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Reception and Ceremonial Speech

尊敬的来宾 honored/ distinguished guests 代表 on behalf of

以……的名义 in the name of … 古话 an old saying 有朋自远方来不亦乐乎? Isn’t it a great joy to have friends from afar? 周年庆典 an anniversary celebration 欢迎会 a welcoming party 欢送会 a send-off party 热情好客 gracious hospitality 盛情邀请 gracious invitation 大会 conference 研讨会 seminar 座谈会,论坛 forum 峰会 summit 招待会 reception 礼堂 auditorium 开幕辞 opening speech 闭幕辞 closing speech 祝酒辞 toast

能够……我深感荣幸 I’m honored and privileged to ….向…表示热烈的欢迎和诚挚的感谢 to extend my warm welcome and heartfelt thanks to sb.向…表示祝贺 to congratulate sb on sth 向…表示感谢 to appreciate sb for doing sth 向大会就……问题进行讲话 to addre the meeting/conference on the topic of … 我期待着… I’m looking forward to sth/ doing sth 我提议为…干杯 I’d like to propose a toast to sth Annual 年度的recognize and honor 表扬并嘉奖 staffs and faculty members 教职员工 excel 超出,突出

scale new heights 再攀新高

serve...heart and soul 全心全意的服务

take delight and pride in… 为…… 感到高兴和骄傲 to observe 庆祝

take some time out of one’s tight schedule 百忙中抽空 a new millennium 新千年 countdown 倒计时

在这月光明媚的夜晚On this beautiful moon-lit evening 欢聚一堂 to have…with us

有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎。It is such a delight to have friends coming from afar.乒乓外交the Pingpong Diplomacy 时多时少,起伏 ups and downs

非常牢固的互利关系solid and mutually beneficial relationship.到期expiring 为……干杯propose a toast to 记者会 pre conference

庆祝:to celebrate/observe;in celebration of;in commemoration of 表示/表达…欢迎/感谢/祝贺/问候/邀请:to expre/extend…welcome/thanks/congratulations/greetings/invitation 硕果累累: rewarding/fruitful/yield high…returns/

显著增长:… has increased by leaps and bounds/ have a remarkable growth /increase dramatically

翻两番: quadruple;be/become four times as …as it was/used to be

充分发挥: make the best use of …/ give full play to…/ take the advantage of… A major consideration: 重要考虑因素

充满现代活力full of dynamism of the modern era 喜庆的时刻 a festive moment 欢乐的时刻 a joyous occasion 应……的邀请 at the invitation of sb.在……的陪同下 in the company of

代表团的各位成员 members of the delegation 与会者 participants

召开记者招待会 to call a pre conference 交流的平台 a platform for communication 日新月异 to change with every paing day 重申我方观点 to reiterate our opinion/ standing 有建设性 constructive 接风洗尘 to give/ host a dinner for the arrival of sb.向……转达来自……的祝贺 to bring to A the congratulations from B 以……结束我的讲话 I’d like to end my speech with …

致以衷心的祝贺和最美好的祝愿 to expre one’s sincere congratulations and best wishes 祝……圆满成功!Wish…… a complete succe



国际奥委会The International Olympic Committee(IOC)中国奥委会The Chinese Olympic Committee(COC)奥林匹克宪章Olympic Charter 北京2008年奥林匹克运动会申办委员会(简称北京奥申委)Games Bid Committee

奥运火炬接力Olympic torch relay

口号 Motto 标志 Logo 奥运吉祥物 the Olympic mascot 绿色奥运Green Olympics, 人文奥运People's Olympics 科技奥运and Hi-tech Olympics

奥运精神Spirit of the Olympic Movement 更快,更高,更强Swifter, higher, stronger 普及体育运动 to popularize sports 增强人民体质 enhance people’s physique 奥运村 Olympic Village 奥运五环 Olympic Rings 奥运会歌 Olympic Anthem

运动员contestant, competitor, player 世界纪录world record 纪录创造者record holder

经历发展 undergone …development 国家的事业 an undertaking of the country

Beijing 2008 Olympic 高度重视 attach great importance to…/ focus great on… 全国范围的 nationwide 开支 expenditure 国家预算 state budget 普及 to popularize

增强体质 enhance one’s physique

全国人民的共同愿望 a common desire/ aspiration of people from all over the country 现代魅力 modern charm 高效的 effective 圣人 sage


