润程搏凡(润程搏凡)2008-08-08 22:22
a matter of urgency 紧急事项
*a priori limitation 凭经验规定的限额
*“AAA” rating 三“A”级信用
*abatement measure 清除措施
*abled-bodied 强壮的;健康的;健全的*abolition of obstacles to freedom of movement 消除自由流通的障碍 *abolition of tax control 取消税务监督
*above the line [Advertising] 全能的广告公司[指广告公司能为广 告主提供必须的全面广告策划者]
*abrogation of derogations 废除例外
*absens reo(abs re)[Latin] 被告不在;被告未到庭 *absolute cost 绝对成本
*absolute majority 绝对多数 *absolute price competition 绝对价格竞争
*absorb additional cost, to 承担额外费用
*absorption 并入 [国际法] *absorption of refugees 吸收难民
*abuse of a dominant position 滥用支配地位
*acceptance credit 承兑信用证
*acce to courts 出席法庭的权利
*acce to economic activities 进入经济活动领域
*acce to the market 市场准入;进入市场
*acceion agreement 加入协定
*acceion compensatory amount “加入”补偿费
*acceion to the Community 加入共同体
*accomodation 住房;膳宿;收容;接待AIJ projects — 联合活动项目
*actor 行为主体;角色
*acts of the Council and the Commiion 理事会和委员会文件
*actual base(effective base)实际税基;实际课税对象 [ref: additional base] *actual delivered price at destination 目的地交货实际价格
*actual value [Customs] 实际价格
*ad hanc vocem(ahv)[Latin] 见此条[字典中参阅注] *ad hoc advisory committee of experts 特设专家咨询委员会 *ad hoc committees and commiions 特设委员会 *ad hoc experts group 特设专家组
*ad hoc group 特设小组
*ad hoc group of experts 特设专家组
*ad hoc group of qualified government 特设合格政府专家组 experts *ad hoc international tribunal 特设国际法庭 *ad hoc judge [ICJ] 专案法官
*ad hoc meetings on debt renegotiation 债务重新谈判专题会议 *ad hoc working group(AHWG)特设工作组
*ad hoc working group of experts 特设专家工作组
*ad hoc working groups established by the 人权委员会所设各特设工作组 Commiion on Human Rights *ad hunc locum(ahl)[Latin] 在此处
*ad majorem Dei gloriam(AMDG)[Latin] 为上帝增光[耶稣会格言] *ad sectam(ads)[Latin] 在(某)案中;被....控告 [B ads A: A 控告 B;A 是原告、B 是被告] *ad valorem duty 从价税
*ad valorem percentage criterion 从价百分比标准 *adaptability 适应 *adaptive capacity 适应能力
*additional base 追加的税基;额外的课税对象 [ref: actual base;effective base] *additional cost 额外费用
*additional expenditure 追加支出
*additional expenses 附加费;附加捐税
*additional fee 附加费;附加税
*additional own funds 补充自有资金
*additional protocol 附加议定书
*additional protocol II 第二号附加议定书
*additional provisions 附加条款
*additional rule 附加规则
*additionality 资金增益
*addreograph operator 姓名地址印写机操作员 *adequate shelter for all 人人有适当的住房 [生境二] *adjuster [Insurance] 理算师
*adjustment of agricultural structure 调整农业结构
*adjustment of the customs tariff 调整关税税率 *adjustment of the par values 调整平价 *administration and management 行政与管理
*administration of justice 司法执行工作;司法行政
*administration of trade regulations, 贸易条例的公布和实施 publication and *administrative aide [Field Service] 行政助理员
*administrative and finance aistant 行政和财务助理 [UNICEF] *administrative and finance officer 行政和财务干事 [UNICEF;UNDP] *administrative and personnel clerk 行政和人事办事员 [UNICEF] *administrative and personnel officer 行政和人事干事 [UNICEF] *administrative appropriations 行政拨款
*administrative aspect 行政问题
*administrative aistance to refugees 对难民的行政援助
*administtirave aistant 行政助理 *administrative aistant, 文书和行政助理人员 secretarial and *administrative barrier 行政方面障碍 *administrative budget 行政预算
*administrative clerk 行政办事员
*administrative co-ordination 行政的协调
*administrative document, single(SAD)统一的行政文件[指共同体内部货物 [EC] 过境需要填写的统一表格]
*administrative expenditure 行政开支;行政支出
*administrative/finance clerk [UNDP] 行政/财务办事员
*administrative/financial aistant 行政/财务助理 [UNDP;UNFPA] *administrative hand-over 管理工作的移交
*administrative information, 业务和行政资料 operational and *administrative iuances 行政布告
*administrative management officer [AMS] 行政管理干事for administrative iuances 处理行政布告的行政管理干事 *administrative manager [UNICEF] 行政管理员
*administrative matters 行政事项
*administrative officer(AO)行政干事
*administrative provedures [JIU] 行政管理程序
*administrative provisions 行政规定 *administrative research aistant 行政研究助理 [UNICEF]
*administrative secretary [UNDP] 行政秘书
*administrative services clerk [UNICEF] 行政事务员
*administrative support(AS)行政支助
*administrative systems officer [UNDP] 行政制度干事 *administrative tribunal 行政法庭
*administrative unit 行政单位 *administrator(A)[UNDP] 署长
*Administrator of the United Nations 联合国开发计划署署长 Development Programm *administrator of the United Nations 联合国生境和人类住区基金会主任 Habitat and Human Settlements Foundation *admiion criteria 接纳的标准;收容的标准[难民] *admiion of refugees 收容难民;接纳难民 *admiion quota 入学限额[学校]
*admiion rules 入境规定;进口条例 *admiion to preference 可享受优惠待遇
*admiion to the Community 接纳加入共同体 *adoption of the agenda 通过议程 *advancement of women 提高妇女地位 *advance purchase tickets(APEX)预购机票 *advanced strategic air-launched miile 先进空中发射战略导弹(ASALM)*advances recoverable locally(ARL)可在当地收回的垫款
*advertiser 广告人;广告主 *advertising 广告 *advertising agency 广告代理;广告代理公司 *advertising agency organization 广告专业组织
*advertising aociation 广告协会
*advertising goal 广告目的*advertising institute 广告学会 *advertising media 广告媒介
*advertising of public interest 公众利益广告 *advertising planning 广告策划
*advertising production corporation 广告制作公司
*advertising restriction 广告限制 *adviser 顾问
*adviser, urban affairs [UNICEF] 城市事务顾问
*adviser hors clae 特别顾问;高级顾问
*advisory board 咨询委员会 *advisory committee 咨询委员会
*advisory functions 咨询职能
*advisory opinion 咨询意见
*advisory service programme 咨询服务方案 *advocate-general 代理检察长
*aerobiology 空气生物学;大气生物学
*African Franc 非洲金融共同体法郎(非洲法郎)(African Financial Community Franc;Franc de la Communaute Financiere d'Afrique;CFAF;FCFA)*African Financial Community Franc 非洲金融共同体法郎(非洲法郎)(African Franc;Franc de la Communaute Financiere d'Afrique;CFAF;FCFA)*African Franc 非洲法郎(非洲金融共同体法郎)(African Financial Communuty Franc;Franc de la Communaute Financiere d'Afrique;CFAF;FCFA)*aflatoxin 黄曲霉毒素 *after-service health insurance(ASHI)离职后健康保险
*aged refugee 老龄难民 *agency 机构;局;署
*agency representative [UNDP] 机构代表 *agency task force 机构特别工作组 *agency technical advisors(ATA)机构技术顾问
*agenda 议程 *agenda for action 行动议程
*agenda item 议程项目
*agent bank 代理行
*agent general [UNKRA] 主任
*agglomeration of sub-standard dwellings 低标准住宅区
*aggregate measure of support(AMS)[UR] 支助的综合衡量;综合支持
