
其他工作总结 时间:2020-02-27 09:00:45 收藏本文下载本文
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1)抱怨信:lodge a complaint about, expre my concern/diatisfaction/disappointment about

2)咨询信:make requiries regarding, ask informationg about

3)道歉:expre my regret

4)感谢:expre/extend my sincere gratitude/appreciation for

5)建议:I am writing this letter with my suggestions/proposals about

6)求职:apply the position/vacancy about

Recommend myself as a qualified candidate for the job of

7)寻找失物:report the lo of my……when I ……, request your aistance in finding my…..8)邀请:request your presence at….▲最简模板

1)称呼:写给机构dear sir of madam写给个人dear LiMing


第一段:自我介绍,写作目的I am wrtiting this letter for the purpose of


第三段:表示关注I really hope that you can take my proposal/suggestions seriously表示感谢thank you very much for your time and consideration.My appreciation to you for your generous help is beyond words.期待回信I look forward to a favorable reply at your eariest convenience.3)落款 yours sincerely


Dear Bob,I am writing to apologize for having forgotton to return” the Beatles”CD when I left Canada.I was in such a hurry that I packed everything in my luggage without checking carefully.Had I paid more attention then, I would not made such a stupid mistake.Now something must be done to solve this problem because you cherish this CD enormously.I can either send it to you by expre email or compensate you at a reasonable price.If you do not mind, I may bring it back to you next time I go to Canada.Please let me know which solution you prefer at your earilest convenience.I really hope you can receive my sincere apology.Yours sincerely,LiMing



Month day, year



▲ 框架:通知目的(1~2句)------通知细节(5~6句)-------联系方式(1~2句)主体段可应用格式:the details are as follows.Firstly…additonally…ultimately.▲ 2010年范文


January 9,2010

To improve students’ ability and enrich extracurricular activities, the Postgraduates’Aociation is recruiting volunteers for an International confrence on globalization to be held on April 7,2010 in Beijng.To begain with, applicants should have Chinese nationality, a stong profeional spirit,cheerful personality and be aged under 35.In addition, candidates must have outstanding skills at English listening comprehension and the ability to speak English and Chinese fluently.Finally, students with relevant profeional experience are preferred.Please feel free to contact us at1234567 or email us at.Enquiries are encouraged but visits declined.The postgraduate aociation ▲ 如何扩充细节

1)万能开头To improve students’ ability and enrich extracurricular activities。。。

2)条件与要求:国籍Chinese nationality;友好friendly/proper manners/ cheerful personality;责任感强strong sense of responsibility;年龄be aged under…..;职业精神:a strong

profeional spirit;学术表现好 have excellent academic performance;对话题熟悉be familiar with;有相关经验者优先priority and preference will be given to those experienced/students wih…experience are preferred.▲格式:Abstract为题目,主体写成一段


▲常用句型:this article/eay focuse on/centers on the topic of…….It is concluded in this article that………












1992年范文:for a better understanding between parent and child

In recent years, the problem of lack of communication between parent and child is becoming more serious.Although some children are willing to chat with their patents, the majority are not.To make matters worse, some parents can hardly say a word to their child in a day.Thus, how to creat a better understanding between parent and child is becoming our concern.2)图画类:总述------细节-------文字说明



2000年范文:As is graphically portrayed in the cartoons above, we can see clearly that with the increase of commercial fishing, the number of fishes sharply decreased.In the first picture,there were various kinds of fish and only one fishing boat in1900.On the contrary, in 1995 there was only one fish, but many fishing boats.Obviously, we can find that the number of fishes has dropped considerably from 1900 to 1995.We are informed that this is a brief histoty of world commercial fishing.联系:2003,2006仿写



2002 an American girl in traditional Chinese costume 2004终点又是新起点

2002范文:what can we see from the photograph indcates that an American girl is wearing a traditonal Chinese costome.From the sweetest smile on her face, we can easily arrive at a conclusion that she takes great interest in Chinese clothes and she is crazy about the mysterious Chinese culture.2004范文:what can we see from the cartoon indicates that a little boy is running on a racetrack of the playground.From the smile on his face,we can come to a conclusion that he will be the first one to reach the finish line.Howeve, the caption(字幕,说明,标题)in the picture reads,”the finishing line is also the starting line”.详细写法2011旅游之余


As is graphically portrayed in the cartoon above, we can see clearly that there are two tourists on a boat in the lake.On the one hand, we know that they enjoy some snacks.On the other hand, they throw the rubbish into the lake casually.Finally, the lake is like a rubbish heap, filled with virous kinds of rubbish such as empty bottles,plastic bags, fish bones and so on.(细节描述!)We are informed that a large amout of garbage is thrown away along the trip。

▲ 注:图中有文字说明的,第一段最后一句一般都是这句话的翻译we are informed that….▲ 第一段词汇积累:






各种各样:various kinds of, diverse sorts of


我们被告知:we are informed that…../the caption in the picture indicates that…

图画目的:the purpose of this picture is to show that…..寓意指代:A is aociated with…./B is a symbol of….也可以用一句话模糊概括:the fact that…indicates that…..背景原因:owing to

举例说明:studies show that……

转折反论:if we let this situation go as it is…….(如果是坏的东西,要写反论;如果是好的东西,可写总结,写废话)

总结陈述:generally speaking…


2000年范文:(目的)The purpose of this picture is to show us that due attention has to be paid to the decrease of ocean resourse.(指代)Actually,the fish in the picture is a symbol of resourses, while the fishing boats are natually aociated with the world commercial fishing.But more importantly, the reduction of the fishing resourses stands for the destructiong of the ocean resourses.(原因)Owing to over-fishing,the number of fishes has obviously decreased.(举例)Numerouse studied show that many of the spicies have vanished in those years.(反论)If we let this situation go as it is, we won’t know where fish will be in the future.(结论)By that time, our environment will have suffered a great situatio.▲ 第二段的词汇积攒

目的:the purpose of this picture is to show us that…../the real implication(含义,暗示)of the cartoon is to show…../the cartoon conveys the meaning that…..引起注意:due attention must to be paid to…/put/place great emphasis on…./attach importance to….代表:stand for/be naturally aociated with/be a symbol of//represent/reflect/mirror/epitomize(成为。。的缩影)

因为:owing to/due to/ on account of/ as a consequence of…



坏方面(2000)要解决办法;好方面(2008)要发扬光大;利弊型(2009)要扬长避短 格式:总结according to the discuion above, we may easily come to a conclusion that…..建议:政府for one thing, we need to appeal to the authorities to make laws to…个人for another, we need to cultivate our awarene of people that…

展望未来:only in this way can we finally……also I believe our human beings can….




二.修辞手法(Finger of speech ) 1.Simile (明喻) ……像…… It is a comparison between two distinctly different things and the comparison is indicated by the word......


1.Education4 22 29 52 2.Science and technology 31 32 40 54 3.Traffic problems 1 66 4.housing 48, 5.Healthcare 11 6.Gap between rural and urban areas 7......




总 结根据中央、省委的统一部署和省高校工委的安排以及我院下发的关于《xx理工大学xx信息学院深入学习实践科学发展观活动工作方案》通知的指示精神,2009年03月至2009年04月......



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