Apple Com puter Inc was founded by Steve Jobs, Steve Gary Wozniak and Ronald Gerald Wayne in April 1, 1976.苹果电脑公司由斯蒂夫·乔布斯、斯蒂夫·盖瑞·沃兹尼亚克和Ronald Gerald Wayne在 1976年4月1日创立。The spring of 1975, Apple I by the Wozon design, and Byte computer store to buy 50 units at $666.66 Apple Ⅰ 年春天,AppleⅠ由Wozon设计,并被Byte的电脑商店购买了50台当时售价为666.66美元的AppleⅠ。.In 1976, Woz
completed the design of Apple Ⅱ.Apple Corp logo1975 1976年,Woz完成了AppleⅡ的设计。苹果公司logo
In 1977 Apple officially registered as a company, and enable the use of new Apple has a sign.At the same time, Apple has also obtained the first
investment--Mike Markkula for $92000.Apple Inc(Apple Inc., referred to as the Apple Corp, NASDAQ: AAPL, LSE:ACP), formerly known as apple computer(Apple Computer), January 9, 2007 in San Francisco Macworld
Expo announced renamed.1977年苹果正式注册成为公司,并启用了沿用至今的新苹果标志。同时,苹果也获得了第一笔投资——Mike Markkula的92000美元.苹果股份有限公司(Apple Inc.,简称苹果公司,NASDAQ: AAPL,LSE:ACP),原称苹果电脑(Apple Computer),2007年1月9日于旧金山的Macworld Expo上宣布改名。Headquartered in the United States Kuby Tino of California, the core busine is electronic technology products, in recent years, it seemed to like IBM, started toward the service provider.总部位于美国加利福尼亚的库比提诺,核心业务是电子科技产品,近几年,它似乎开始如同IBM一样,开始向着服务提供商转变。At present, the global computer market share is 8.3%.Apple's Apple II contributed to the personal computer revolution in the 1970's, followed by the Macintosh relay in the 1980's sustainable development.目前全球电脑市场占有率为8.3%。苹果的Apple II于1970年代助长了个人电脑革命,其后的Macintosh接力于1980年代持续发展。The most famous product is produced by Apple II, Macintosh computer, iPod digital music player and iTunes music store, its high-tech enterprises with innovation and famous.最知名的产品是其出品的Apple II、Macintosh电脑、iPod数位音乐播放器和iTunes音乐商店,它在高科技企业中以创新而闻名。
iPod shuffle最小的 iPod nano比shuffle大点 全触摸屏
iPod touch和手机差不多大全触摸屏 功能除了不能打电话外 与
iPod claic经典版,有屏幕,也有按键
iphone 最老版的 已停产
iphone3gs 也已停产,摄像头和电池比老版更好,但国内联通应该还有货 ihpone4 最新版屏幕比iphone3gs更好,处理器更强大
MacBook 苹果的笔记本
MacBook Pro 苹果笔记本,比前面性能要好,配置更高 MacBook Air 苹果笔记本,特点是更轻更小更薄 iMac 苹果的一体机,看起来好像就是一个巨大的液晶屏幕,但实际上电
Mac mini 超小型的苹果主机,大小如同一本大英汉辞典 Mac Pro 超强力苹果主机,基本上现在什么配件最强力就放什么配件,用于专业图形设计或者服务器领域
AirPort Expre 苹果的一个无线AP
AirPort Extreme 苹果的一个无线终端 Time Capsule 苹果无线自动备份机器
Keyboard 蓝牙无线键盘 非常漂亮
Magic Mouse 带多点触控功能的无线鼠标 Magic Trackpad 蓝牙无线触控板
LED Cinema Display 27寸专用外接液晶显示器,带音箱、麦克风、摄像
Apple was one of several highly succeful companies founded in the 1970s that bucked the traditional notions of what a corporate culture should look like in orga......
苹果公司一、简介苹果公司(Apple Inc.)是美国的一家高科技公司,2007年由苹果电脑公司(Apple Computer, Inc.)更名而来,核心业务为电子科技产品,总部位于加利福尼亚州的库比蒂诺。苹......