*aggreive protective trade policy 侵略性保护贸易政策
*agreed minutes 商定记录
*agreed price 约定价格;议定价格
*agreement between undertakings 企业间协议
*agreement in the form of agreed minutes 商定记录形式的协议
*agreement in the form of an exchange of 换文形式的协议 letters *agreement on basic principles 关于基本原则的协定
*agreement on reinsurance 分保合同 *agreement worker 合同工人
*agreements officer [UNDP] 协定事务干事
*agricultural commodity projections [FAO] 农业商品规划
*agricultural conversion rate [EC] 绿色汇率;农产品价格换算率 *agricultural ECU [EC] 绿色埃居
*agricultural extensifications 粗放耕作 *agricultural labour unit(ALU)农业劳动单位 *agricultural levies 农产品差额税
*agricultural policy 农业政策
*agricultural policy in a dilemma 农业政策的困窘
*agricultural product 农产品
*agricultural protectionism [UR] 农业保护主义
*agricultural stabilizer 农业稳定机制
*agricultural structure 农业结构
*agrimonetary measure 农业货币措施
*agrimonetary policy 农业货币政策
*aid for high school pupils 给中学生的援助
*aid programme 援助方案
*aid to university students 给大学生的援助 *aid having a social character 社会性援助 *aid programme 援助计划 *AIDS service organization(ASO)艾滋病服务组织
*air charter 包机
*air freight 空运;航空运输;空运运费
*air-launched cruise miile(ALCM)空中发射巡航导弹
*air liner 班机;客机
*air space, international 国际空域 *air-to-ground miile(AGM)空对地导弹
*air-to-surface ballistic miile(ASBM)空对地弹道导弹
*air-to-surface miile(ASM)空对地导弹
*air transportation cargo insurance 航空运输货物保险 *airbus 空中客车;空中巴士
*aircraft unit load device(A/C ULD)航空用成组器[集装箱]
*airworthine certification 适航证书
*Alclad 阿尔克拉德[纯铝覆面的硬铝合金] *Alclad product 包铝硬铝合金产品
*algorithm(= algorism)算法[计算机程序] *alien refugee 外国难民
*aliens legislation 外侨法规
*alignment of customs duties 协调关税
*alkyl benzenesulfonate(ABS)[Chemicals] 苯磺酸烷酯
*all accomodation 各式住房[难民安置]
*all-in price(lump price)包干价格;整批买卖价格
*all purpose 多用途;多目标;多目的*all purpose fund 多用途基金 *all purpose vehicle 多用途车辆
*all risks [Insurance] 一切险
*allocated quota 分摊配额
*allocation 分配;拨款
*allocation of agenda item 议程项目的分配
*allocation of powers 权力分配(distribution of powers)
*allocation of resources 资源分配;资金分配(distribution of resources)*allotment notification [FAO] 拨款通知书
*allowance 津贴
*alternate certifying officer 候补核证人 [Financial Rules] *alternate secretary 候补秘书
*alternative approaches and ways and 各种途径、方式和方法 means *alternative duty 选择税
*alternative framework 备选纲领
*alternis horis(ah)[Latin] 每两小时;隔一小时
*amber category(= conditional subsidies)黄灯类(限制使用的补贴)[cf: traffic light] [GATT] *amendment 修正
*amendment of a treaty 一项条约的修正 *amendment of an act 修改文件
*American agricultural policy 美国农业政策
*Americam selling price(ASP)美国销售价格
*American selling price system of customs 按美国售价估征关税制度 valuation
*amnesty 大赦
*amnesty law 大赦法
*amoebic dysentery 阿米巴性痢疾 *amortized share 已摊还的股票 *amount allocated 拨款额
*amount appropriated 核拨数额
*amount committed 承诺额
*amount remitted 已汇出数额;已汇出款项
*ancillary procedures(附加)程序
*animal container 动物集装箱;家畜集装箱[集装箱]
*annex is being reproduced as received, in the 附件不译,原文照发 [常用脚注] language of submiion only, the *annexed territory 被兼并领土
*anno Domini(AD)[Latin] 公元
*annual post review(APR)年度职位审查
*annual report in writing 年度书面报告 *annual seion 年会
*annual percentage rate(APR)年率
*annuality of the budget 预算的年度性
*annuity 年金 *annuity scheme 年金制度
*ante Chritum(AC)[Latin] 公元前
*ante meridiem(AM;am)[Latin] 上午;午前 *anti-ballistic miile(ABM)反弹道导弹
*anti-circumvention action 反规避行为 [UR] *anti-dumping 反倾销
*anti-dumping and countervailing duties 反倾销税和反补贴税 *anti-dumping duty 反倾销税
*anti-dumping measures(ADP)反倾销措施 *anti-personnel landmines(APLs)杀伤人员地雷
*anti-piracy 反海盗 *anti-piracy arrangement 反海盗安排
*anti-piracy programme 反海盗方案
*anti-subsidy 反补贴 *anti-subsidy duty 反补贴税;反津贴税;抵消税
*anti-surge clause [MFA] 反激增条款[多纤维安排] *anti-trade biased growth 逆贸易偏向经济增长 *apartheid 种族隔离
*apartheid economy 种族隔离经济 *apartheid in sports 体育领域种族隔离
*appeal 上诉
*appeal against the death sentence 对死刑的上诉
*applicability of provisions 条款的适用性
*applicant 申请者
*applicant [Insurance] 投保人;要保人 *applicant State 申请国
*applicants “sur place”(ASP)[Refugees] “就地”申请者
*application for employment 求职
*application of the treaty 条约的适用
*applied monetary gap 应用差价[实际差价减去免税部分](ecart monetaire applique;EMA)*appointment 任命 *apportionment of expenses 经费分摊
*appraisal 评价 *appraised value 估定价值;海关估定价值
*appreciation of international law 了解国际法
*appropriate level of sanitary or 卫生或植物检疫保护的适当水平 phytosanitary protection [UR] *appropriation 拨款;经费
*appropriations by executive committee 执行委员会核定的经费 *approved allocation 核定拨款
*approved appropriation 核定拨款
*approximation of laws 协调法律
*APR Form(Form A of postal regulation)表格 APR;格式 APR[用于邮寄小额 商品的普惠制产地证书]
*Arab currency-related units(ACRU)阿拉伯货币单位(阿币单位)*arbitrary discrimination 任意歧视 *arbitrary execution 任意处决 *arbitration 仲裁
*arbitration award 仲裁书;裁决 *arbitration committee 仲裁委员会 *arbitrator 仲裁员
*architect 建筑师
*archives aistant 档案助理
*archives clerk 档案事务员
*archivist 档案管理员
*area aement 分区鉴定
*area desk [UNHCR] 地区事务处
*area of low pest or disease prevalence 低病虫害流行区域 *area officer [UNDP] 地区干事
*area without frontiers 没有内部边界区
*area without internal frontiers 没有内部边界区
*argent brulant(hot money)热钱;游资
*argument for foreign trade increasing 对外贸易增加价值论 the national value *armed aggreion 武装侵略
*armed conflict 武装冲突
*arms control 军备控制;军备管制
*arms limitation 军备限制
*arms race 军备竞赛
*arms trade 军火贸易;军备贸易
*arms transfer 军备转让
*arrangements for implementation 执行方面的的安排
*arrest [shipping] 扣押
*arrival [Refugee] 到达者
*art and design officer [UNICEF] 美术设计干事
*art and quality adviser [UNICEF] 美术品质顾问
*art presentation officer [UNICEF] 美术陈列干事
*article 条款
*article 目[预算旧制](administrative officer)(ARR(A))助理驻地代表(行政干事)countries of first asylum--第一庇护国 *asylum policy 庇护政策
*asylum practices 庇护做法 *asylum procedure 庇护程序 *asylum procedures 庇护程序 *asylum-seeker 寻求庇护者 *at the sectional level 预算各款[标题] *ATA carnets 临时入境证[海关] *Atlantic alliance 大西洋联盟 *atomic radiation 原子辐射 *ATS personnel 空运服务人员 *attache 随从人员
