中华人民共和国星级酒店评定标准5星in english_五星级饭店评定标准

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中华人民共和国星级酒店评定标准5星in english由刀豆文库小编整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来方便,猜你可能喜欢“五星级饭店评定标准”。


Evaluate on the different Star Cla of Hotels

6.5 五星级 Five-star hotel

6.5.1 饭店布局和功能划分合理,设施使用方便、安全。

Hotel’s layout and function division are reasonable, and equipments are security and easy to operate.6.5.2 内外装修采用高档材料,工艺精致,具有突出风格。

Lofty materials both for inside and outside decoration, refined craftwork and unique style.6.5.3 指示用标志清晰、实用、美观,公共信息图形符号符合GB/T10001.1和GB/T10001.2的规定。

Instruction with the sign clear, practical and artistic.The public information marks conform to GB/T10001.1and GB/T10001.2 standards.6.5.4 有中央空调(别墅式度假饭店除外),各区域通风良好。

Have central air conditioning(except for villa-style hotel), good ventilation at various regions.6.5.5 有与本星级相适应的计算机管理系统。

Have the computer management systems that match with this star cla.6.5.6 有公共音响转播系统;背景音乐曲目、音量适宜,音质良好。

Have the public acoustic retransmiion system;The background music program, the suitable volume and the refined acoustic fidelity.6.5.7 设施设备养护良好,无噪音,达到完备、整洁和有效。

Facilities equipments maintain good, with no noise, neat and effectives.6.5.8 各项管理制度健全,与饭店规模和星级相一致。

Each management system is perfect, that all matches with hotel scale and the star cla.6.5.9 各种指示用和服务用文字至少用规范的中英文同时表示。

Each kind of instruction and service sign letters is at least both in English and Chinese.6.5.10 能用普通话和英语提供服务,必要时能够用第二种外国语提供服务。

Offer service with the standard spoken Chinese and English.And it also can be in another second foreign language when neceary.6.5.11 前厅 Vestibule

a.空间宽敞,与接待能力相适应,不使客人产生压抑感; The space is spacious, consisting with the reception ability, so that the guests do not feel oppreing.b.气氛豪华,风格独特,装饰典雅,色调协调,光线充足;

Luxurious atmosphere, unique style, refines decoration, harmonized tone, well light.c.有与饭店规模、星级相适应的总服务台;

The total service desk, matching with the hotel scale and the star cla;d.总服务台各区段有中英文标志,接待人员24小时提供接待、问询和结帐服务;

The Chinese and English symbols for the different sectors of the total service desk.The service personnel provide the reception and inquire and paying up at any time.e.提供留言服务;Provide the meage service f.提供一次性总帐单结帐服务(商品除外);

Provide one-off general account paying and several paying service(except goods);

g.提供信用卡结算服务;Provide the credit card service h.18小时提供外币兑换服务;Provide the foreign currency exchange service in 18 hours


Provide the propaganda productions of hotel services, the price list of the guest rooms, the Chinese and English locus traffic map, the national traveling map, the introduction of the locus and the national scenic sites, the vehicle timetable, the suitable publication for the guests choosing.j.24小时接受客房预订;Can order rooms at any time;

k.有饭店和客人同时开启的贵重物品保险箱,保险箱位置安全、隐蔽,能够保护客人的隐私;The safety deposit box, which both of the hotel and guest open at the same time, is covert and security for guests’ privacy.l.设门卫应接员,18小时迎送客人;Set the gate guard service, to welcome guest for 18 hours m.设专职行李员,有专用行李车,24小时提供行李服务。有小件行李存放处;

The profeional workers, baggage cars, for Baggage services for 24 hours.Have the packet depository.n.有管理人员24小时在岗值班;Have the administrative personnel in duty for 24 hours.o.设大堂经理,24小时在岗服务;The hall manager, 24 hours in service.p.在非经营区设客人休息场所;Set the rest place at non-busine areas

q.提供代客预订和安排出租汽车服务;Provide the broker to order and taxi service r.门厅及主要公共区域有残疾人出入坡道,配备轮椅,有残疾人专用卫生间或厕位,能为残疾人提供必要的服务。

The special way for disabled person at the hall and main public areas.Provide the wheelchair, the special toilet and the eential service.6.5.12 客房 Guest rooms

a.至少有40间(套)可供出租的客房;at least 40 guest rooms for hiring b.70%客房的面积(不含卫生间和门廊)不小于20平方米;

