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(一)1、英语听说读写技能 English listening/speaking/reading/and writing skills2、在附加疑问句中若有否定前缀的词时,应看做肯定形式。


我们所需要的东西。That is to use only what we need.4、父母对孩子教育成长的最大贡献应在孩子开始正式教育之前

Parents' greatest contribution to their child's educational growth should come before the child begins his formal education.But a child's best educational opportunities and future growth depend on the effort ofhisChildren's love fortoys canchange.We can probably read this paage in a(n)educational magazine.5、《上下五千年》、《中国热门地区旅游必备之南》、《唐宋诗词100首》、《中国民俗》四本书的介绍six-leg trip 六个区段的旅行、selected by…由„„挑选、alike用于句末是“两者都”的意思

6、第13届国际吴桥杂技艺术节于2011年10月22日在石家庄开幕。kicked off---the start of an activity 与下文的ended 相呼应。来自17个国家和地区的27个杂技团体、200多位杂技艺术家将同台竞技,角逐“金狮”。与摩纳哥的蒙特卡洛国际马戏节、法国的国际明日杂技节一起被称作世界三大杂技赛场。随着时代的进步和发展,如何“创新”马戏节的内容与形式已成为业内最为关注的话题。杂技艺术家们通过把来自不同的文化遗产和地区风格的元素结合到一起,展示了他们的创新。吴桥是中国杂技艺术之乡。

7、绿领巾事件2011年10月陕西西安市未央区第一实验小学伤害自尊(self-esteem)学习成绩不是检验学生能力的唯一标准美国学校的做法----usesecret numbers 保护隐私(privacy)每个人通过努力学习都可以取得极大进步(翻译成英语)

8、while表示对比,意为“而”、“但”;在„„眼里/看来 in the eyes of9、作文:The way to stay healthy


(二)1、You must be joking.你一定是在开玩笑。

2、The Mountain Resort 避暑山庄

3、三十多年的经济快速发展,中国人的餐桌上越来越丰富 可口的新鲜蔬菜和水果 温室的使用随处可见 尤其是在寒


4、父母偶尔的分歧与争吵是正常的事It's OK for Parents to Argue Sometimes

It's natural for people to have different opinions, feelings, or approaches to things.Talking about these differences is a first step in working toward a good solution.It's important for people in a family to be able to tell each other how they feel and what they think, even when they disagree.父母之间有不同的观点,感觉或者是处事的态度是很正常的事情。谈论这些分歧,是我们找到一个良好解决办法的第一步。stay levelheaded(冷静)when they disagree,Happy, Healthy Families幸福健康的家庭No family is perfect.Even in the happiest home.Hopefully, they can reach some compromise(妥协、让步、和解)or agreement.Everyone feels better and life can get back to normal.没有那个家庭是完美的,即使是最幸福的家庭也会有问题或者争吵。不过这些家庭成员会应该明白困扰他们的问题然后说出来。

Being part of a family means everyone pitches(投入、参与)in and tries to make life better for each other.Arguments happen and that's OK.But with love, understanding, and some work, families can solve almost any problem.做为家庭的一员,每个人都有责任使其他成员生活的更美好。当争吵发生时,人们应该多包容,理解,这样是可以解决大部分问题的。

5、本卡蓬湖 本卡蓬湖位于美国新泽西州,哈特威尔市

1)In the past, the water in Lake Ponkapog was made clean by forests.2).Chemicals from homes and businees get into the rainwater.3)Cleaner rainwater will mean a cleaner lake.4).To save Lake Ponkapog, people need to be more careful about chemicals.5).The paage is about why the water is dirty in Lake Ponkapog.6、处理我们难题的三种方法(结合课本)


(一)1、Nothing is better!

2、Two friends walking through the desert.走过沙漠的两个好友。hit sb.In the faceforgivene(宽恕)

3、Alan’s country holiday roast mutton/beef/pork文章讲述了艾伦盼望假期,在报纸上发现了一则广告,决定去一个农场度假。第一天吃了烤羊肉,第二天吃了烤牛排,第三天吃了烤猪肉,第四天一位农场主死了,因害怕而返回的故事。

4、News 1介绍了杂交水稻之父袁隆平之所以获得世界食物奖。News 2介绍了关于不用再对课本、字典、儿童用书中的错误感到生气,中国将对全国的课本、字典、儿童用书进行检查,以纠正其中的错误,结果将在六月末揭晓。News 3介绍了中国将向太空发射一颗卫星,它围绕月球拍照,它将在太空一年,以及它的造价。News 4介绍了世界上最快的飞机的速度、大小和重量。

5、Be Ready for a Fire

We all know the dangers of fires.It's good and neceary for a family to learn how to prepare for a fire.Here are some suggestions.1)Put a smoke alarm(火警)in the house.在房子里放一个烟雾报警器。2)Make escape(逃脱)plans.3)Buy fire extinguishers(灭火器)in the house.Everyone in the family should know how to use them.4)Practise for a fire.★Don't open a hot door!★Stay close to the floor!Smoke can be more dangerous than fire.The best air is near the floor because smoke rises.★What will you do if your hair or clothes start to burn? First, stop!Don't run!Drop!Then roll!If there is a fire, don't forget to call 119 for help.6、世界读书日(the World Book and Copyright Day)演讲稿


(二)1、It couldn’t be better / worse!太棒/糟糕了!light rail轻轨电车

2、An old man and an inn(老人与小旅馆):见财起意健忘草 鸡飞蛋打贼夫妻

3、QQ group named CZ(Chenzhou)English club:the rules for our group members4、A big problem :teenagers’ smoking

 As we all know, smoking is harmful, especially to students.Besides, smoking does harm to brains and it can influence studies.Finally, it is bad for health because it can cause diseases.Therefore(因此), we should protect ourselves from smoking.First, we should learn more about the danger of smoking.Second, we should keep away from people who smoke.  

5、Rowan’s Dance be born with / make Rowan a strong and confident girl /Ballet/disable disabled disability/ gifted6、Tele-medicine.(远程医疗)Tele-medicine is a technology that allows doctors to ”see ” patients without them being in the same place.一本通仿真模拟试卷

(三)High schools In Germany.Short daysFormal settingGetting to schoolPrivate clubsDifferent states, different schools“respected” A.受人尊敬的




分组讨论纲要讨论题目: 前海合作区建设工程管理体制创新研究背景:前海深港现代服务业合作区要在“一国两制”框架下,进一步深化粤港紧密合作,充分发挥香港国际经济中心的优势......









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