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Munich 1972

“Waldi”, the first official mascot to appear for the 1972 Munich Games, was a Dachshund.He was modelled after Cherie von Birkenhof, a longhaired breed of the species.Waldi was the first official Olympic mascot.Waldi's head and tail are light blue, and his body has vertical stripes with at least three of the five Olympic colours.Waldi was produced in various forms and sizes: plush, plastic, stickers, posters and buttons-but not as a pin until many years later.1972年慕尼黑奥运会的吉祥物沃尔蒂是只惹人喜爱的腊肠狗,它是奥运会历史上第一个官方吉祥物。它的身体上交织着奥运的色彩,深受人们喜爱。以沃尔蒂的模样出现的奥运周边产品数不胜数。


Montreal 1976

“Amik” the beaver was chosen as the official mascot for the Summer Olympic Games of Montreal, 1976.“Amik” in Indian language means beaver.The beaver has always been aociated with hard work.阿米克,1976年蒙特利尔奥运会官方吉祥物。这只海狸通常被看作是勤劳的标志。


Moscow 1980

The Moscow Olympic bear “Misha” was developed by the renowned illustrator of children’s books Victor Chizikov.It took the illustrator six months to draw one hundred variations of the bear that also carried the full name Mikhail Potapych Toptygin.“Misha” was finally unveiled on December 19th, 1977.Misha was featured on hundreds of different pins, as a plush toy, in plastic, porcelain, rubber, wood, gla and metal.Misha also appeared on a stamp.米沙是1980年莫斯科奥运会吉祥物。这只由俄国一位著名儿童文学家呕心沥血创造的俄国熊,于1977年12月19日呈现在公众面前。除了被做成各种产品,米沙还出现在了专门发行的邮票上。


Los Angeles 1984

The eagle “Sam” became the mascot of the Los Angeles Games.He was chosen because the imposing bald eagle is the national symbol of the United States.Robert Moore and his aociates from Walt Disney Productions selected the eagle, and “Sam’s” design was targeted to appeal to children.山姆,1984年洛杉矶奥运会吉祥物。作为美国的国家象征,这只雄鹰理所当然的获此殊荣。迪士尼公司的罗伯特·莫尔创造了山姆,为的是激发孩子们的兴趣。Hodori----

Seoul 1988

“Hodori”, the mascot of the 1988 Olympic Games in Seoul, South Korea, portrays the friendly side of a tiger, which is present in many Korean legends.The mascot’s name was chosen from a list of 2,295 names submitted by the public.The “ Ho” in “Hodori” comes from the Korean word for tiger, and “Dori” is a common masculine diminutive.The Olympic rings adorn the neck of Hodori, and he wears a “Sangmo” hat from a traditional farm dance.The streamer on his hat in the shape of an S stands for Seoul.1988年汉城吉祥物小虎多利。“Ho”是韩语的虎,“Dori”是韩国人对小男孩的称呼。吉祥物的名字采取了社会征集的办法,Hodori是从2295个建议来稿中挑选出来的。“Hodori” 颈挂奥运奖牌,煞是神气。它的装束代表了韩国传统风格。Cobi----

Barcelona 1992

The Spaniards did not immediately take to “Cobi”, the surreal dog from the Summer Olympic Games of Barcelona, who was designed by local cartoonist Javier Mariscal.“Cobi’s” popularity slowly grew and by the end of the Games he was loved universally by the Spanish and the rest of the world.“Cobi” was supported by a group of mascots during the Barcelona Games.The whole mascot crew was featured as part of a popular Spanish TV show.科比,1992年巴塞罗那奥运会吉祥物,由西班牙漫画家扎维尔·玛瑞斯克设计。一开始并未被普遍接受,但随着奥运会的进程,科比开始流行起来,受到了西班牙人和全世界的喜爱。西班牙的电视台甚至制作了一套以奥运吉祥物为主角的电视剧集。Izzy----

Atlanta 1996

The mascot of the 1996 Summer Olympic Games in Atlanta was an amorphous abstract fantasy figure.It carried the name “Izzy”, derived from “Whatizit?” because no one seemed to know exactly what “Izzy” really was.He changed his appearance several times after the closing ceremony in Barcelona in 1992.Over time he grew a mouth where only lips had existed, he added stars in his eyes, bulked up and gained muscles in his previously spindly legs, and eventually sprouted a nose.依奇,1996年亚特兰大奥运会吉祥物,是奥运史上第一个电脑设计的吉祥物。这个小怪物最初的名字叫“它是什么”(What is it?)。作为一个想象中的生物,依奇在巴塞罗那奥运会之后,曾几经改头换面。