The areas of 70% guest rooms(do not contain bathroom and porch)is no smaller than 20 sq.m.c.装修豪华,具有文化氛围,有舒适的床垫、写字台、衣橱及衣架、茶几、座椅或沙发、床头柜、床头灯、台灯、落地灯、全身镜、行李架等高级配套家具。室内满铺高级地毯,或用优质木地板或其他高档材料装饰。采用区域照明且目的物照明度良好;

Luxurious decoration, with the cultural feeling.Have the comfortable mattre, the writing desk, clothespre, clothes rack, tea table, chairs or sofa, bed cupboard, bed lamp, the desk lamp, the floor lamp, mirror for the whole body, baggage rack and so on.The good carpet paving or perfect wood floor or other elegant decoration.The region illumination and the goal illumination are good.d.客房门能自动闭合,有门窥镜、门铃及防盗装置。显著位置张贴应急疏散图及相关说明; The guest door can be automatic closed, with a looking gla, door bell and the security installment.The evacuating drawing at the remarkable position.e.有面积宽敞的卫生间,装有高级抽水恭桶、梳妆台(配备面盆、梳妆镜和必要的盥洗用品)、浴缸并带淋浴喷头(另有单独淋浴间的可以不带淋浴喷头),配有浴 帘。采取有效的防滑措施。采用豪华建筑材料装修地面、墙面和天花,色调高雅柔和,采用分区照明且目的物照明度良好。有良好的无明显噪音的排风系统,温度与 客房无明显差异。有110/220V不间断电源插座、电话副机。配有吹风机。24小时供应冷、热水;

The spacious bathroom, is loaded with senior toilet bowl and dreing table(with basin, dreing mirror and eential toilet articles), the bathtub and shower head(additional alone shower room can not bring the shower head), and bath curtain.Take the effective slip-resistant measures.Take luxurious decoration and wall and ceiling.The soft tone, the good district illumination and the goal illumination.The good exhaust system with no noise, the temperature is comfortable.Have 110/220V socket all with electric, extensive telephone, the hair drier.The hot and cool water for 24 hours.f.有方便使用的电话机,可以直接拨通或使用预付费电信卡拨打国际、国内长途电话,并备有电话使用说明和所在地主要电话指南;

The telephone can dial directly or with the pays to both domestic and international, and with the telephone operating instruction and locus telephone guide.g.提供互联网接入服务,并备有使用说明;Provide the internet service and instruction h.有彩色电视机,播放频道不少于16个,画面和音质优良。备有频道指示说明。播放内容应符合中国政府规定;

The color television has no le than 16 channels, good picture and good acoustic fidelity, with the channels instruction.The broadcast content should conform to the Chinese government stipulation.i.有可由客人调控且音质良好的音响装置;Good acoustic setting that the guests can control.j.有防噪音及隔音措施,效果良好;Have measures against the noise and the sound-insulation.k.有至少两种规格的电源插座,方便客人使用,并提供插座转换器;

At least two types of sockets and plug switch.l.有沙帘及遮光窗帘;Have curtain for shielding sunshine m.有单人间;The single room n.有套房;flatlet

o.有至少4个开间的豪华套房;Luxurious flatlet with at least 4 rooms


Stationery that adapt with the star cla.Have service guide, price list, the lodgings notice, the locus traveling scenic areas and traffic map, the publication for guest choosing.q.客房、卫生间每天全面清理1次,每日或应客人要求更换床单、被单及枕套,客用品和消耗品补充齐全,并应客人要求随时进房清理,补充客用品和消耗品;

Clean the guest room and bathroom one time everyday.Replace the bedsheet, the coverlet and the pillowcase for request everyday.Supplement the guest thing and consumables quickly if the guest ask.r.床上用棉织品(床单、枕心、枕套、棉被及被衬等)及卫生间针织用品(浴巾、浴衣、毛巾等)材质良好、工艺讲究、柔软舒适;

The bed with the cotton fabric(bed sheet, pillow, pillowcase, cotton-wadded quilt), and bathroom knitting things(bath towel, bath robe, towel), the good materials, the soft and comfortable craft.s.提供开夜床服务,放置晚安致意品;

Provide the night-bed service, laying goods expreing best wishes;t.24小时提供冷热饮用水及冰块,并免费提供茶叶或咖啡;

Provide the cold and hot drink and ice piece, as well as free tea and coffee for 24 hours;u.客房内设微型酒吧(包括小冰箱),提供适量酒和饮料,备有饮用器具和价目单;

Provide the suitable wineshop at guest room(including small fridge), suitable wines and beverage, drinking appliance and price list.v.客人在房间会客,可应要求提供加椅和茶水服务;

