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03年-10年中外记者招待会诗词汉英对照 03’


One should not fear changes under the happen;one should not blindly follow all the old conventions;and one should be deterred by complains of others.面对困难:生于忧患,死于安乐。要居安思危,有备无患。One prospers in worries and hardship, and perishes in ease and comfort.We will have to be mindful of poible adversities and be prepared for the worst.工作风格:苟利国家生死以,岂因祸福避趋之。

I will do whatever it takes to serve my country even at the cost of my own life, regardle of fortune or misfortune to myself.税费改革:生财有道,生之者众,食之者寡,为之者疾,用之者抒。There are many people who produce, there are very few people who consume, and people work very hard to produce more financial wealth and people practice economy when they spend.In this way, wealth is accumulated.04’


“The strong pa of the enemy is like a wall of iron, yet with firm strides, we are conquering its summit” “路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索”

“ My journey is long and winding;I will keep on exploring my way far and wide.” “安不忘危,治不忘乱”

“We should never forget the dangers and in times of peace, we should always beware of the potential for chaos.” “海不辞水,故能成其大”

“The ocean never turns away streams, so it becomes wide and deep.” “山不辞石,故其成为高。”

“The mountain never turns away stones, so it becomes towering and strong.”


“On such a nice spring day, my heart was so heavy with sadne.So I went out sightseeing in the mountain, however, my mind always went back to this day last year when 4 million people on Taiwan cried the same tears of sorrow as Taiwan was ceded.” “化干戈为玉帛”

“Even in the case of conflicts, we could always beat swords into ploughs.” 05’


If a journey is 100 miles, travelling 90 is half of it.一尺布尚可缝,一斗粟尚可舂,同胞兄弟何不容?

Even a foot of cloth can be stitched up;even a kilo of millet can be ground.How can two blood brothers not make up? 形势稍好,尤需兢慎。居安思危,思则有备,有备无患

We must be sober-mined, cautious, prudent especially when the situation is getting a little better.我们这个国家太大,问题太多、太复杂,这就要求我们这个民族不畏艰险、百折不挠、坚定信心、永远奋斗。

Our country is so big, problems so numerous and complicated.And we, as a nation, must have courage to overcome difficulty, confidence to win and dauntle spirit to work hard and prevail.但是我们丝毫不可松懈,摆在我们面前的形势如同逆水行舟,不进则退。

The situation we are facing now is like going upstream.If we don't forge ahead, we will be left lagging behind.我想用一段印度的古诗来结束我的话,三千年前,印度有一篇著名的古诗叫《奥义书》,可能是梵文,我把它演绎了一下:愿我们同受庇佑,愿我们同受保护,愿我们共同努力,愿我们文化辉煌。不要仇恨,永远和平、和平、和平。

I wish to ask this reporter to send my meage back to the Indian people that China and India are not competitors, we are friends.I wish to conclude by quoting from an ancient Indian scripture, probably written more than 3,000 years ago in Sanskrit, that is in the title of “Upanisad.” It is to the effect: “May He protect us both together.May He nourish us both together.May we work conjointly with great energy.May our study be vigorous and effective.May we not hate anyone.Let there be peace, let there be peace, let there be peace.”


招待会开始时,温家宝说:“形势稍好,尤须兢慎。”其中,“兢慎” 见唐诗《泾溪》“泾溪石险人兢慎,终岁不闻倾履人。却是平流无石处,时时闻说有沉沦。”

We need to be cautious and prudent, especially when things are improving.温家宝说:“思所以危则安,思所以乱则治,思所以亡则存。”这句话出自《新唐书·魏徵传》,原句为“思所以危则安矣,思所以乱则治矣,思所以亡则存矣。”

To think about where danger looms will ensure our security;to think about why chaos occurs will ensure our peace;and to think about why a country falls will ensure our survival.在回答有关两岸关系的问题时,温家宝说:“中国有一句古话,叫做‘得道者多助,失道者寡助’。”这句古语出自《孟子·公孙丑章句下》。A just cause enjoys abundant support, while an unjust one finds little support.在回答香港文汇报记者的提问时,温家宝说:“中国的总理懂得一个道理,就是知难不难,迎难而上,知难而进,永不退缩,不言失败。”其中“知难不难”出自《儒林外史》第二十二回所引对联“读书好,耕田好,学好便好;创业难,守业难,知难不难。”

When you know it is difficult,it may be le difficult.We need to face up to the difficulites。