Ollie, Syd and Millie Ollie,----

Sydney 2000 Ollie“, a Kookaburra, ”Syd“, a Platypus;and ”Millie“, an Echidna, are three native animals chosen as mascots for the Sydney 2000 Games.These Australian animals represent the earth, air and water.”Ollie“: epitomises the Olympic spirit of generosity and universal generosity(from Olympic).”Syd“: represents the environment and captures the vigour and energy of Australia and its people(from Sydney).”Millie“: is a techno-whiz and information guru, with all the facts and figures at her fingertips(from Millennium).The Organising Committee received hundreds of submiions from artists, children and others from around the world.Matthew Hatton’s design was chosen to represent the Olympic mascots for the forthcoming millennium.澳利、悉德、米利,2000年悉尼奥运会吉祥物。它们是三个澳洲本土动物,分别代表土地、空气和水。澳利代表了奥林匹克的博大精深;悉德表现了澳洲和澳洲人民的精神与活力;米利代表千禧年。奥组委当年曾收到来自全世界的数以万计的设计方案,最终选定了马修·哈顿的设计。

Phevos and Athena----

Athens 2004

Phevos and Athena, the official Athens 2004 mascots, are brother and sister.Their creation was inspired by an ancient Greek doll and their names are linked to Ancient Greece, yet the two siblings are children of modern times.The names are of two Olympian gods: Phevos, the god of light and music, known as Apollo;and Athena, godde of wisdom and patron of the city of Athens.Phevos and Athena represent the link between Greek history and the modern Olympic Games.雅典娜和费沃斯,2004年雅典奥运会吉祥物。它们是两兄妹,根据古希腊陶土雕塑玩偶为原型设计,名字暗含雅典。雅典娜是智慧女神,费沃斯是光明与音乐之神,他们代表了古典奥林匹克精神和现代文明的完美结合。Friendlies----

Beijing 2008

Like the Five Olympic Rings from which they draw their color and inspiration, the Five Friendlies will serve as the Official Mascots of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, carrying a meage of friendship and peace--and bleings from China--to children all over the world.Designed to expre the playful qualities of five little children who form an intimate circle of friends, the Five Friendlies also embody the natural characteristics of four of China’s most popular animals--the Fish, the Panda, the Tibetan Antelope, the Swallow--and the Olympic Flame.Each of the Friendlies has a rhyming two-syllable name--a traditional way of expreing affection for children in China.Beibei is the Fish, Jingjing is the Panda, Huanhuan is the Olympic Flame, Yingying is the Tibetan Antelope and Nini is the Swallow.When you put their names together--Bei Jing Huan Ying Ni--they say ”Welcome to Beijing,“ offering a warm invitation that reflects the miion of the Five Friendlies as young ambaadors for the Olympic Games.最后来说一下2008年北京奥运会吉祥物“福娃”。这次奥运会的吉祥物形象是有史以来最多的,共有5个福娃,它们分别以“鱼、熊猫、奥运圣火、藏羚羊、京燕”为创意,被亲切地叫做“贝贝、晶晶、欢欢、迎迎,妮妮”。这组形象可爱、活泼的吉祥物,以“北京欢迎你”的谐音命名,将北京的祝福、中国的祝福带给世界。

According to historical records,the Olympics Games began more than 2,700 years ago.These ancient Olympics games were held in Olym pia , Greece as early as 776 BC.根据历史记载,最早的奥运会可以追溯到2700多年前。公元前776年,在希腊的奥林匹亚城举行了第一届古代奥运会。

It was during this period that the basis of the Olympic movement began to evolve into a philosophy of life.This philosophy included the qualities of body,will,and mind in a balanced whole.It can be summarized as noble competitio n ,friendship and peaceful cooperation.在这段漫漫和历史长河中,奥运会的涵义逐渐演变成一种人生哲理,她把身体、意志和精神融为了一个平衡的整体,归纳为“高尚竞争、团结友谊和友好合作”。

The Olympic spirit was born out of this philosop-hy,placing noble competition , sport, peace , and education atthe core of Greek civilization.奥运精神诞生于这一人生哲理,并将高尚竞争、体育、和平和教育融入希腊文明的核心。

In 1896 the first modern Olympic games were held in Athens and since that time the Olympic Games have bee hosted every 4 years by various host cities around the world.Each time the games are held, it is called an Olympiad.1896年第一届现代奥运会The Olympics is an amateur competition,this means the winning competitors are not awardes money prizes but rather gold,silver and bronze medals to signify their place.奥运会是业余爱好者的竞技大会,这意味着获胜者没有奖金收入,而是通过金、银、铜牌也区分他们的名次。