*attachment [shipping] 扣留 *attempt to effect radical change 企图进行激烈变革 *attorney-general 检察总长[英];司法部长[美] *atypical work 非正式工作[临时工等] *auction 拍卖;招标 *audit an account, to 审计一个帐户 *audit clerk 审计事务员 *audit of expenditure 监督开支;控制开支 *audited financial statement 审定财务报表 *auditing 审计 *auditor 审计员;审计委员 *auditor-general 审计长 *augmented qualified majority [EC] 加强的特定多数
*authentification 证实;数据真伪鉴定 *authority [Sea-Bed] 管理局 *authority, South African authorities 南非当局
*authority in the region 区域权力机构 *authorized budget level(ABL)核定预算数额 *authorized position 核定头寸 *authorizing officer for expenditure [EC] 开支审核官
*automated clearing houses(ACH;ACHs)自动化票据交换所 *automated legal effect 自动法律效力 *automation co-ordinator 自动化协调专员 *autonomous and conventional tariff 自主协定税则制;自主协定税则 system *autonomous single tariff system 自主单一税则制;自主单一税则
*autonomous duty 自主关税 *autonomous tariff system 自主税则制;自主税则 *autonomous GSP schemes 自主普惠制方案 *auxiliary 辅助人员 *auxiliary health personnel 辅助保健人员
*auxiliary health staff 辅助保健人员 *auxiliary personnel 辅助人员 *availability theory [Economy] 存在性理论 *average cost(AC)平均成本 *average fixed cost(AFC)平均固定成本 *average post adjustment(APA)index 工作地点差价调整数平均指数 *average total cost(ATC)平均总成本 *average unit of world labour 世界劳动的平均单位 *average variable cosr(AVC)平均可变成本
*award of contracts 签订合同 *aware of 了解到 *background information kit 背景资料袋 *backwash effect [Economy] 回波效应;回流效应;回浪效应 *backlog 积压的案件;积压的文件;积压的工 作
*backup policy 辅助政策;配套政策 *bacteriological weapon 细菌武器 *bacteriophage [= phagein, phage] 噬菌体 *Baghdad boil 巴格达疖;皮肤利什曼病 *balance account 平衡项目[国际收支];结算帐户
*balance of capital account 资本项目收支差额[国际收支] *balance of current account 经常项目收支差额[国际收支] *balance of international payments 国际收支平衡表;国际收支差额 *balance of payments(BOP)国际收支;国际收支差额 *balance of payments adjustment 国际收支调节 *balance of responsibilities 责任平衡 *balance of trade(BOT)贸易差额;贸易平衡 *balance sheet 资产负债表
*ball mat 球垫[集装箱] *ballistic miile(BM)弹道导弹 *ballistic miile defense(BMD)弹道导弹防御 *ballistic miile defense system 弹道导弹防御系统(BMD system)*balsa 轻木 *bank note denominated in Ecus 埃居钞票 *bank of iue 发行银行 *bankers' bank 中央银行 *banking operations 银行业务 *banning order 禁止令 *bar aociation 律师公会;律师协会
*bar code 条码 *bare boat charter [Shipping] 光船租船合同;光船租赁 *barter agreement 易货协定;换货协定 *barter terms of trade 商品贸易条件 *barter trade 易货贸易 *base dimensions 基本尺寸[集装箱] *base quantity of textile trade 纺织品贸易基数 *based on solidarity 基于团结的*Basel agreements 巴塞尔协定[1972年4月签定,包括一 系列加强货币合作的措施] *basic amenities 基本生活福利 *basic aistance list(BAL)基本援助清单
*basic aistance list control clerk 基本援助表监督事务员 [UNICEF] *basic education 基本教育 *basic eentials 生活必需品
*basic health unit 基层保健单位 *basic instrument 基础文件 *basic intervention price 基本干预价格 *basic neceities 基本必需品 *basic price 基价 *basic regulation 基本规定
*basic research in industrial 欧洲工业技术基础研究[共同体项目] technologies in Europe(BRITE)*basic target price 基本指标价格 [谷类、糖、牛奶、橄榄油等] *basic tax-free allowance 减税基数;免税基数 *basis for exemption from the reduction 免除减让承诺的基础 commitments [UR]
*“basket of funds” “资金篮子” *bast fabric 麻织物 *batch control and allocations [JIU;FAO] 批数控制和分拨 *bear position 卖空地位;空头 *bearing in mind 考虑到 *BEC category 按广泛经济类别分类(claification by broad economic categories)*beggar-thy-neighbour policy 以邻为壑政策;近邻贫穷化政策 *beginning of month(BOM)月初 *belly compartment 机腹集装箱[集装箱]
*belly container 机腹集装箱[集装箱] *bench mark price 基准价格 *beneficiaries 受益人;受惠国 *beneficiary [GSP] 受惠国[优惠] *beneficiary suppliers 受惠供应国[优惠] *benefits 利益[优惠] *best available techniqe(BAT)可得最佳技术 *best prevailing conditions of service 一般最佳服务条件 *bhangmeter 闪光强度计 *bid editing clerk [UNICEF] 投标登记事务员 *biennial budget cycle 两年预算周期 *biennial budgeting 两年期预算编制 *biennial programme of work and budget 两年期工作方案和预算 *biennial programming [UNDP] 两年期计划制订
*biennial reporting 两年呈报一次 *biennium 1990-1991 1990--1991两年期 *big market 大市场 *bilateral agreement 双边协定;双边协议 *bilateral agreement on textiles under 多纤维安排下的纺织品双边协议 MFA *bilateral central rate [EC] 双边中心汇率[例如法郎和里拉] *bilateral quotas 双边性限额
*bilateral trade 双边贸易 *contract for the supply of goods to the 公共部门购货合同 public sector *contract of tourist economy 旅游经济合同;旅游经济契约 *contracting 签订合同 *contracting parties [Treaty] 缔约方 *contracting parties, the 缔约方全体 *contracting party [Treaty] 缔约方 *contracting services 订约事务 *contractor [Contracting] 承包商;承包单位 *contracts committee 合同委员会
*contracts officer 合同事务干事 *contractual liability 合同规定的责任 *contractual licence 契约性许可证 *contractual relations 合同关系 *contribution 捐款;捐助 *contribution channelled through UNHCR 通过难民署提供的捐助 *contribution conditionally pledged 有条件的认捐捐款 *contribution earmarked 指定用途的捐款 *contribution in cash 现金捐助 *contribution in kind 实物捐献 *contribution paid 已付捐款 *contribution pledged 认捐捐款 *contribution promised 承诺捐款
*contribution specified 指定用途的捐款 *contributions channelled through HCR 通过难民署渠道提供捐助 *contributions clerk 缴款事务员 *contributions in kind, short-delivered 实物捐助少交数 *contributions officer 缴款事务干事 *contributive capacity 缴款能力 *control centre 管制中心 *control clerk [UNDP] 管理事务员
*control of expenditure 监督开支;控制开支 *control procedure 控制程序;监督程序 *controller(aistant secretary-general 财务主任(主管财务厅助理秘书长)for financial services)[DAM] *controller [UNICEF] 财务司长 *controller and auditor general 主计长兼审计长 *controller-general 主计长
*controlling production 控制生产 *convenor 会议召集人 *convention of aociation 联系公约;联系协定 *convention refugees 公约定义下的难民;公约所规定的难 民 *convention travel document 根据公约签发的旅行证件 *conventional disarmament 常规裁军 *conventional duties [EC] 协定关税 *conventional law 协约法 *conventional munitions 常规弹药 *conventional rate 协定税率 *conventional tariff 协定关税;协定税率 *conventional tariff rate 协定税率 *conventional tariff system 协定税则制;协定税则
*conventional weapon 常规武器 *convergence of economic performance 经济发展水平趋同 *convergence of economic policy 经济政策趋同 *conversion of production 转产 *conversion of the undertaking to the 企业转产 production of other goods
*conversion rate 换算率;折合率 *convertibility(货币的)可兑换性 *convertible bond 可换成股票的债券 *convertible currency 可兑换货币 *co-operative exploitation 合作开发 *co-operation agreement 合作协定
