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Reading and Translation Exercises One

Unit One Campus Life

I.Reading Activities

Section A Bank Cloze1.G 2.E 3.D 4.M 5.F 6.C 7.J 8.K 9.H 10.L

Section B Skimming and Scanning1.E2.F3.C4.H5.A6.B7.I8.D9.H10.Gi Section C Reading In-depth 1-5 ACDCB 6-10 BDACD


Campus life is most important life experience for college students in China.A wide variety of cultural, educational, athletic and social activities are available to students, so that they can have the option of participating in one or another.Though a heavy emphasis is given to schoolwork and test scores, an active social life is as much a part of university life as studying.These campus activities are built around the concepts of encouraging each community member to expre his or her talents and to show mutual respect.Students learn from the activities about teamwork as well as social skills of communication, which will have a positive effect on their personal and profeional life in the future.对中国大学生来说,大学校园生活是非常重要的生活经历。学校提供了多种多样的文化、教育、体育以及社交活动,学生可从中选择参加。虽然功课和成绩很受重视,但活跃的社交生活和学习一样,也是大学生活的一部分。这些校园活动的开展理念是:鼓励每位成员展示自己的才华和才能并互相尊重。学生从这些活动学会了团队协作,也学到了交际技能,这些对他们未来的个人生活和职业生涯都会产生积极的影响.和练习册不一样: 请以此为准。

Reading and Translation Exercises Two

Section A Bank Cloze

Answers: 1.J raised2 H psychological3 I contributions4 A abilities5 C achieve6 L smart7 B extent8 D indicates9 M eentially10 O eventually

Section B Skimming and Scanning


Section C Reading In-depth


Answers: DACCA

Paage 2

Answers: DCBAB


It is well known that the compa, as one of the four great inventions of ancient China, developed from sinan in the Warring States Period.Some western scholars run strongly against the conclusion.They claim that it is a must to distinguish the compa for navigation from the feng shui instrument in ancient China.According to the discovery of new evidence, the navigational compa appeared in 1117 AD in China, 70 years later than in Europe.However, who can deny the fact that the spoon handle of sinan does direct south?

Reading and Translation Exercises Three

I.Reading Activities

Section A Bank Cloze1.F 2.M 3.A 4.E 5.B 6.G 7.K 8.C 9.H 10.O

Section B Skimming and Scanning 1-5 D B F C H6-10 F C I B G

Section C Reading In-depth 1-5 CABCD 6-10 CADDB


在中国要进入大学,学生们必须参加六月份举行的全国大学入学考试(高考)。因为庞大的考生人数,考取大学的竞争很激烈。考试成绩是中国大学录取学生的主要考虑因素。这就意味着高考对学校教育体系有重大影响作用。中国教育部(China’s Ministry of Education)计划对高考进行改革,这一改革计划引起争议,尤其是关于英语能力测试方面的变化颇具争议。有变化,请以此为准。

To enter a university or college, students have to take the national entrance examination(gaokao), which takes place every June.Due to the enormous number of people sitting the exam, getting into university is highly competitive.The results of it are mainly taken into account when Chinese universities selecting students for admiion.This means gaokao has a significant impact on the Chinese education system.China’s Ministry of Education is planning to reform gaokao,which has led to dispute, and especially the changes with respect to testing for English proficiency have been highly controversial.Reading and Translation Exercises Four

Section A Bank Cloze

1.G additional

2.B virtually

3.N altered

4.F observations

5.M working

6.I objectively

7.D unaffected

8.J circumstance

9.K addre

10.A replace

Section B Skimming and Scanning

1-5 B A C E D

6-10 H J K G I

Section C Reading In-depth


1-5 C A C B D

Paage 2

6-10 C B D B A


The notion of nature as medicine is centuries old.People with acce to nearby natural settings have been found to be healthier overall than other individuals, and are more satisfied with life in general.Having acce to appealing natural environments encourages physical activity, which has obvious benefits.It helps reduce stre and blood preure, and has a calming effect.‘Nature deficit disorder’, a term coined by the US journalist Richard Louv, refers to a wide range of behavioral problems of human beings, especially children, resulted from spending le time outdoors.Key to the Exercise Five

Bank Cloze

:N F J B I, H E M A K

Skimming and Scanning


Reading in Depth

Paage 1 CBACD

Paage 2 C B D A A Translation

Civil servant jobs remain the most highly sought-after in China.Millions of applicants join in the stiff competition for the limited posts offered annually.This fever is due in part to the health, pension and housing benefits the jobs bring.Public service jobs are perceived as a “golden rice bowl” for their stable income and generous benefits.The prospect of promotion, coupled with the relatively better working hours, comes into play, too.Meanwhile, the craze reflects a surge in the number of university graduates entering a fiercely competitive job market.Finding employment is a tricky iue they are faced with.If adequate career opportunities are created, the flood of interest in government jobs will not decline.


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