Competitors nowdays can expect to profit from corporate product endorsements as well as money incentives provided by their own national governments if they perform well at the Olympic movement.当然,现在的运动员如果比赛中表现出色,他们可以通过做产品代言获得可观的收入,或者得到他们自己国家颁发的奖金。

In recent decades,games celebrating the Winter Olympics and paralympics have become major events aociated with the Olympic movement.在雅典举行。此后每四年在世界不同城市轮流举办。每次都这疲称为奥林匹克周期。


The most recent Summer Olympic games were held in Athens ,Greece in 2004.This was the celebration of the XXVIII Olympiad.This was the first return of the Olympic Games to Greece in 108 years.最近的一届夏季奥运会是2004年希腊雅典举行的第二十八届奥运会。这标志着奥运会在诞生108年后,首次回到她的故乡希腊。

China's first chance to host the Olympic Games will arrive in 2008 when Beijing will be the host city for the XXIX Olympiad.2008年北京将举办第二十九届奥运会,这是中国第一次承办奥运盛会。

The IOC selecter Beijing over the other applicant host cities of Totonto,Paris,Istanbul and Osaka.It is a great honor to host the Summer Olympics,but also a great responsibility and a great challenage.国际奥委会从北京、多伦多、巴黎、伊斯坦布尔和大板五个候选城市中选择了北京。能够承办夏季奥运会是极大的荣幸,也是巨大的挑战,因为责任重大。The games will be attended by over 100 nations with over 10,000 athletes taking part in competitions aisted by over 60,000 volunteers and officials.Mananging all these people from different countries,cultures,and languages is a great task.届时将有100多个国家,超过10,000名运动员参加比赛,同时还有60,000名志愿者、裁判和管理人员参加工作。安排这些来自五湖四海,存在不同文化和语言差异的人们也是一项艰巨的工作。

he Summer Olympic games is clearly the world's largest,most complex,and most watched international event.If history can guide us , its popularity is certain to grow even more in the future.毫无疑问,夏季奥运会是世界上规模最大,项目最多,最爱关注的国际体育盛会。历史告诉我们,在未来的日子里奥运会一定会起来越受欢迎。


The motto of the olympic Games is “higher, faster, stronger.The most important thing is taking part in the game rather than winning the game.参与比取胜更重要




Beijing 2008 Olympic medals diameter of 70 mm and 6 mm thick.Medals for the positive provisions of the International Olympic Committee logo--to grow wings standing of the Greek and Greek godde of victory Bonaxin Naco Arena , the reverse is inlaid with ancient Chinese vases from the shape of Bi Bi.Back in the center of metal graphics, engraved with the emblem of the Olympic Games in Beijing ”China and India.“ Medals by linking traditional Chinese jade Shuanglong Wen Huang Po evolved over time.Plaques throughout the strong Chinese characteristics, embody the right won the praise.image interpretation of the Chinese people since ancient times to ”Jade“ than ”ethical“ values, ”it must have.“ In addition, the packaging box medals, ribbons and medals also announced at the same time, packaging boxes of wooden Qian, the Quartet modeling, earth covered slightly curved edges, Yu earth Quartet, Liuhe happy years.Ribbon Woven into by Zhu to moire, happy auspicious.It is reported that the International Olympic Committee for the Olympic Games medals and identify the material, weight, size, design and so on strict regulations.Olympic sports champion and runner-up to the silver medal texture, but also championship medals coated with not le than six grams of pure gold.The previous Olympic medal material were no breakthroughs, the Beijing Olympic medals to be creative with jade inlay.This design is not only in line with the International Olympic Committee of the relevant provisions, but also demonstrates the ”Jade“ noble quality, Yu said the Chinese traditional culture of the ”Gold" of the Chinese people for the Olympic spirit of the praise and respect of the athletes to the accolade.


设计吉祥物二、教学内容与目标应知:知道部分著名吉祥物,了解他们的造型,色彩和年代。国度代表哪个重要活动。 应会:能自选媒体,自定手段设计,制作一个自己喜欢的吉祥物,通过以上知......


《设计吉祥物》教案设计一、教材分析 吉祥物设计课是一门综合的课程,它不仅是某一门艺术学科的设计与知识,其中包含了创作技能、文化背景、风格流派等内容的综合,同时设计到各......


吉祥物设计说明一、哈密大枣:枣妹: 民运会吉祥物,不仅是民运会形象品牌的重要载体,而且体现了民运会承办城市独特的民族文化和精神风貌。 头部:哈密大枣是在国内享有盛誉的特......




吉祥物设计伴随时代的发展,吉祥物已经成为CI设计的重要组成部分,它与标志设计共同起着 承担企业形象,使企业形象不断推向市场的重任。 吉祥物以其夸张,幽默,拟人的手法,使企业形象......