*co-operation between institutions 机构间合作 *co-operation procedure 合作程序 *co-operative and related sectors [EC] 社会经济 *co-operative development 合作社发展 *co-operative sector [EC] 社会经济 *co-operative society 合作社 *co-ordinating committee 协调委员会 *co-ordination board [UNDP] 协调委员会 *co-ordination committee 协调委员会 *co-ordination committee of the council 理事会所属协调委员会 *co-ordination measure 协调措施 *co-ordination officer 协调干事
*co-ordination officer for documents and 文件和会议协调干事 meetings *co-ordinator 协调员;协调专员 *co-ordinator, UNFPA 人口活动基金协调员 *co-ordinator for programme operations 方案业务协调员 [UNDP]
*co-owner of the ship [shipping] 船舶共有人 *copy holder 读稿员 *copy layout man 稿件编排员 *copy preparer 制稿员 *coram(cor)[Latin] 在(某人)面前 *cordon operation [Sri Lanka] 封锁行动 *co-responsibility [EC] 共同责任
*co-responsibility levy 共同责任税 *corporal 警卫班长 *corporal punishment 体罚;肉刑 *correction institute 教养院 *corrective amount 调整费 *correlation 相互对照 *correspondence 相互对应 *correspondence officer 文书员 *correspondent 联号 [银行等] *correspondent [UNHCR] 通信员
*corresponding tables 对应表格 *cosmid [biology] 科斯质体[具有λ噬菌体粘性末端基 因(cos site)的质体] *cost 成本;费用 *cost analysis 成本分析 *cost and freight(C and F;C & F)货价加运费(指定目的港);离岸加 [Shipping] 运费价格 *cost benefit analysis(CBA)成本收益分析
*cost benefit evaluation 成本收益评价 *cost benefit ratio 成本收益比率 *cost decreasing effect of integration 一体化的成本降低效应 *cost detail 成本分析 *cost-effectivene analysis 成本效益分析 *cost-effectivene study 成本效益研究
*cost inflation 成本价格膨胀 *cost, insurance and freight 到岸价格;成本、保险费和运费(CIF;cif;cif price)[A shipping term under which the seller quotes a price including the costs of the goods, insurance and all transport charges to the named point of destination.See also Incoterms.] *cost, insurance, freight and commiion 到岸价格加佣金(CIFC;cifc)(成本、保险费、运费和佣金)*cost, insurance, freight and exchange 到岸价格加汇费(cife)(成本、保险费、运费和汇费)
*cost, insurance, freight and interest 到岸价格加利息(cifi)(成本、保险费、运费和利息)*cost, insurance, freight and war risk 到岸价格加战争险(cifw)(成本、保险费、运输和战争险)*cost measurement system(CMS)[FAO] 成本核定制度;费用计算制度 *cost-of-living(COL)index 生活费指数
*cost-of-living trend 生活费变动趋势 *cost of non-Europe 非欧洲化的代价 *cost of the transition 过渡的代价 *cost performance analysis 成本业绩分析
*cottage industry 家庭手工业 *cottage manufacture 农村手工业 *cottage production 手工业生产 *cotton fabric 棉织物;棉布 *council 理事会
*council affairs officer 理事会事务干事 *council chambers 理事会会议厅 *counselling 咨询;提供咨询 *counselling programme 咨询方案 *counselling service 咨询服务 *counselling teams 咨询组 *counsellor 顾问;提供咨询者 *counter-brutality 报复性残暴行为 *counter-force 反击力量 *“counter safety net” procedure [EC] “保护网复审”程序 *counter trade 对销贸易;补偿贸易
*counter-weapons 反击武器 *countervailing charge 反补贴税;反倾销税 *countervailing duty(CVD)反补贴税;反倾销税 *counting and control systems [IAEA] 核算与管理制度 *“contre-filet” procedure [EC] “保护网复审”程序 *countries in transition 转型期国家 *countries of first asylum 第一庇护国
*countries of origin 原产国;物种所在国 *countries with debt service difficulties 偿债困难国家(CDSD)*countries with abnormal burden(AB)负担过重国家 *country applying the rule 实施国家 *country approach 国别办法 *country ceiling 国家最高限额 *country director [UNFPA] 国别方案主任
*country experience 国别经验 *country index, UNDEX 联合国文件国别索引 *country information co-ordinator(CIC)国别资料协调员 *country IPFs 国别指规数 *country of destination 目的地国 *country of domicile for tax purposes 纳税地 *country of first asylum 第一庇护国 *country of origin 原产国;原产地;产地国;本国 *country of origin 所属国(home country;pay d'appartenance)
*country of origin 原籍国[难民] *country of provenance 来源国 *country of reception 收容国;接待国 *country of resettlement 重新安置国 *country of sale 出售国 *country office, WHO 卫生组织国家办事处 *country overview [UNHCR] 该国难民概况[年度报告] *country programme profile 国别计划简介
*country programming 制订国别方案 *country quota 国别配额 *country-specific and product-specific 按国家和产品分层取消(优惠的办法)graduation *country value 国别价值;国民价值 *coup de grace [French] 致命的一击 *court of auditors [EC] 审计院 *court of first instance 初审法院 *court of justice 法院 *cover note 保险证书 *cover rate [EC] 抵偿率[以出口抵偿进口的百分比]
*covered imports 受惠的进口[优惠] *covered products 受惠产品[优惠] *covering operations 套头保值交易 *craftmen's shop 工匠工作室 *crafts and trades 手工艺 *crash programme 应急方案 *crate 亮格箱[集装箱] *crawing peg 蠕动汇率;爬升汇率 *creating an environment conducive to the 创造有利于和平解决南非局势的环境 peaceful resolution of the situation in South Africa *credential 全权证书 *credential of representative 代表的全权证书
*credit, World Bank/IDA 世界银行和开发协会贷款 *credit aociation 信用合作社;信贷协会 *credit card 信用卡 *credit containment 限制信贷 *credit control 信贷控制 *credit currency 信用货币
*credit institution 信用机构 *credit insurance 信用保险 *credit letter 承兑信用证 *credit line 信贷限额 *credit mechanism 信贷机制
*credit operations 信贷业务 *credit risk 信用险;信贷险 *credit union 存款互助会 *Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease(CJD)克罗伊茨费尔特—雅各布氏病; 克—雅氏病;克雅病 *crime against humanity 危害人类罪行 *crime of genocide 灭绝种族罪 *crime prevention 预防犯罪 *criminal activity 犯罪活动 *criminal court 刑事法庭 *criminal justice 刑事司法 *criminal responsibility 刑事责任
*criterion of change of tariff 税则分类变化标准 claification *criterion of manufacturing or proceing 制造或加工操作标准 operation *critical environment management 关键性环境管理 *crop year 作物年度
*cro-border co-operation 跨国合作 *cro-boeder trade 跨国贸易 *Cro-Channel Link(Eurotunnel)欧洲海底隧道 *cro elasticity of demand 需求交叉弹性 *cro elasticity of supply 供给交叉弹性
*cro-frontier activity 跨国活动 *cro-organizational programme analysis 跨组织方案分析(COPA)*cro section containerblood derivatives — 血液制剂 *derived intervention price 推演干预价格;引申干预价格
*dermal necrosis 皮肤坏死 *derogation 放宽;减让 *derogation [EC] 例外 *derogation rule [rule of origin] 逐步取消规则 *descripttion of products 货物说明;货物摘要;货物名称 *desertification 荒漠化 *desk [UNHCR] 处
*desk I [UNHCR] 一处 *desk II [UNHCR] 二处 *despair 失望 *detention camp 拘留营 *determine merits of the case, to [shipping] 审理案件实体问题 *develop an information system, to 开发一个信息系统
*develop-and-import scheme 开发进口方式 *developed countries(DCs)发达国家 *developed market economy(DME)发达的市场经济(发达市场)*developed market-economy countries 发达市场经济国家(发达国家)(DMECs)*developing countries(DCs)发展中国家The Second Development Decade — 第二个发展十年(DD-2)*development financing institutions 发展筹资机构(DFIs)