Science and Technology

电子商务 e-commerce 商业模式 busine model(mode)核心业务 core busine 芯片 chip 数码通讯 digital communications 人工智能 artificial intelligence 互动电视 interactive TV

运作效率 operational(operating/working)efficiency 相互作用 interaction / influence on each other / mutual influence

为...注入能量 energize / fuel / inject energy into…// add new power into…/ stimulate it with new energy / breathe new power into…

产品的研究和开发 Research and development(R&D)域名 domain

网站流量 website traffic/ traffic flow 搜索引擎 search engine 优化 optimize 民意测试 poll / survey 文字新闻 text news 有线电视网络 cable network 最前沿 at the forefront of 黑客 hacker 付费点击 Price Per Click(PPC)字节 Kilobyte(KB)首页 homepage 页面载入 page load 随身听 walkman 个人电子消费产品 consumer electronics 杂牌货knockoff / fake product

iTune网上音乐商店 iTune music store online …之王 the king of / the giant of / the top leader of 通信卫星系统 communication satellite systems 自动唱片点唱机 jukebox

标志性的音乐技术 signature music technology 商业流行现象 popular(prevailing)phenomenon in commerce(busine)美化 improved / glorified / modified / revised / innovated give acce to sb 向某人提供某物 profound influences 深远的影响 electronic commerce 电子交易 booming 蓬勃发展

make fundamental changes 进行根本性的变革 on the average 平均 comprise: 组成 Linguistic: 语言学的 be defined as: 定义为


Reform and Opening-Up

经济开发区 Economic and Technological Development Zone 计划经济向市场经济的转变 the transformation from planned economy to market economy

经济可持续发展 the sustainable development of the economy 经济结构调整 the readjustment of economic structure 财富论坛 Fortune Forum

建设小康社会 to build a prosperous/ better-off society 宏伟目标 a grand objective

“走出去” 战略 the strategy to go global 破产 go bankrupt 社会保障体系 the social security system 经营多元化 diversified products 面向市场的改革 market-oriented reform

连续三年 for 3 years in a row/ for 3 consecutive years 全方位的对外开放格局 multi-directional opening-up patterns 脱贫 to get rid of poverty 经济腾飞 economic take-off 过渡时期 transition period

整顿/规范市场秩序 to regulate the market order 创造良好的投资环境 to create a favorable investment environment 给与优惠政策 to offer favorable policies

与国际接轨 to adopt/ follow/ conform with the international practices ……涨幅达到...%.…to rise(by a margin)of...percent.贯彻科学发展观 to adopt a scientific approach in economic development 加强宏观调控 to strengthen/ reinforce macro control 粗放型经营模式 extensive management style 优化产业结构 to optimize industrial structure 构建和谐社会 to build a harmonious society 企业改制 to reform the system of the enterprises 实行股份制 to adopt the share-holding system 经济回报 economic returns 机构臃肿 to be over-staffed

政企分开 to separate government administration from busine management 研发 research and development 领导才能 leadership

标本兼治,重在治本 to seek both temporary and permanent solutions with special focus on the latter 全方位,多层次,宽领域的对外开放 all –directional, multi-tiered and wide-ranging opeing-up 外资银行机构 foreign banking institutions 外资保险机构 foreign insurance institutions 经营人民币业务 to handle RMB transactions 法律框架 legal framework 承包土地 to contract plots of land 承包企业 to contract enterprise 劳动密集型产品 labor-intensive goods 资金密集和技术密集型项目 capital-intensive and technology-intensive projects 附加值产品 low value-added products 附加值 added value



纪念 in memory of/ in honor of

风景名胜 scenic spots and historical sites/ tourist attraction 标志性建筑 landmark 主题公园 theme park 自然奇观 natural wonders 热带雨林 rain forest 避暑胜地 summer resort 矿泉疗养院 spa hotel 交通枢纽 transportation hub 出土文物 unearthed relics 文明摇篮 cradle of civilization 中国书法 Chinese calligraphy 京剧 Beijing opera 杂技 acrobatics 舞狮 lion dance 舞龙 dragon dance 武术 kongfu/ martial arts 工艺品 souvenir 独一无二的 unique 精致优雅的设计 fine/ exquisite/ elegant design 工匠 a craftsman