When the guest receives somebody, he can request adding chairs and teas;w.提供叫醒、留言及语音信箱服务;

Provide awakens, the meage and the pronunciation mailbox services;x.提供衣装干洗、湿洗、熨烫及修补服务,可在24小时内交还客人。18小时提供加急服务;

Provide the dry clean, wet wash, iron service and patching service, that return guest in 24 hours.The urgent service in 18 hours.y.有送餐菜单和饮料单,24小时提供中西式送餐服务。送餐菜式品种不少于8种,饮料品种不少于4种,甜食品种不少于4种,有可挂置门外的送餐牌;

Have the delivering meal service and beverage list.Provide the Chinese and western-style delivering meals.The meal variety are no le than 8, the drinking no le than 4, the sweet meals

no le than 4.Have the delivering meal board.z.提供擦鞋服务。Provide the cleaning-shoes service;

6.5.13 餐厅及吧室 Dining room and bar

a.有布局合理、装饰豪华的中餐厅。The Chinese dining room with reasonable layout and luxurious decoration.b.有布局合理、装饰豪华、格调高雅的专业外国餐厅,配有专门厨房;

The specialized foreign dining room with reasonable layout , luxurious decoration, lofty style and special kitchen;


The café room has unique style, refined characteristics and good location(or simple west dining room), that can provides self-service breakfast, west-style full meal.The busine time is clear and no le than 18 hours.d.有3个以上宴会单间或小宴会厅。能提供宴会服务;

Have more than 3 party rooms or small party hall with the party service;e.有专门的酒吧或茶室或其他供客人休息交流且提供饮品服务的场所;

The special bar or tea room or another rest place for guests resting and exchanging;f.餐具按中外习惯成套配置,材质高档,工艺精致,有特色,无破损磨痕,光洁、卫生;

Tablewares according to Chinese and foreign custom, that are fine craft, clean , no damage and sanitation.g.菜单及饮品单装帧精美,完整清洁,出菜率不低于90%。

Menu with fine mounting, the vegetable rate no lower than 90%.6.5.14 厨房 Kitchen


Reasonable position, scientific layout, the vegetable rout not overlapping other public areas;b.墙面满铺瓷砖,用防滑材料满铺地面,有地槽、有吊顶;

The walls are covered with tile, the ground with ribband materials.Have geosyncline and suspend ceiling.c.冷菜间、面点间独立分隔,有足够的冷气设备。冷菜间内有空气消毒设施;

The cold dish and flour meal are independently separately.Have enough air condition, disinfect facility for the cold dish room.d.冷菜间有二次更衣场所及设施;

The cold dish room has two times clothes-changing place and the facility;e.粗加工间与其它操作间隔离,各操作间温度适宜,冷气供应充足;

Preform room is separately from other working rooms.Keep the suitable temperature and enough air condition.f.有必要的冷藏、冷冻设施,生熟食品及半成食品分柜置放。有干货仓库并定期清理过期食品;

Have eential refrigeration facility.Different food for different store.Clear up food at certain time.g.洗碗间位置合理;The layout of washing-bowl room is reasonable;


Temporarily waste bin facility, keeping closed.Keep clean for dirt-exhaust facility(geosyncline, lampblack and ventilation)


Between the kitchen and dining room are automatically door for sound-insulation, heat-insulation and odor-insulation;j.采取有效的消杀蚊蝇、蟑螂等虫害措施。

Effective measures to kill insect and black beetle.6.5.15 会议康乐设施:有会议康乐设施设备,并提供相应服务。

Well-being facility for conference and relevant service.6.5.16公共区域 Public areas

a.有足够的停车场;Enough parking areas;b.3层以上建筑物有数量充足的高质量客用电梯,轿厢装饰高雅,另配有服务电梯;

Architecture with above 3 floors should have enough guest lifts with good decoration;

c.有公用电话;Have public telephone;


Interval toilet for men and women at public areas;e.有商店,出售旅行日常用品、旅游纪念品、工艺品等商品;

Have shops, that sell traveling commodity, traveling souvenir and handicraft;


Busine center, that sells stamps and sends envelop, and provides fax, telegraph, copy, typing, computer-hiring services;

g.代购交通、影剧、参观等票务;Service on buying tickets of film, visiting;h.提供市内观光服务;Provide the urban sightseeing service;i.有紧急救助室;Have the urgent rescue room;

j.有应急供电系统和应急照明设施;Have the emergency power supply system and lighting facility;