*development financing 发展资金 *development of investment 扩大投资 *development planning, projections and 发展规划、预测和政策[标题] policies *development proce 发展过程 *development senate 发展评议会 *development strategy 发展战略 *developmental social welfare policy 与发展有关的社会福利政策 *diabetic ceto-acidosis 乳类酸中毒引起的糖尿病
*diacetoxyscirpenol(DAS)双乙酸基镳草镰刀菌醇;蛇型真菌毒 素[镳字去掉金旁加上草头] *dietary energy supply(DES)食物能源 *differential duty 差别关税 *differential tariff 差别税则;差别关税
*differential treatment 差别待遇 *differentiated product theory [Economy] 异样化产品理论 *differentiated treatment 差别待遇;有差别的待遇 *difficult case 难案 *diffusion effect 扩散效应;扩展效应 *digital audio broadcast(DAB)数字音频广播 *digital video disk(DVD)数字视盘 *dimensions of door opening 门开口尺寸[集装箱]
*dimethyl sulfoxide(DMS;DMSO)二甲亚砜 *diminishing marginal productivity 边际生产力递减 *diphtheria 白喉 *diphtheria, tetanus and pertuis 白喉、破伤风和百日咳(DTP;DITEPER)*diplomatic asylum 外交庇护 *diplomatic institute 外交研究所 *diplomatic pouch 外交邮袋 *direct action 直接行动 *direct applicability 直接适用性 *direct broadcasting satellite(DBS)直播卫星 *direct consignment 直接运输 *direct effect [EC] 直接适用性 *direct investment 直接投资
*direct operation cost 直接业务费用 *direct subsidies 直接补贴 *direct tax 直接税 *direct taxation 直接税制 *direct television broadcasting 直接电视广播 *direct trade 直接贸易 *direct universal suffrage 直接普选
*directing external auditor 外聘审计主任 *directive [EC] 指令[对有关成员国具有约束力,但 具体执行办法可自行决定] *directives of the Office of Financial 财务厅颁发的指示 Services *director 主任;司长;局长;处长;干事 *director and deputy to the aistant 主任兼助理秘书长帮办 secretar-general
*director and deputy to the 主任兼副秘书长帮办 under-secretary-general *director for Europe [UNICEF] 欧洲区主任 *director for Policy Co-ordination 政策协调处主任 *director for research and analysis 研究分析处主任 [UNICEF] *director-general 总干事 *director-general [GATT] 总干事
*director-general [EC] 总司长 *director-general [UNOG] 主任 *director-general for development and 发展和国际经济合作总干事 international economic co-operation *director-general of correction institute 教养院总监 *director of division 司长
*director of the executive office of the 秘书长办公厅主任 Secretary-General *directorate 局长办公室 *directorate [BOP;UNDP] 局长室 *directorate [EC] 司[共同体委员会总司下设单位] *directorate-general(DG)[EC] 总司[共同体委员会下设23个总司] *dirty technology 污染环境的技术;带来污染的技术
*disabled 丧失能力的 *disabled person 残疾人;残疾人员 *disabled refugee 残疾难民 *disabling strike 消灭还击能力的打击 *disadvantaged group 处于不利地位的群体;处境不利的人 *disappeared person 失踪者 *disarmament 裁军 *disarmament, general and complete 全面彻底裁军
*disarmament agreement 裁军协定 *disarmament and development 裁军和发展 *disarmament fellowship 裁军研究金 *disarmament in general 普遍裁军 *disarmament machinery 裁军机构 *disarmament matters 裁军事项 *disarmament mechanisms 裁军机构 *disarmament programme 裁军方案 *disarmament savings 由裁军节省下来的资金 *disarmament strategy 裁军战略
*disarmed world 消除武器以后的世界;无武装世界 *disaster 灾害;灾难 *disaster mitigation 减轻灾害 *disaster preparedne 灾害准备;灾害防备 *disaster prone area 易受灾害区 *disaster relief 救灾;灾害救济 *disaster relief aistance 救灾援助 *disaster relief co-ordinator 救灾协调员 *disaster relief co-ordinator, 联合国救灾协调专员 United Nations *disaster zone 灾区 *discharge of a debt 清偿债款 *discontinuation of post(D)[UNHCR] 撤消职位 *discount 折扣 *discount market 贴现市场 *discount rate 贴现率 *discrete objects 分离目标;不连续的对象 *discretionary power 权益处置权;斟酌决定权 *discriminating tariff 歧视性关税 *discrimination 歧视
*discrimination against women 歧视妇女 *discrimination based on nationality 国籍歧视 *discriminatory barrier 歧视性壁垒 *discriminatory practice 歧视性作法 *disease free area 无病虫害区域 *disembarkation resettlement offers 提供安置上岸难民计划(DISERO)[UNHCR] *disengagement 脱离接触 *disengagement observer force 脱离接触观察员部队 *disguised dumping 变相倾销 *disguised restriction 变相限制 *disk buffer 磁盘缓冲存储器
*dispatch clerk [UNICEF] 调度事务员 *dispatch note 发递单 *dispatcher 调度员 *dispenser [Munitions] 分投器 *displaced persons 流离失所的人;流离失所者 *dispute between States 国家间争端 *dispute settlement body(DSB)解决争端机构 *diemination of information on 传播非殖民化的新闻 decolonization *diemination of international law 传播国际法
*diemination of nuclear technology 核技术的扩散 *diimilation of world economy 世界经济异质化 *distinctive marking 区别标志 *distorting agricultural market [UR] 扰乱农产品市场 *distortion of competition 扭曲竞争行为 *distre at sea 海上遇难 *distribution clerk [UNICEF] 分配事务员 *distribution of income in the Nation 国民收入分配 *distribution of powers 权力分配(allocation of powers)*distribution of resources 资源分配;资金分配(allocations of resources)*district representative [UNICEF] 地区代表
*divergence indicator 汇率波动指标;差异指标 *divergence threshold 差异界限;汇率波动上下限 *diversification of economy 经济多样化 *divestiture 变卖股权 *dividend-right certificate 受益股 *division 司[行政单位];章[税则]
*division [UNDP] 处 *division of labour 分工 *document indexing programme 文件索引编制方案 *document of objectives [UNHCR] 目标文件 *documentary credit 押汇信用证 *documentary evidence 书面证明;书面证据;书证 *documentary requirement 单证要求;书面证明要求;书面要求 *documentation 单证;书面证明安排 *documentation arrangement 单证安排;书面证明安排
*documentation distribution clerk 文件分发事务员 [UNICEF] *documentation fees 证件费 *documentation officer 文件事务干事 *documents aistant 文件事务助理 *documents clerk 文件事务员 *documents diemination system 文件分发制度 *documents officer 文件干事 *documents submitting office 提出文件的单位 *dollar area 美元区 *dollar loan, US 美元贷款 *domestic advertising 国内广告 *domestic content 国内成分;本国含量[产品] *domestic industry 国内工业 *domestic items 家庭用品 *domestic production-led growth 国内生产主导增长
*domestic sales requirements [UR] 国内销售要求 *domestic support commitments [UR] 国内支持承诺 *domestic violence 家庭暴力 *dominant position 支配地位 *dominant position of market power(DPMP)支配市场地位 *donor 捐助国;捐助方[机构、组织] *donor country content 优惠给予国成分;优惠给予国含量
*donor country rule 优惠给予国规则 *dooms day clock 世界末日钟 *door to door transport [Shipping] 门到门运输 *dormant commitment 休眠财政拨款;未动用的财政拨款 *double-entry bookkeeping 复式簿记 *double factoral terms of trade 双要素贸易条件 *douple option [MFA] 双重选择 *double taxation 双重课税 *draft agenda 议程草案 *draft calendar of conferences and 会议日历草案 meetings
*draft provisional agenda 临时议程草案 *drafting of an international convention 起草一项国际公约 *draftman 绘图员 *drawback and recovery of customs duty 关税退补 *drawback of customs duty 退回关税 *drawback system 退税制度 *drawing clerk [UNICEF] 绘图事务员 *dream world 梦境世界
