An autopilot is a mechanical, electrical, or hydraulic system used to guide a vehicle without aistance from a human being.An autopilot can refer specifically to aircraft, self-steering gear for boats, or auto guidance of space craft and miiles.Marine autopilots are special devices that connect to your navigational system that can help to guide a veel without the aistance of a human captain.The Global Positioning System is a space-based global navigation satellite system that provides reliable location and time information in all weather and at all times and anywhere on or near the Earth when and where there is an unobstructed line of sight to four or more GPS satellites.It is maintained by the United States government and is freely acceible by anyone with a GPS receiver。GPS has three parts: the space segment, the user segment, and the control segment.Automatic collision avoidance systems use intelligent algorithms to provide support for veels to avoid collision with other ships and obstacles.The automatic navigation element should:(a)identify where the ship is and where it should go;(b)detect a potential collision situation and calculate a safe path to the destination avoiding collision;(c)control the ship automatically to follow the path thus identified。
An inertial navigation system(INS)is a navigation aid that uses a computer, motion sensorsand rotation sensors to continuously calculate via dead reckoning the position, orientation, and velocity(direction and speed of movement)of a moving object without the need for external references.It is used on vehicles such as ships, aircraft, submarines, guided miiles, and spacecraft.Other terms used to refer to inertial navigation systems or closely related devices include inertial guidance system, inertial reference platform, inertial instrument, and many other variations.An Electronic Chart Display and Information System(ECDIS)is a computer-based navigation information system that complies with International Maritime Organization(IMO)regulations and can be used as an alternative to paper nautical charts.An ECDIS system displays the information from electronic navigational charts(ENC)and integrates position information from the Global Positioning System(GPS)and other navigational sensors, such as radar and automatic identification systems(AIS).It may also display additional navigation-related information, such as Sailing Directions and fathometer.ECDIS provides continuous position and navigational safety information.The system generates audible and/or visual alarms when the veel is in proximity to navigational hazards.The Automatic Identification System(AIS)is an automated tracking system used on ships and by Veel Traffic Services(VTS)for identifying and locating veels by electronically exchanging data with other nearby ships and VTS stations.AIS information supplements marine radar, which continues to be the primary method of collision avoidance for water transport.Voyage Data Recorder, or VDR, is a data recording system designed for all veels required to comply with the IMO's International Convention SOLAS Requirements(IMO Res.A.861(20))in order to collect data from various sensors on board the veel.It then digitizes, comprees and stores this information in an externally mounted protective storage unit.The protective storage unit is a tamper-proof unit designed to withstand the extreme shock, impact, preure and heat, which could be aociated with a marine incident(fire, explosion, collision, sinking, etc).In response to SOLAS Resolution X1-2/6, certain types of ocean-going veels are required to have onboard a Ship Security Alert System to help safeguard against piracy and terrorism attacks.These systems are silent alarms, hooked into global satellite systems to allow for communications anywhere around the globe and everywhere at sea
A veel traffic service(VTS)is a marine traffic monitoring system established by harbor or port authorities, similar to air traffic control for aircraft.Typical VTS systems use radar, closed-circuit television(CCTV), VHF radiotelephony and automatic identification system to keep track of veel movements and provide navigational safety in a limited geographical area..
一、名词解释参考答案1.机械化 执行制造过程的基本动作是由机器(机械)代替人力劳动来完成2.PLC 可编程序控制器3.自动化 操纵机器(机械)的动作也是由机器来完成的过程4. 开环控制 系......
系统 :通过执行规定功能来实现某一给定目标的一些相互关联单元的组合。自动:在一个限定任务内自行动作(无需操作人员)。自动化:采用自动装置改进设备以减少人的干预。控制:在系......
变电站综合自动化系统名词解释 简介:遥信信息:指发电厂、变电站中主要的断路器和隔离开关的位置状态信号,重要继电保护与自动装置的动作信号,以及一些运行状态信号等。 关键字:......
1、虎门销烟: 1839年6月3日至25日,林则徐将收缴来的这些鸦片在虎门海滩当众销毁。虎门销烟沉重打击了英国侵略者的气焰,是中国禁烟运动的伟大胜利。它向全世界表明了中国人民抵......
“三项重点工作”基本内容及要求一、促进社会矛盾化解,促进和谐社会建设;二、参与社会管理创新,提高自身管理水平;三、促进公正执法,保障人民群众根本利益。 “三项建设”“三项......