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I.Match the English words with their meanings.(Time: 10minutes)(15*1=15%)

1.constitute ________

2.vanish ________

3.ignorant __________

4.infant ________

5.bold _________

6.delegate ___________

7.episode _________

8.advisable ________

9.crack _________

10.realm _________

11.alter _________


13.exceive _________

14.equivalent _________

15.convention _________

A.worthy of being recommended or suggested;prudent or wise

B.to deal with

C.to become no longer visible, especially suddenly

D.to make or become different;to change

E.to form;to make up

F.fearle and daring;courageous

G.lacking education or knowledge

H.to give(a piece of work, power etc)to someone else

I.a child in the earliest period of life, especially before he or she can walk

J.a part of a radio or television serial that is broadcast at one time

K.a way of behaving that has become usual;(an)established custom

L.to tell(a joke), especially on impulse or in an effective manner

M.an area of activity, interest etc

N.beyond normal limits

O.equal, as in value, force, or meaning

II.Translate the underlined expreion into Chinese in the following sentences.(Time: 10




3.()in your favor.()))




III.Translate the following expreions into English.(10*1=10%)

1.报复性措施 _______________________ 2.打折票 ____________________________

3.法租界 ___________________________4.安全岛 ____________________________

5.狭隘的民族主义 ___________________ 6.道德银行 __________________________

7.静默一分钟 ________________________8.一张废纸 __________________________

9.好莱坞水准 ________________________

IV.The following expreions are about some domestic news or world news.Please explain each of the following terms.(Time: 5 minutes)(3*5=15%)


2.Supplemental Nutrition Aistance Program

3.The World Sleep Day

V.Reading Comprehension(Time: 10 minutes)(10*2=20%)

Text 1

An American student has been found guilty of anti-gay intimidation.Dharum Ravi, a student at Rutgers University, New Jersey, US, used a computer webcam to spy on his roommate.Anti-gay intimidation is regarded as a hate crime in New Jersey.It could carry a prison term of up to 10 years, according to the US-based Christian Science Monitor.In addition to this “bias intimidation” ruling, Ravi was also found guilty of invasion of privacy for exposing his roommate’s date using the webcam.The roommate, Tyler Clementi, 18, committed suicide within days of learning that Ravi had said publicly via Twitter “I saw him [Clementi] making out with a dude.Yay.”

The two had just started their freshman year at Rutgers.Ravi’s case drew national attention as a poible act of cyber-bullying.It highlighted concerns about animosity toward gays, and more importantly, about the rising prominence of social media forums like Twitter in daily life.Legal analysts say the verdict sends a powerful meage about the importance of respecting privacy rights – and watching what one says online.“We still have an expectation of privacy, even in a social media age,” says Bradley Shear, a Maryland attorney who specializes in privacy law.The case also stands as a warning, he says, that “the balance of your life can change in 140 10.故宫大盗 _________________________

characters or le.”

Ravi was not charged with being responsible for Clementi’s death, but unle the verdict is overturned on appeal, he will serve a prison sentence of some length, says Robert Honecker, a defense attorney at Ansell Grimm & Aaron in Ocean, New Jersey.Ravi was reported by US-based ABC news to regret his “dumb kid” actions.“Even though I wasn’t the one who caused him to jump off the bridge, I did do things wrong and I was stupid about a lot of stuff,” Ravi told the ABC.Decide whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE.1._____ Dharum Ravi used a web camera to spy on his roommate.2._____ Dharum Ravi is a sophomore at Rutgers.3._____ Anti-gay intimidation could carry a prison term of up to 20 years.4._____The roomate, Tyler Clementi, whom Dharum Ravi spied on has committed suicide.5._____ Ravi was charged with being responsible for Clementi’s death.Text 2

The British government recently reported a record 43.8 million visits to public museums in 2011.Jeremy Hunt, UK Culture Secretary, linked the record figure to the free entry policy introduced 10 years ago.Hunt also said the measure helped democratize knowledge and learning by making museums more acceible to the public.“Our free museums and galleries ensure that culture is for everyone, not just the lucky few,” said Hunt in a pre release detailing museum visitor numbers last December.By contrast, only about one-third of museums in the US are free and most carry an average entry fee of $10(63 yuan), according to the American Aociation of Museums(AAM).Yet AAM estimates that an average American pays three visits to museums every year.Those interested in going to a museum won’t be deterred by a small cost.Visiting museums in Western countries is about more than just a free place to go.“Museums are now perceived as reputable places for learning trustworthy information, and for doing so in an entertaining way,” said Victor Rabinovotch, president and CEO of the Canadian Museum of Civilization in a recent journal article.Rabinovotch thinks that museums today place le emphasis on showing artifacts than on helping people to understand them by interactive display, video aid and etc.Answering the public’s need for “informal learning”, museums responded.Museums are no longer places where artifacts are placed but a way to connect ordinary people in a world far removed from their own, according to Rabinovotch.Stephen Weil, from the Smithsonian Institute in the US, summarized a shift in museums from being “about something” to being “for somebody” in a research paper.Museums are conscious of their audience.Museums are listening and responding to their needs: quality exhibitions, flexible opening

hours, well maintained premises, a good gift shop, and a good museum café.All these combined turn visiting a museum into an enjoyable social experience and that drives repeat visits, according to David Ellis, Director of Museums at the University of Sydney.According to Ellis, museums are also conscious of marketing themselves and not simply waiting for visitors.By changing exhibitions that are heavily promoted and often interactive, museums draw repeat visitors.“Museums are now viewed as places where people can meet and interact with like minds,” said Ellis.Questions:

6.According to Jeremy Hunt, UK Culture Secretary, what was the main reason why there was a a record 43.8 million visits to public museums in 2011?

7.According to AAM, will the entry fee prevent enthusiasts from going to a museum?

8.What does “on the rise” in the underlined sentence(page 4)mean?

9.About ___________ of museums in the US are free.10.Museums today place more emphasis on helping people to understand them by ___________.VI.Write a short eay on the topic of Sleeping Sickne.You should write at least 250 words following the outline given below.(Time:20 minutes)(30%)

Sleeping Sickne





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_______级_班_____号_学________名姓 语文基础模块(上)期中测试题嗥.叫:(豺狼等)大声叫秋风乍.起:副词,突然一、基础题(20) B、宁谧.:平静接踵.而至:脚后跟1、下列加点字的注音正确的一项是 () 踽踽..而行:徘徊不前毛......


_______级_班_____号_学________名姓 语文基础模块(上)期中测试题嗥.叫:(豺狼等)大声叫秋风乍.起:副词,突然一、基础题(20) B、宁谧.:平静接踵.而至:脚后跟1、下列加点字的注音正确的一项是 () 踽踽..而行:徘徊不前毛......