*driftnet 漂网aociate economic affairs officer--经济事务协理干事 *economic agent 经济主体;经济活动参加者 [包括国家部门、企业团体、工 会组织和个人] *economic and monetary policy 经济和货币政策 *economic and monetary union(EMU)经济货币联盟 *economic and social area [EC] 经济和社会区 *economic and social cohesion 经济和社会协调
*economic and social consequences of 裁军的经济和社会效果 disarmament *economic and social consequences of the 军备竞赛和军事开支的经济和社会后 arms race and of military expenditure 果 *economic and technological development 经济技术开发区 zone *economic aistance 经济援助 *economic blocade(EB)经济封锁 *economic change 经济变革 *economic co-operation 经济合作 *economic co-operation among developing 发展中国家间经济合作 countries(ECDC)(经合;发展中国家经合)*economic growth 经济发展;经济增长
*economic indicator 经济指标 *economic instrument 经济手段 *economic integration 经济一体化 *economic integration of European 欧洲共同体经济一体化 Community *economic interest grouping 经济利益集团 *economic life 经济生活 *economic migrant 经济移民 *economic operator 经济界人士
*economic order 经济秩序 *economic position 经济状况 *economic rate of return 经济收益率 *economic rehabilitation 经济复原;经济复兴 *economic rent(= quasi-rent)经济租金;经济租 *economic rights 经济权利 *economic sanctions 经济制裁
*economic, social and humanitarian 经济、社会和人道主义活动 activities *economic survey 经济调查;商情调查 *economic time series(ETS)经济时间序列 [经济参数按时间次序列出] *economic union 经济同盟;经济联盟 *economic unit 经济单位 *economic viability 经济活力 *economies in transition 转型期经济(国家或地区)*economist 经济学家 *economy of scale 规模经济
*ECOSOC formula 经社理事会办法 *Ecu(European currency unit)欧洲货币单位;埃居 *Ecu bank-note 埃居钞票 *Ecu basket 埃居篮子;埃居合成 *Ecu clearing system 埃居结算制度 *editing clerk [UNICEF] 编辑事务员 *editor 编辑 *editor-in-chief 总编辑 *editor-translator 编辑--笔译员 *editor-verbatim reporter 编辑兼逐字记录员 *editorial aistant 编辑助理 *editorial chief 总编辑 *editorial clerk 编辑事务员 *editorial control 编辑管制 *editorial control officer 编辑管制干事
*education account 教育帐户 *education fund 教育基金 *education grant 教育补助金 *education kit 教育资料袋 *education officer [UNHCR] 教育干事 *education resource centre 教育资料中心 *educational programme 教育方案
*educational project 教育项目 *effect 作用;效应 *effective base(actual base)实际税基;实际课税对象 [ref: additional base] *effective comprehensive test ban 有效全面禁试 *effective enjoyment 切实享受 *effective guarantee and ovservation 切实保障和尊重人权 of human rights *effective implementation 有效执行 *effective international arrangement 有效国际安排 *effective international control 有效的国际监督 *effective mobilization 有效动员 *effective price 有效价格;实际价格 *effective protection 有效保护;实际保护 *effective rate of protection 有效保护率;实际保护率
*effectivene 效力 *effectivene principle 实效原则 *effect of atomic radiation 原子辐射的影响 *effort to eliminate colonialism 消除殖民主义的努力 *efficiency of the administration 行政效率 *eingetragener verein(EV)[Germany] 正式注册登记的协会或学会 *elasticity of demand 需求弹性 *elasticity of export supply 出口供给弹性 *elasticity of supply 供给弹性 *electric document interchange(EDI)电传文件交换(系统)*electrician 电工 *electricians' shop 电工工作室
*electromagnetic pulses(EMP)电磁脉冲 *electric checkout(ECO)电子检查[仪器] *electronic commerce 电子商业 *electronic counter-counter-measures 电子反干扰(ECCM)*electronic data interchange(EDI)电子数据交换(系统)*electronic data proceing(EDP)电子数据处理 *electronic data proceing clerk 电子数据处理事务员 [UNICEF] *electronic data proceing operator 电子数据处理操作员 [UNICEF] *electronic data proceing programmer 电子数据处理程序设计员 [UNICEP] *electronic news gathering(ENG)电子新闻搜集 *electronic payment 电子支付 *elevator operator 电梯操作员 *eligibility [EC] 适格性;(取得共同体援助的)资格 *eligibility commiion 合格条件审核委员会 *eligibility of regions[EC] 地区适格性
*eligibility officer [UNHCR] 资格审查干事 *eligibility procedures 合格条件审核程序 *eligible country 可以享受优惠的国家 *eligible product 符合条件的产品;可以享受优惠的产 品 *eligible refugee 合格难民;可申请庇护的难民 *elimination of all forms of 消除对妇女一切形式歧视 discrimination against women
*elimination of all forms of racial 消除一切形式种族歧视 discrimination *elimination of apartheid 消灭种族隔离 *elimination of customs duties 取消关税 *elimination of transaction costs 取消交易费用 *embargo 禁运
*emergency action 紧急行动 *emergency action on imports of 对某种产品进口的紧急措施 particular products [GATT] *emergency aid 紧急援助 *emergency aistance 紧急援助 *emergency fund 紧急基金 *emergency health kit 急救箱;急救包 *emergency humanitarian aistance 紧急人道主义援助 *emergency management 紧急情况处理 *emergency management training programme 紧急情况处理培训方案(EMTP)[UNHCR] *emergency preparedne 应急准备
*emergency preparedne and response 备急应急干事 officer(EPRO)[UNHCR] *emergency response team(ERT)[UNHCR] 应急小组 *emergency procedure 紧急程序;应急办法 *emergency reception centre 紧急接待中心 *emergency relief 紧急救济 *emergency reserve [UNICEF] 紧急储备金 *emergency response team [UNHCR] 紧急情况反应工作队 *emergency special seion 紧急特别会议 *emergency stock 应急库存;安全储备 *emergency tariff 紧急关税 *emergency working capital fund 紧急周转基金 *emerging markets(EMs)新兴市场
*emiion 排放(废气)*employment counselling 提供就业咨询 *empower 壮大........的力量 *enablement 增强能力 [生境二] *enabling 增强能力的 [生境二] *enabling act 授权法案 [立法部门对行政部门的授权] *enabling clause 授权条款 *enabling environment 扶持性环境;扶持环境 *enabling markets to work 使市场发挥作用 *enabling mechanism 有利机制;促进机制;授权机制;实 行机制
*enabling policy 扶持政策;扶持性政策 *end-of-decade review 十年终了审查 *end-of-project self-aement 项目结束时的自我评价 *end-of-service grant 服务终了补助金 *end slot 端孔[集装箱] *endanger, to 危害 *endemic malaria [paludism] 地方性疟疾 *ending the production of all types of 停止生产一切类型的核武器并逐步削 nuclear weapons and gradually 减其储存,最后达到彻底销毁 reducing their stockpile until they have been completely destroyed *endogenous capacity-building in science 建立本国科技能力 and technology *endogenous development potential 内在发展潜力 *endowment fund 捐赠基金 *energy intensity(or intensivene)能源强度;能源的使用量 *enforced disappearance 被迫失踪;强制失踪
*energy tax 能源税 *energy technologist 动力技术员;能源专家 *engin-for-growth theory [Economy] 经济增长发动机说 *engineer 工程师 *enhancing international peace 加强国际和平 *enlarged bureau [EC](欧洲议会)扩大主席团 *enlargement of the Community 共同体的扩大 *entente horizontal 横向协议[同行业间商定价格,达到(horizontal agreement)控制市场的目的] *enterprise operative technology 企业实用技术 *entitlement 权利;保障额 *entity 实体