在回答美国全国广播公司记者关于因特网的问题时,温家宝说:“ 我想先引用两句话,一句是萧伯纳说的,‘自由意味着责任’,一句是你们美国的老报人斯特朗斯基说的,‘要讲民主的话,不要关在屋子里只读亚里士多德,要多坐地铁和公共汽车。’”“自由意味着责任”出自萧伯纳的剧作《人与超人》。Liberty means responsibility



“Go and ask the thawing land, go and ask the thawing river”.“召远在修近,闭祸在除怨。”

“To win distant friends, one needs, first of all, to have good relations with his neighbors.To avoid adversity, one needs to ease animosity.” “沉舟侧畔千帆过,病树前头万木春。” “A thousand sails pa by the wrecked ship;ten thousand saplings shoot up beyond the withered tree.” “水能载舟,亦能覆舟”

“While water can carry a boat, it can also overturn it.” 今年花儿红,明年花更好!

The red bauhinia is beautiful this year, and it will be even more beautiful next year.“名为治平无事,而其实有不测之忧”

“A country that appears peaceful and stable may encounter unexpected crises.”



“What one did at the time will be judged by history” “苟利国家生死以,岂因祸福避趋之。”

I made a pledge: One should uphold his country's interests with his life.He should not do things just to pursue personal gains and he should not evade his responsibilities for fear of personal lo.“天变不足畏,祖宗不足法,人言不足恤”。

Today, I would like to add one more thing: One should not fear the changes under the heaven.One should not blindly follow past conventions.And one should not be deterred by complaints of others.就是“民之所忧,我之所思;民之所思,我之所行”。

What people are concerned about is what preoccupies my mind and what preoccupies the minds of the people is what I need to addre.但是我有一个信念,就是事不避难、勇于担当、奋勇向前。But I have a firm belief that we should never shy away from difficult decisions, and that we should always have the courage to meet the difficulties head on and pre forward.09’


I said that “confidence is more important than gold and currency”.莫道今年春将尽,明年春色倍欢人。

Do not regret that the spring is departing;come next year, it will be twice as enchanting.目标不是决定一切的,但是它就像一艘航船中的罗盘一样,如果一艘航行中的船没有罗盘,它就不知道朝什么方向航行,什么时间到达。有一句谚语:这样的船只有逆风不会有顺风。

Setting a target is like installing a compa on a sailboat.Without a compa, the boat will not know in which direction it is heading or when it will arrive at its destination.There is a saying that goes to the effect that such a boat will only encounter headwinds rather than tailwinds.乞火莫若取燧,汲水莫若凿井。One would better fetch a flint than beg for a light and one would better dig a well for oneself than beg for water from others.山重水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村。

Sometimes things may seem pretty bad, but if you work hard, there will be light at the end of the tunnel.10’年


But we should always remember this important thing, that is “Half of the people who have embarked on the 100 journey may fall by the wayside”.This means we must not slacken our efforts in the slightest.And we must not waver in our resolve.华山再高,顶有过路。

“No matter how high the mountain is, one can always ascend to its top”.亦余心之所善兮,虽九死其犹未悔。

“For the ideal that I hold dear to my heart, I'd not regret even a thousand deaths to die.” “兄弟虽有小忿,不废懿亲”

“Differences between brothers cannot sever their blood ties” 不畏浮云遮望眼,自缘身在最高层

“We have no fear of the clouds that may block our sight, as we are already at the top of the height” 人或加讪,心无疵兮

“My conscience stays untainted in spite of the rumors and slanders from the outside.” 时进则进,时退则退,动静不失其时

Timing is eential in deciding when one should act and when one should stay put.


雄关漫道真如铁,而今迈步重头越。 The strong pa of the enemy is like the wall of iron, yet with firm strides I conquering its summit.路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。......


华山再高,顶有过路。We must reinforce our confidence no matter how high the mountain is, one can always ascend to its top.亦余心之所向兮,虽九死其尤未悔。For the id......

温总理记者招待会 文本

2010 温总理记者招待会 文本记者会开始时,温家宝说:记者朋友们,大家好。过去的两年我们是在极其困难条件下走过来的。人民用坚实的步伐走过了不平坦的道路,这将会在历史上留下印......

温总理 诗词翻译

温家宝总理答记者问之古文翻译评析 “两会”期间,国务院总理温家宝在人民大会堂会见中外记者并答记者问。会谈中,温总理的回答堪称旁征博引,妙语连珠,其中也引用了不少内涵深刻......


温总理引用诗文1、总理在谈到中日两国关系时说,中日两国是一衣带水的邻邦。中国有一句古话:“召远在修近,闭祸在除怨。”其中,“召远在修近,闭祸在除怨”出自《管子·版法》。 “......