中国农历 Chinese lunar calendar 博览会 expo/ exposition

被列入联合国教科文组织世界文化遗产名录 be on the World Heritage List by UNESCO ……的历史可以追溯到… The history of … dates back to/ can be traced back to… ……位于…… …is located in/ at …

……的传统一直延续至今。The traditions of …… have been carried over into modern times.祭祖 offer sacrifices to the ancestors 祈求风调雨顺 to pray for good harvest 堤 dyke 峡谷 gorge

四合院 courtyard-style residence 大教堂 cathedral 亭/阁 pavilion 台 terrace 塔 pagoda 楼 tower/ mansion 殿 hall 石碑 stone tablet 拱门 archway 假山 rockery 江南水乡 southern Chinese riverside town 鱼米之乡 land of fish and rice 国画 Chinese painting 山水画 landscape painting 人物画 figure painting 花鸟画 bird-and-flower painting



独资企业 solely foreign-owned enterprises 合资企业 joint venture 国有企业 state-owned enterprises 跨国公司 international/ transnational/ multi-national enterprises 大中型企业 large and medium-sized enterprises 中小企业 small and medium-sized enterprises 乡镇企业 township enterprises 总公司 headquarter 分公司 branch 子公司 subsidiary

第一/二/三产业 primary/ secondary/ tertiary industry 支柱产业 pillar industry

经济全球化 Economic Globalization 产品介绍手册 brochure

平等互利 equality and mutual benefits 市场份额 market share 业务范围广泛 diverse range of busine 专门从事 be specialize in

雄厚的技术力量 abundant technical advantages/ skills/ strength 业务迅速发展 to expand one’s busine(合作的)有关双方 both parties concerned 有竞争力 competitive

有互补性 to be complementary to 生产率 productivity 前景 prospect 创新 innovation 股票市场 stock market 分销/ 分配 distribution 授权的 authorized 注册的 registered 经过认证的 certified 注册资本 registered aets 固定资产 fixed aets

遵守合同 to honor the contracts 商业诚信 commercial integrity 办事处 representative office 投机 speculation

become the focus of attention of the whole world: 成为世界的焦点 increase by leaps and bounds 迅猛增长

fastest growing economies: 经济增长最快的国家 investment destinations: 投资目的地 China’s acceion to the WTO: 中国入世 bid: 竞标


平等互利: equality and mutual benefit 互通有无: each supplying the other’s needs 进一步开放: further opening 贸易惯例: trade practices 涌现: emerge a steady and sustained increase 稳定、持续增长 generate 创造

fastest growing economy 经济发展最快的国家 加快: be accelerated

改革开放: reform and opening-up 现代化:modernization

开拓市场: tap/explore the market 互动平台: interactive platform 相互学习,相互交流,相互促进: learn for mutual exchange and mutual promotion 历史地位 historical position 强劲发展 vigorous development 国内外 at home and abroad objectives for the future: 今后目标 next(only)to… 次于

sales and distribution: 销售和批发 be appreciated: 受……的青睐

price versus performance ratio:性价比 vendor: 销售商

favorable price: 优惠的价格 as for…对于,至于。。

industrialized countries: 工业化国家 inequality: 不平等 better off: 富裕 humanitarian: 人道主义

in the interest of: 合乎……的利益;以……的利益出发 undercla:下层人士

be of strategic importance 有重要的战略地位 worldwide growth 世界范围的增长 赶超to catch up with and surpa 领先outstrips 纺织品textiles 使中国具有竞争优势give China a big advantage


Foreign Policy

外交政策 Foreign policies

和平共处五项原则 Five Principles of Peaceful Co-existence 睦邻友好关系 good-neighbor relations 互利合作 cooperation based on mutual benefit 对话与协商 dialogue and consultation 国家主权 sovereignty 双赢合作 win-win cooperation

建设性战略伙伴关系 constructive strategic partnership 干涉内政 to interfere with the internal affairs 国事访问 state visit 共同关心的话题 iues of common interest/ concern 坚持走和平发展的道路 adhere to(persistent in/ insist on/ stick to/ keep to/ commit itself to)[the road of ] peaceful development 负责任的国际社会成员 a responsible member in the international community 独立自主的和平外交政策 independent foreign policy of peace

以意识形态划线 use ideology as a criterion to define friends or foes(mark the line between friends or foes/);judge according to their ideology