The closed circuit supervisory system at main public areas;l.走廊地面满铺地毯或其他高档材料,墙面整洁、有装修装饰,24小时光线充足,无障碍物。紧急出口标识清楚醒目,位置合理。

Carpet paving the corridor or other elegant materials, the neat wall and good decoration, well light for 24 hours, no obstacle.The clear sign for emergence exit.6.5.17 在选择项目中至少具备33项。

Must have 33 items at these choices.6.6 白金五星级Platinum Five-star hotel

6.6.1 具有两年以上五星级饭店资格。Have the five-star hotel qualification for 2 years;6.6.2 地理位置处于城市中心商务区或繁华地带,交通极其便利。

The location is at the commercial areas of city center or the lively region, the transportation extremely convenient.6.6.3 建筑主题鲜明,外观造型独具一格,有助于所在地建立旅游目的地形象。

The bright architectural theme, unique surface, that are good for the traveling destination.6.6.4 内部功能布局及装修装饰能与所在地历史、文化、自然环境相结合,恰到好处地表现和烘托其主题氛围。

The layout and decoration are harmony with the local history, culture and environment;6.6.5 除有富丽堂皇的门廊及入口外,饭店整体氛围极其豪华气派。

Besides the luxurious corridor and entrance, the whole hotel must be luxury;

6.6.6 各类设施配备齐全,品质一流;有饭店内主要区域温湿度自动控制系统。

Have perfected kinds of facilities with high quality;The auto control system that adjusting temperature at some main areas.6.6.7 有位置合理、功能齐全、品味高雅、装饰华丽的行政楼层专用服务区,至少对行政楼层提供24小时管家式服务。

The special service areas for administration floor, which has various functions, lofty decoration and good location, provide 24 hours service.6.6.8 以下项目中至少具备5项:

Must have 5 items at the following.a.普通客房面积不小于36平方米;

The areas of each common guest room are not smaller than 36 sq.m.b.有布局合理、装饰豪华、格调高雅、符合国际标准的高级西餐厅,可提供正规的西式正餐和宴会;

Lofty west dining room, with reasonable layout, luxurious decoration, elegant style and meeting the international standard, can provide west-style full meal and banguet;


Independent enclosed bar has the reasonable layout, elegant decoration and good atmosphere.d.有净高不小于5米、至少容纳500人的宴会厅;

The height of banquet hall is no smaller that 5 metres, and can hold at least 500 people.e.国际认知度极高,平均每间可供出租客房收入连续三年居于所在地同星级饭店前列;

With high international reputation, and can get incomes of each guest room on average that are above the same level hotel for the continuously 3 years.f.有规模壮观、构思独特、布局科学、装潢典雅、出类拔萃的专项配套设施。

The special neceary facility, which are with magnificent sight, unique design, lofty decoration and scientific layout.6.6.9 在选择项目中至少具备37项。Meet at least 37 items.6.7 选择项目(共73项)Choices items(altogether 73 items)6.7.1综合类别(21项)Syntheses theme(altogether 21 items)a.5家以上饭店共享同一连锁品牌或10家以上饭店由同一家饭店管理公司管理;

More than 5 hotels sharing chain-like brand or over 10 hotels management by the identical family hotel.b.总经理连续5年以上担任过同级饭店高级管理职位;

General manager holds the same level hotel management for over 5 years.c.总经理连续2年以上接受饭店管理专业教育或培训;

General manager receives the hotel management education or training for 2 years;d.总经理持有全国旅游岗位培训指导机构颁发的《旅游行业管理人员岗位培训证书》;

General manager is endowed “ Traveling Profeion Training Certificate” by the national traveling training organization;


Over 15% staffs pa the “Traveling profeional English rank Test” by the national traveling training organization;

f.委托代办服务(“金钥匙”);entrust affair service(“key to problem”)g.电梯内有方便残疾人使用的按键;The special pre key for disabled people at lift;h.有残疾人客房;The guest room for disabled person i.客用电梯轿厢内两侧均有按键;Pre keys at the both sides of the lift box.j.不少于50%的客房配备客用保险箱;More than 50% guest rooms have safety deposit box;k.不少于70%的客房内配有静音、节能、环保型冰箱;

More than 70% guest rooms have fridges with the static sound, energy conservation and environmental protection;


m.客房内配有逃生用充电式手电;Flashlight for guest rooms when emergency happens.n.客房卫生间有大包装、循环使用的洗发液、沐浴液方便容器;

Containers with Shampoo and bath soap at bathroom;


The fog-against dreing mirror or dreing magnifying gla for guest rooms’ bathroom;


