Topic: Euthanasia should be legalized.Tagore once said: let life be beautiful like summer flowers, and death like autumn leaves.Death should not be a proce which is paive, desperate, filled with endle suffering instead it could be active, peaceful and decent.Euthanasia grants those who struggle with terminal illne or incurable morbidity merciful death, reflecting respect for autonomy of life.According to the modern medical ethics, social morality and the fundamental spirit of the criminal law and the constitution, therefore we have reasons to believe that euthanasia is reasonable and should be legalized from the perspective of philosophy, ethics and law.(97)
Firstly, euthanasia is beneficial to those who suffer from fatal illne from a philosophical perspective.As we know, it is the degree of happine rather than the length of life that embodies the life value.Obviously, euthanasia is a wiser and happier choice compared with living in long-term anguish, helplene and mortal fear.Furthermore, people enjoy the right to live as well as the right to die, so the legalization of the euthanasia reflects respect for people’s life, personality and dignity.(81)
Besides philosophical rationality, euthanasia also conforms to the modern medical ethics and social ethics.Bacon once said:A doctor's duty is not only to cure diseases of the patients, but also to alleviate their suffering and sorrow.For the hopele patients, advanced medical technologies just delay the breakdown, prolonging physical and mental suffering of them, increasing the psychological and economic burden of their family, squandering pharmaceutical resources of our society, in some way, violating the modern medical ethics and social ethics.(82)
The main focus of euthanasia controversy should rests on whether it constitute a crime or not,not on its philosophical or ethical rationality.In my opinion, the implementation of euthanasia does not violate criminal policy.Firstly, the eence of crime is its serious harm to our society.Obviously, euthanasia isn’t harmful to our society.By contrast, it benefits our society for saving pharmaceutical resources.Moreover, the purpose of legislation is to maintain the social order and ensure the normal life of the citizens so punishment about euthanasia is unneceary.(90)
安乐死合法化正方:We think it’s neceary.On one hand, we can save our limiting medical resources for those who need treatment than any other people.On the other h......
从语义上分析,“安乐死”是希腊文 “Enthansia” 的中译,其愿意为“美好的死亡”。韦氏词典(Webster„s Dictionary)将其定义为:“安静而容易的死亡”或“引致安静容易死亡的举动......