双边外交 bilateral diplomatic ties(relations)多边外交 multilateral diplomatic ties(relations)多元化发展 multi-polarity

开创新局面 open up new vistas in…/ push into a new stage of development 国家集团 country bloc

与邻为善 to become a good neighbor / relations featuring good-neighborly ties 以邻为伴to become a good partner / relations featuring partnerships 睦邻友好 good-neighborly and friendly relations / keep friendly relations with 周边外交政策 foreign policy with neighboring countries

长期睦邻互信伙伴关系 long-term partnership of good-neighborline and mutual trust

互惠互利关系 relations of mutual benefit and reciprocity 国际条约 international treaties(agreement)国际政治、经济的新秩序 a new international political and economic order 和平、稳定、公正、合理 peaceful, stable, just and equitable

朝核、伊核 the nuclear iue on the Korean Peninsula and Iranian nuclear iue 劝和促谈 working for the reconciliation of the parties and promoting the talks of peace 结盟 enter into an alliance with…/ make alliance with 反恐怖主义 anti-terrorism 核扩散 nuclear proliferation 履行自己的承诺 to fulfill(keep / implement / carry out)its commitments 减免债务 relieve debts / reduce or cancel debts / reduce or waive debts 优惠贷款 conceionary(preferential / favorable / soft)loan

不附加条件 with no strings attached / without additional terms / additional constraints(limits / control / requirement)

自卫的国防政策 a defense policy of a defensive nature 霸权主义 seek hegemonism 强权政治 power politics

参拜靖国神社 visit Yasukuni Shrine 发展世代友好关系 develop friendship paed on from generation to generation/ develop centuries old friendship/ develop long-lasting friendship

二战甲级战犯 cla-A war criminals

以史为鉴、面向未来 taking history as a mirror to guide the future growth;draw leons from history while set eyes on the future;keep in mind the past experience and looking toward the future

极右翼势力 ultra-right forces 国事访问 state visit 务实合作 pragmatic cooperation / cooperation with down-to-earth attitude 求同存异 seek common ground while putting aside differences 中美三个联合公报 the three Sino-US joint communiqué 中美联合声明 Sino-US Joint statement 全面合作伙伴关系 all-around partnership 战略协作伙伴关系 strategic partnership

民间交往 people-to-people exchanges / non-governmental exchanges 联合声明 joint declaration 两岸关系 cro-straits relations 共同繁荣 common prosperity 历史宿怨 old hostility

优势互补 to share complementary advantages 经济一体化 economic integration 研讨会: seminar 精英: elites

经济办、企业界、学术界 the economic, busine and academic circles 方针 guideline

提出标准 to impose requirements on… 贯彻: implement

抓住机遇: to grasp the opportunity disputes and misunderstandings 争执与误解 increase good will 增进友谊,双方的良好意愿 win-win 双赢

strategic roadmap 战略路线(图)

mutual benefit and sustainable development 互惠互利、持续发展 gain high returns 获得很高回报 at large 总体而言

speak with a common voice 用一个声音说话 obstacles and setbacks 障碍和挫折

Be rooted in a solid ground ……的基础是牢固的 people of diligence and intelligence勤劳智慧的人民 an eential part 必不可少的一个组成部分 good prospects 美好前景 all-round cooperation 全面合作

governmental and non-governmental cooperation 政府之间还是非政府之间的合作 参与国际竞争:to participate in the international competition 民营和中小型企业:private, small and medium-size busine 维护国家主权和安全: to safeguard national sovereignty and security 小康社会: a better-off society 全面: in an all-round way

进一步合作和交流 further cooperation and exchange 政治胆略 political courage/insight a closed-door past 闭关锁国的过去 ideology 意识形态

友好往来 enjoy/carry out friendly exchanges 自建交以来 since the establishment of diplomatic relations 双边贸易 bilateral trade

充分考虑 take …into full consideration

求同存异 to seek common grounds while putting aside the differences 提供/创造就业机会 to provide job opportunities bilateral relations: 双边关系 mutual responsibility: 共同责任 Asia-Pacific region: 亚太地区 abide by the rules: 遵守规范准则 International community: 国际社会


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老师简介: K: 上海新东方学校口译研究中心成员。中/高级口译明星教师。上海交通大学英语语言文学硕士。高级同声翻译。1、考官不是送你下地狱的魔鬼,而是盼你终成正果的天使......


