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The Early Immigrants and Their Life早期的移民和他们的殖民生活

Good morning, dear cla.Last time we talked about the establishment of the colonies.Who were the early immigrants and what was their life like?

The early settlers in all these 13 colonies were from different European countries.But most of them came from England and they were generally known as the White Anglo-Saxon Protestants, or WASP.Religious dispute in England was one of the reasons for these people to flee to America.The English government not only persecuted the Catholics but also the Protestants, calling them dienters because they refused to conform to the rules of the Church of England.The religious persecution forced many English Protestants to immigrate into the colonies in North America.That’s why people say the early immigrants were pushed out of Europe.To seek freedom of conscience was not the only motivation.Many of the people who chose to immigrate into the colonies wanted to become rich in the New World, which had abundant land and all kinds of natural resources.Among the early immigrants there were energetic and aggreive individualists who advocated acquisition of wealth through hard work.They brought the Protestant work ethic into the colonies.The tenet of their work ethic is that everyone should work hard because it is his duty.Countle poor men flocked into American colonies.They were either suffering from cold and hunger or were deep in debt in their motherland in Europe.Taking advantage of these poor men’s miserable living conditions, the colonial companies and big merchants spared no efforts to spread the story that America was a land of opportunity where everyone could make money and enjoy freedom.Most of the poor went to America as indentured servants because they could not afford to pay the paage.They had to sign the indenture which provided that they labour for their masters for five to seven years.After that they became free citizens and were given a piece of land of their own.There were also convicts among the early settlers.Since labor meant wealth in this thinly-populated wild world, the English government was persuaded to transport convicts to America.The colony of Georgia was founded for prisoners of debt.This could take a burden off the English government and give cheap labor to the colony.After serving their terms, these convicts would become free men.It is not hard to imagine the courage needed by most of the early immigrants.When setting out for America, they knew clearly that they had to run many risks.It was many days’ sail and the voyage from Europe to the New World was risky because the sailing-ships were usually small, crowded, dirty and ill supplied.There were violent storms, pirates, diseases and shipwrecks.To survive in the New World, they had to solve two problems first: shelter and food.It was impoible for them to build a house at once and many of them had to dig holes in the earth as their first shelter.Gradually their dug-outs were replaced by log cabins.There was no way to get European food.They had to rely on native American crops and plants for food.They quickly adopted corn and learned how to grow it.Hard conditions forced the first colonists to live in a communal society in which people worked together and shared their products among themselves.Life was rather primitive.As more and more people arrived, forests were cut back and large fields were cultivated.The colonists then paed their primitive state and established their normal family life.Since most of the convicts and many of the indentured servants came without a family, women were transported into the colonies from Europe and sold to unmarried men.Divorce cases were few and there was little talk of romantic love.The living conditions forced the early immigrants to be practical in search of their dream.In New England, the early settlers made use of the deep-water harbors to develop fishing, trade and the ship-building industry.They usually lived near the shore around harbors and this promoted the development of cities.Some New England merchants engaged in the notorious slave trade.Wealth was rapidly accumulated in New England and the succeful merchants and ship-builders became the forefathers of the American upper-middle cla.In the South things were quite different.Here the climate was warm, and there was enough level land for the early settlers to reclaim.As a result, people in the South were mainly devoted to agriculture and they lived far apart along rivers and streams.Abundance of arable land also cased the appearance of large farms known as plantations.The plantation owners not only produced grain but also grew cotton and tobacco.They exported their cotton, tobacco and surplus grain in exchange for farm implements which were imported from England.The plantations were so large that the plantation owners had to buy Negro slaves from slave traders and employ indentured servants.The indentured servants could become free men after the term was over, but the black slaves had to stay on the plantation generation after generation.Opportunity and freedom were the magic words that drew millions of people to America.England remained the main source of immigrants, but it was not the only one.Large numbers of immigrants from Germany, Switzerland, France and many other European countries also flocked in.They all adopted the English language, but their own cultures did not disappear completely.These immigrants joined together and created American culture which was a blending of European cultures under new circumstances in the New World.However, American culture and values were not a mere transplantation from Europe.Most of the early immigrants were not really happy about what they had experienced in their home countries.They wanted to try some new ideas and carry out reforms,although they could not be completely independent of the old traditions.Hard conditions forced them to give up part of what had been desirable and traditional in the Old World.They had to adapt themselves to the new environment and became le formal but more practical.In such a sparsely populated country they became le conservative and more outspoken.Large tracts of virgin soil provided a large living space where much could be accomplished by industrious laborers.The formation of a new nation by people of different national origins imbued social life with elasticity.Compromises and tolerance were encouraged in social life.Religion thus gradually became a private affair.American liberty and democracy could not be understood properly without taking into consideration the colonial time and the different background of the early immigrants.Thank you.






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