she is dying to know what job has been aigned her It took a few dollars to build this indoor swimming pool.9.transferred epithet(移就)An epithet is an adjective or descriptive phrase that serves to characterize somebody or something.E: busy day----people is busy in this day /// sleeple nights—people … 10.oxymoron(矛盾修饰法)In oxymoron apparently contradictory terms are combined to produce a special effect
faith /unfaithful
(4)n.+n.意义相对或者相反的词通过连字符连接构成合成词/love-hate(5)adv.+adj.副词修饰形容词//dully bright(6)v.+adv./// love harmful
E: a living death /// victorious defeat /// cleaver fool // cruel kindne 11.alliteration(头韵)It refers to the appearance of the same initial consonant sound in two or more words.E: proud as a peacock // blind as a bat 三.段落的展开方式
1.development by time(又称为chronological sequencing).按时间先后展开
2.development by space 按空间先后顺序展开,从大地方到小地方,或者从远到近 3.development by proce 按过程展开,按照事情发展过程一步一步展开。
4.development by example or generalization 按举例和归纳展开。通过举出一些例子让使文章变得清晰明了。
5.development by comparison and contrast 类比对比法
包括:block comparison or block contrast(整体对比法)and alternating comparison or alternating contrast(交替类比法)6.development by cause and effect(按原因结果展开法)分析原因和结果的方法展开文章 7.development by claification(按分类法展开)按照事物的特征把事物分类描写
8.development by definition(按定义法展开)定义事物的概念或者特征展开文章的描写 9.development by a combination of methods(按综合法展开)
写作总结一、写作概述小作文15min,共10分,80~100字;大作文35min,共20分160~200字(最好多写200~240) 答题卡上,段与段之间可以空一行。二、小作文1、书信▲必备词汇:1)抱怨信:lodge a......
1.Education4 22 29 52 2.Science and technology 31 32 40 54 3.Traffic problems 1 66 4.housing 48, 5.Healthcare 11 6.Gap between rural and urban areas 7......
总 结根据中央、省委的统一部署和省高校工委的安排以及我院下发的关于《xx理工大学xx信息学院深入学习实践科学发展观活动工作方案》通知的指示精神,2009年03月至2009年04月......