Trojan War Around 1200B.C., a war was fought between Greece and Troy.We call this war Trojan War.It ended in the destruction of Troy.It was recorded in Greek mythology and in Iliad or Odyey by Homer.It was said to fight over the beautiful Helen.And it lasted 10 years.Trojan horse.2 Oedipus Complex It is a Freudian term originating from a Greek tragedy in which King Oedipus unknowingly killed his father and married his mother.According to Freud, children are born with sexual urges.From 3 to 5, a child becomes a rival for the affection of the parent of the opposite sex.3 Ten Commandments 1 Do not worship any other gods 2Do not make any idols 3 Do not misuse the name of God 4 Keep the Sabbath holy 5 Honour your father and mother 6 Do not murder 7 Do not commit adultery 8 Do not steal 9 Do not lie 10 Do not covet(垂涎)4 Dark age/ Age of Faith It refers to the Middle Age.Between the fifth and eleventh centuries, Western Europe was the scene of frequent wars.There was no central government.The only organization that seemed to unite Europe was the Christian Church.In the late Middle Age, almost everyone in Western Europe was a Christian.Christianity took the lead in politics, laws, art and learning for hundreds of years.It shaped people’s life.5 Feudalism(in Europe)Feudalism in Europe was many---a system of land holding land in exchange for military service.It was also a system of government---a form of local and decentralized government.6 Code of Chivalry As a knight, he was pledged to protect the weak, to fight for the church, to be loyal to his lord and to respect woman of noble birth.And from this, the western idea of good manners developed.7.The Crusades In 1071, Palestine fell to the armies of the Turkish Moslems.The Turkish Moslem attacked the Christian pilgrims, killed them and sold them as slaves.This resulted in a series of holy wars called crusades which went on about 200 years(1096—1291).All the soldiers wore a red cro as a symbol of obedience to god.By 1291,the moslems won the crusades.8.Renaiance “Renaiance” means revival, revival of interest in ancient Greak and Roman culture.It was a historical period between 14th—17th c in which the European humanist thinkers and scholars made attempts to get rid of conservatism in feudalist Europe and introdue new idears that expreed the interests of the rising bourgeoisie, to lift the restrictions in all areas placed by RRC.It started in Florence and Venice, then went to the other part of Europe.9.Humanism Petrarch: father of humanism It is a belief system based on the principle that people’s spiritual and emotional needs can be fufilled without following a religion.The philosophy of humanism is reflected in the art and literature to pa down as the beginning of the history of modern man who lives and works for the present and future progre of mankind.10.Reformation The reformation was a 16th c religious movement as well as a socio—political movement.It began as Martin Luther posted on the door of the castle church his 95 thesis in 1517.This movement which swept over the whole of europe was aimed at opposing the absolute authority of the RCC and replacing it with the absolute authority of Bible.With the development , it became one of the mainstream for the liberation of national politics from Roman interference and for the liberation of economic domination by the RCC.11.Calvinism 加尔文主义
It streed the absolute authority of the God’s will, holding that those specially elected by God are saved.Its belief was that any form of sinfulne was a sign of damnation whereas ceasele work could be a sign of salvation.The belief serves so well to help the rising bourgeoisie.It was one of the main courses of the capitalist spirit.12.Couter-Reformation 反革命
By late 1520 the Roman Catholic Church had lost its control over the church in Germany.Meanwhile the movement against the RCC had swept over the whole of Europe, shaking the foundation of the RCC.The RCC didn’t stay idle.They mustered their forces to examine the church instructions and introduce reforms and improvements, to bring back its vitality.This recovery of power is called the Counter-Reformation.13.Cartesian Doubt 笛卡尔的怀疑论
Descartes believed that the overthrow of the present opinion and the break-up with the past philosophy are neceary condition of establishing something first and lasting in the science.Four rules:(1)accept nothing as true which I didn’t recognize(2)divide difficulties into many parts(3)carry on my reflections in due order: simple to complex(4)make lists to insure I omitted nothing 14.Baroque Art 巴洛克艺术
A style in art and architecture flourished in Italy, and then spread to South Europe.It developed from the early 17c to mid-18c, emphasizing dramatic intensity, light and color, of strained effect and typified by bold, curving forms, elaborate ornamentation, and overall balance of separate parts 15.Enlightenment 启蒙运动
The Enlightenment was an intellectual movement originating in France in the second half of the 18c, and then spread to Europe and NA.It characterizes critical reason to free minds from prejudice, unexamined authority and oppreion by church or state.The most two forerunners were two 17thc Englishmen Locke and Newton.The major force was the French philosophers.The Enlightenment developed many ramifications.16.Separation of powers It was established in the book named“ The spirit of the laws ” by Montesquieu.He believed that the legislative, executive and judicial powers must be confined to different individuals or bodies, acting independently.This theory was accepted by the philosophers and had a great influence in western world.Particularly, his theory of the separation of powers become one of the most important principles of the U.S.Constitution.17.Rococo Art During the reign of Louis XIV and Louis XV in France, an artistic style named Rococo became popular.It is aociated with architecture and intertor decoration.It is characterized by elaborate ornamentation imitating shellwork.It was luxurious, delicate and characterizing the taste of royal family.As a style in art, Rococo became for a time the vogue all over Europe.18.Romanticism Romanticism was a movement in literature, philosophy, music and art which developed in Europe in the late 18th and early 19th century.It started from the idea of Rolleau in France and from the Storm and Stre movement in Germany.Romanticism emphasized individual values and aspirations.It gave impetus to the national liberation movement in the 19th century Europe.19.Marxism
Marxism was born in the 19th century from European culture.It had three sources: German claical Philosophy, English claical Political Economy and Utopian Socialism.The three component parts of Marxism are Marxist Philosophy, Marxist Political Economy and
19世纪文学一、前期。浪漫主义文学的兴起1、浪漫主义文学基本特征: a、强烈的主观色彩 b、喜欢描写和歌颂大自然c、重视中世纪民间文学,喜欢采用民间文学的题材、语言和表现手......
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European and American cultural comprehensionFor a long time, are always cherished a dream.The understanding of European and American culture, it is out of this......