More than 50% guest rooms’ bathrooms set the shower and bathtub separately;q.不少于50%的客房卫生间干湿区分开(或有独立的化妆间);

More than 50% guest rooms’ bathrooms have divided the dry and humid areas(or have independent dreing room);r.客房卫生间有饮用水系统;The drinking water system at bathrooms;s.设有无烟楼层;Set the smokele floor;t.餐厅、吧室均设有无烟区;The dining room and bar are equipped with smokele areas;u.餐厅及吧室不使用一次性筷子、一次性湿毛巾和塑料桌布;

Both of the dining room and bar do not use the throwaway chopsticks, the disposable wet towel and plastic tablecloth;

6.7.2 特色类别一(20项)The first characteristics(20 items)a.至少容纳200人的多功能厅或专用会议室,并有良好的隔音、遮光效果,配设衣帽间;

Multi-function hall or special conference room, which can hold at least 200 people, has good sound-insulation, lighting effect and cloakroom.b.至少容纳200人的大宴会厅,配有序门和专门厨房;

With the special kitchen, the banquet hall can hold 200 people.c.至少2个小会议室或洽谈室(至少容纳10人);

At least 2 small meeting room or discuion room(hold at least 10 people)d.现场监控系统及视音频转播系统;

Scene supervisory system and audio frequency retransmiion system;


The sound control system with the sound recording and amplified-sound function;

f.同声传译设施(至少2种语言);Simultaneous interpretation facility(at least 2 language)g.多媒体演示系统(含电脑、多媒体投影仪、实物投影仪等);

Multimedia demonstration system(include computer, multimedia projecting apparatus and object-projecting apparatus)

h.会议即席发言麦克风;extemporaneous speech microphone i.至少2000平方米的展厅;Exhibition hall with at least 2000 sq.m j.独立的鲜花店;Independent fresh flower shop k.独立的酒吧、茶室等;Independent bar, tea room and so on;l.大堂酒吧;Great hall bar;m.饼屋;Cake room;n.所有客房内配有电熨裤机;Electric iron for each guest room;o.所有客房附设写字台电话;Writing table and telephone for each guest room;p.套房数量占客房总数的10%以上;The quantity of anteroom account for over 10% of the total guest rooms;

q.所有套房供主人和来访客人使用的卫生间分设;All the anterooms have toilets that are separately for host and visitor.r.有5个以上开间的豪华套房;Over 5 luxurious anterooms

s.设行政楼层,有本楼层客人专用服务区;Set the administration floor, and service areas for visitor.t.行政楼层客房内配有可收发传真或上网的设备。

The fax and internet facility for each guest room at the administration floor;6.7.3 特色类别二(16项)The second characteristics(16 items)a.有观光电梯;Sightseeing Elevator b.有自动扶梯;Escalator c.歌舞厅;Dancing Room


The theater, with dancing facility and the stage lighting system, can meet the general performance.e.美容美发室;Hairdreing Room f.健身中心;Fitne Center g.桑拿浴;Sauna Service h.保健按摩;Health Maage i.视音频交互服务系统(VOD),提供客房内可视性帐单查询服务;

The audio frequency alternately service system(VOD), and indoors view ability bill inquiry service.j.提供语音信箱服务;Provide the pronunciation mailbox service

k.24小时提供加急洗衣服务;Urgently wash clothing service for 24 hours l.定期歌舞表演;Regular dance performance m.专卖店或商场;Exclusive agency or market n.独立的书店或图书馆(至少有1000册图书);

Independent bookstore or library(have at least 1000 volumes of books)o.有24小时营业的餐厅;Dining Room for 24 hours busine

p.旅游信息电子查询系统。Electron Inquiry System for tour information 6.7.4 特色类别三(16项)The third characteristics(16 items)a.自用温泉或海滨浴场或滑雪场;Hot spring or Bathing Place or skiing Ground b.不少于30%的客房有阳台;No le than 30% guest room have balcony.c.室内游泳池;Indoor Swimming Pool d.室外游泳池;Outdoor Swimming Pool e.棋牌室;Che room f.游戏机室;Game Room g.桌球室;Billiards Room h.乒乓球室;Ping-pong Room i.保龄球室(至少4道);Bowling Room(at least 4 alleyways)j.网球场;Tennis Ground

k.高尔夫练习场;Golf-training Field

l.电子模拟高尔夫球场;Electron-simulation Golf Course m.高尔夫球场(至少9洞);Golf Course(at least 9 holes)n.壁球场;Handball Ground

o.射击或射箭场;Shooting or Archery Field p.其他运动休闲项目。Other leisure sports




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