*entrance on duty(EOD)起职日期 *entrepot trade 转口贸易;再输出贸易;中转贸易 *entrepreneurship 企业精神 *entry 报关;报关手续;报单 *entry and movement of persons 人员的进入和流动 *entry clearance 入境许可 *entry level [JIU] 初级(人员)*environment 环境 *environment friendly 无害环境的;无损于环境的 *environment policy 环境政策 *environment programme 环境方案 *environmental actions 改善环境行动 *environmental constraint 环境制约因素 *environmental emergency 环境紧急情况 *environmental friendly energy sources 无害环境的能源
*environmental insufficiencies 环境机能不全 *environmental programme 环境计划 *environmental protection 保护环境;环境保护 *environmental risk 环境污染危险 *environmental threats 环境威胁 *environmentally efficient and cost-effective 具有环境效益和经济节约的制度 regime *environmentally(safe and)sound energy 对环境(安全和)无害的能源系统 systems(ESES)*environmentally sound 无害环境 *environmentally sound technologies 无害环境技术(ESTs)*equal opportunities 机会均等 *equal treatment 待遇平等 *equalization mechanism 平衡机制;平衡差价机制 *equalization payment 平衡支付 *equation of international demand 国际需求方程式 *equilibrium terms of trade 均衡贸易条件
*equitable distribution of GSP benefits 公平分配普惠制利益 *equitable representation on the 安全理事会席位的公平分配 membership of the Security Council *equity capital 产权资本;股本;股份资本 *equivalence of diplomas 学历证书等同 *equivalent 相等[国家责任] *equivalent commitments [UR] 当量承诺 *eradication of apartheid 铲除种族隔离 *escape clause 免责条款 *escrow account 代管帐户
*eential requirements [EC] 基本要求[从卫生、安全、环保等角 度对产品提出的要求] *established in the local economy 同当地经济结合 *established international system 已确立的关于和平利用核能的国际 concerning the peaceful uses of 制度 nuclear energy *established post(EP)常设员额
*establishment 定居 *establishment aistance [Refugee] 定居援助 *estimated 估计;预定;预计 *estimated cost 估计费用 *estimated date of arrival 预定抵达日期 *estimated net decrease 估计净减数 *estimated net increase 估计净增数 *estimated time of arrival(ETA)预计抵达时间 *estimates of expenditure 支出概算 *estimates of income 收入概算 *estimates proposed by Secretary-General 秘书长所提概算 *estimation of revenue and expenditure 收支预测 *ethnic cleansing 种族清洗;族裔清洗 *ethological agent 改变行为物剂
*etiology 病因学;病原学 *etiotropic drug 治病药[不同于麻醉品;精神药物] *EUR1 EUR1出口证[注明产地,有效期一年] *EUR2 EUR2出口证 *Eurco(European composite unit)[EC] 欧尔康;欧洲货币合成单位 *Eurobank 欧洲银行 *Eurobarometer 欧洲舆论晴雨表 *Eurobond 欧洲债券 *Eurocheque 欧洲支票 *Eurocrat 欧洲共同体官僚 *Eurocredit 欧洲信贷 *Eurocurrency [EC] 欧洲外汇 *eurocurrency market [EC] 欧洲货币市场 *Eurodicautom 欧洲多语种词汇库(Multi-Lingual Terminology Data Bank)[EC] *Eurodollar 欧洲美元 *Eurofed 欧洲中央银行系统 *Eurofunds 欧洲资本 *Euroiue [EC] 发行欧洲证券;发行欧洲债券
*Euromarket 欧洲市场 *Euronorm [EC] 欧洲标准;欧洲规格[产品] *Europartnership [EC] 欧洲企业合作计划 *Europe against AIDS [EC] 欧洲防治艾滋病计划 *Europe without frontiers [EC] 没有内部边界的欧洲 *Europe-wide audiovisual area [EC] 全欧视听区 *European agreements(EA)欧洲各协定
*European area 欧洲区 *European citizenship 欧洲公民资格 *European Community official 欧洲公务员;欧洲共同体公务员(EC official)*European company 欧洲股份有限公司;欧洲公司
*European composite unit(Eurco)[EC] 欧尔康;欧洲货币合成单位 *European currency unit(ECU)欧洲货币单位(埃居)*European dimension 欧洲领域;欧洲方面 *European economic interest grouping 欧洲经济利益集团(EEIG)*European farm model 欧洲农业模式 *European financial area 欧洲金融区 *European government 欧洲政府 *European idea 欧洲观念
*European industrial area 欧洲工业区 *European judicial area [EC] 欧洲司法区 *European law-enforcement area [EC] 欧洲法律实施区 *European legal area [EC] 欧洲法律实施区 *European liaison officer 欧洲联络干事
*European market organization [EC] 欧洲市场组织 *European monetary unit(EMU)欧洲货币单位 *European paport 欧洲护照 *European patent 欧洲专利 *European political co-operation(EPC)欧洲政治合作 [EC] *European prestandard [EC] 欧洲试行标准 *European school 欧洲学校 *European social area [EC] 欧洲社会区 *European summit [EC] 欧洲首脑会议;欧洲最高级会议
*European system of social indicators 欧洲社会指标体系(ESSI)[EC] *European technical approval [EC] 欧洲技术许可证 *European unit of account(EUA)[EC] 欧洲记帐单位 *Europeanism 欧洲主义 *Europeanist 欧洲主义者;拥护加入共同体的人 *Europeanization 欧洲化;欧洲一体化
*Europeimism 欧洲悲观论 *Europroduct 欧洲产品[在各成员国销售的规格、成分完全一样的同类产品] *Eurosclerosis 欧洲硬化症 *Eurotunnel(Cro-Channel Link)欧洲海底隧道 *evaluation co-ordinator [UNDP] 评价协调员 *evaluation document, UN 联合国评价文件 *evaluation miion 评价工作团 *evaluation officer [UNDP;UNHCR] 评价干事 *evaluation paper, UN 联合国评价文件
*ex(= out of...)其中部分 *ex-ante co-ordination 事先协调 *ex-factory cost 工厂交货成本 *ex-factory price 工厂交货价;工厂交货价格;出厂价; 出厂价格 *ex gratia payments 惠给金 *ex-ILO building 劳工组织旧厦 *ex officio member 当然成员 *ex-participants credits 前参加人借款 *ex post evaluation 事后评价 *ex post facto 事后进行的 *ex post facto approval 追溯核可;事后批准
*ex-post monitoring 事后监督[对政策的实施等] *ex relatione(ex rel)[Latin] 根据....告发 *ex-settled household 原先安置的家庭 *ex-situ conservation [Environment] 移地养护 *ex-TA type 以前的技术援助类型 *ex tunc [Latin] 从当时 *ex-work cost 工厂交货成本 *examination [Customs] 查验
*examination clerk 考试事务员 *exception clause 例外条款 *exception to the rule of 非歧视原则的例外 non-discrimination *exceptionel expenditure 临时开支;特别开支 *exceptional form 特殊格式
*exce of aets over liabilities 资产超过负债的溢额 *exceive and destabilizing 过度的和不利于稳定的军备积累 accumulation of armaments *exceive deficit 超额赤字 *exchange arrangements 外汇安排 *exchange control 外汇管制;外汇管理 *exchange dumping 外汇倾销 *exchange market 外汇市场 *exchange of equal values 等价交换 *exchange of national officials [EC] 交流国家公务员 *exchange of unequal values 不等价交换 *exchange offer(stock-swap bid;offre 公开交换证券 publique d'echange;OPE)*exchange parity 外汇平价;汇兑平价
*exchange rate 汇率;外汇行市 *exchange rate mechanism(ERM)[EC](欧洲货币)汇率机制 *exchange rate quotation 外汇牌价 *exchange reserve 外汇储备 *exchange settlement 结汇 *exchange stabilization fund 外汇平准基金 *exchange transaction 外汇交易 *excise [EC] 消费税;国内商品税 [某些石油产品、烟酒等] *exclusion 排除;排斥行为 *exclusion clauses 排除条款;免责条款
*exclusive 排除在外的 *exclusive competence 专有权限 *exclusive contract 独家经营合同 *exclusive contract of sale 包销合同 *exclusive distribution 独家经销 *exclusive export right 出口专有权 *exclusive import right 进口专有权 *exclusive jurisdiction 专属管辖权 *exclusive licence 独家特许权 *exclusive marketing right 独家经销权 *exclusive purchasing agreement 专买协定
*exclusive right 专有权;专营权 *excursionist 游览者 *executing agent 行政人员 *executive agent 执行代表 *executive agent of the Mekong Commiion 湄公河委员会执行专员 *executive agreement 行政性协议 *executive aistant [UNDP] 执行助理 *executive aistant to the Administrator 署长执行助理 [UNDP] *executive aistant to the 秘书长执行助理 Secretary-General *executive aistant to the senior 高级主任执行助理 director *executive board 执行局;执行委员会;执行理事会 *executive board [CDF] 执行理事会 *executive board [ECB] 执行董事会 *executive board [UNICEF] 执行局 *executive body 执行机构 *executive clemency 行政赦免 *executive direction and management(EDM)行政领导和管理 [UNCTAD] *executive director 执行主任 *executive heads 行政首长 *Executive Level E 行政官员E级[美国文官制度] *executive management committee(EMC)执行管理委员会 *executive member 执行成员;执行团员;执行组员
*executive office 行政办公室;执行事务处 *executive office of the 秘书长办公厅 secretary-general(EOSG;SG/Exec Off)[UN Secretariat] *executive officer 执行事务干事;执行干事 *executive officer, offices of the 秘书长办公厅执行干事 Secretary-General *executive power 行政权;行政权力;执行权力 *executive secretary 执行秘书 *executive seion 不公开会议;执行会议[贸发理事会] *executive summary 内容提要 *exemption from exceptional measures 特殊条件的免除
*exemption from reciprocity 相互条件的免除 *exercise price(= strike price)履约价格;期权敲定价格;协定价格 [指看涨期权买方得以依据合约 规定买进相关期货合约或看跌 期权买方得以依据合约规定卖 出相关期货合约的价格] *existent service 存在性服务 *exit certificate 出境证明书 *expansionist monetary policy 扩张性货币政策 *expendable property 可消耗的财产 *expert group 专家小组;专家组 *expert on space applications 空间应用专家 *expert review team 专家审查组 *explanatory materials 说明材料 *export 出口;出口贸易 *export arrangement 出口安排 *export bank credit 出口银行信贷 *export buyer's credit of China 中国出口买方信贷 *export competition commitment 出口竞争承诺 [UR] *export control 出口管制 *export credit 出口信贷 *export credit agencies(ECAs)出口信贷机构 *export credit and development financing 出口信贷与发展资金 *export credit insurance 出口信贷保险;出口信用保险 *export declaration 出口报单 *export duty 出口税 *export insurance 出口保险 *export-led growth 出口主导增长 *export license 出口许可证 *export license system 出口许可证制度;输出许可证制度
*export oriented policy 出口导向政策 *export preference-receiving country 出口受惠国 *export proceing zones(EPZs)出口加工区 *export quota 出口配额 *export subsidies 出口补贴;出口津贴;出口奖励金 *export-substitution policy 出口替代政策 *export surplus 出超;顺差
*exporter contracting party 出口者缔约方 *expulsion 排除;排斥;赶出 *extended delivery points(EDPs)分运点 [Refugees] *extended of product coverage 受惠产品范围 *Extended Facility [IMF] 展期贷款业务 *Extended Fund Facilities [IMF] 展期贷款业务 *extension agent [Environment] **代理 *extension programme [Environment] **方案 *extension services, rural [Environment] 在农村** *exterior post type container 外柱式集装箱[集装箱]
*external action 对外活动;外部活动 *external affairs officer 外事干事 *external aspect 对外关系方面 *external auditor 外聘审计员 *external balance 对外支付差额 *external borders 外部边界 *external competence 对外权限 *external controls 对外管制 *external convertibility 对外可兑换性 *external debt 外债 *external debt crisis 外债危机 *external delegation 驻外代表团
*external depreciation 对外币值下降 *external dimensions 外尺寸[集装箱] *external payments balance 对外支付差额 *external proceing 对外加工 *external projects 外办项目 *external publications officer [OPI] 对外出版事务干事 *external relations officer [UNDP] 对外关系事务干事 *external reporting 对外报表 *external tariff 对外税则 *external trade 对外贸易 *externality 外在因素;跨国因素 *externally displaced person 国外流离失所者 *extra-budgetary(XB)预算外 *extra-budgetary accounts 预算外帐户 *extra-judicial execution 法外处决 *extra-legal execution 法外处决 *extractive industries 采掘工业[英汉辞海;政经法词汇]
*extraneous risks 一般附加险 *extraneous risks to international marine 国际海上货物运输保险的附加险 cargo insurance *extraordinary exenditure 临时开支;特别开支 *extraterritorial space 领土外空间 *face to face international individual 面对面型国际核心服务 service *face to face service 面对面型服务 *facilitation of repatriation [Refugees] 提供遣返方便 *facility [financing] 专项基金 *fact-finding miion 实况调查团;调查任务 *factor abundance 要素丰富 *factor analysis 要素分析[理清复杂资料并做出有意 义结论的数学技术] *factor capital ratio 要素资本比例 *factor cost 要素成本[生产成本之一] *factor endowment 要素禀赋
*factor endowment theory [Economy] 要素禀赋论 *factor income terms of trade 要素所得贸易条件 *factor intensity 要素密集度 *factor intensity reversal 要素密集度逆转 *factor mobility 要素流动性 *factor-price-equalization theorem 要素--价格--均等定理 [Economy] *factor ratio 要素比例 *factor scarce 要素稀缺 *factor service 要素服务 *factorage 客帐代理业务;代收应收帐款业务; 代理该业务收取的佣金或手续费 *factoral terms of trade 要素贸易条件 *factoring 客帐代理;应收帐款买卖业务[有些 企业将应收帐款的收取交给金融 公司代理] *factoring company 从事应收帐款买卖业务的公司 *factors of production 生产要素 [例如土地、资本、人力资源等] *factory cost 工厂成本 *factual statement 事实陈述 *fair trade 公平贸易 *fair value [Customs;GATT] 公平价格;公平价值 *Falkland Islands(Malvinas)福克兰(马尔维纳斯)群岛
*fall-back methods [Customs] 重复使用法 *falling within 在____项下;在____之中;属于____ *false document 假证件 *family 家庭 *family benefits 家庭津贴 *family dislocation 家庭破碎 *family planning officer [UNICEF] 计划生育事务干事 *family reunification 家庭团聚 *family welfare officer [UNICEF] 家庭福利事务干事 *FAO subvention 粮农组织补助金 *Far Eastern operation [UNHCR] 远东业务;远东行动 *Far Eastern programme [UNHCR] 远东方案
*farm model 农业模式 *fascist 法西斯主义者 *fast breeder reactor [Nuclear Energy] 快中子增殖反应堆 *fast neutron reactor 快中子反应堆 *fatwas [Arabic] 法特瓦 [religious judgement or verdict] [伊斯兰教法官的宗教判决] *favourable opinion 肯定意见;同意 *federal institutions 联邦机构
*federalism 联邦制;联邦制度 *federalization 共同体化 [= organization at Community level;EC] *fee for delayed declaration [Customs] 滞报金 *fee for delayed payment [Customs] 滞纳金 *fees and formalities connected with 输入规费和手续 importation *fees and other charges 手续费和其他费用 *fellow [UNITAR] 研究员 *fellowships aistant 研究金事务助理 *fellowships officer 研究金事务干事 *female circumcision 女性割礼 *female genital mutilation(FGM)女性外阴残割 *fever 热;发热haemorrhagic fever 出血热;出血性热UNDP funds--开发署资金FUNDWI-funded projects--西伊里安基金资助项目UNRFNRE-funded projects--自然资源勘探循环基金资助 项目 *funding of programmes 方案的资金筹措
*funding source changed(F)[UNHCR] 资金来源变动 *funds for aistance towards local 援助当地安置基金 settlement [Refugee] *funds “set aside” [Refugee] “储备”基金;循环保证基金 *funds outside the programme 方案外基金 *FUNDWI-funded projects 西伊里安基金资助项目
*further legal basis 附加的法律基础 *fusariotoxin(T-2)镰孢毒素 *future 期货[商业] *future gereration 后代 *futures trading 期货交易
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