1. 课外阅读题材要广泛
2. 阅读过程中要练习相关技巧
3. 看到生词要学会先猜再查
4. 整理记录阅读中的优质词句素材
1. GRE词汇&填空
2. GRE写作
举个例子:After more than a century of investigation, the relation of these and other phenomena, known collectively as the solar-activity cycle, to terrestrial weather and climate remains unclear.
另外,将简单句子复杂化通常有其固定的模式, 比如:
(c) 先叙述别人的观点, 最后才是作者的评价(结论)。
(a)若有多种解决方案, 注意新老解决方案的区别。
GRE考试的题目句子大都比较长,所以长难句的训练是必要的,每天都看 一点GRE 长难句图解与精练,自己尽量分析,画逻辑图的方式,差不多每天5-10句花费10-20分钟左右的时间即可。
GRE 逻辑框架训练
比如:recognizethe assumption,review/evaluate the argument : weaken,strengthen, find the missing but must-be-true informationthat can be inferred and mostly supported by the passages, and apply theprinciples from the authors。
4. 提炼文章的整体主旨。
1. 把刚才看过的文章翻过去,暂时不去看。
2. 在纸上写下刚才的每段主旨和文章整体主旨。
The transplantation of organs from one individual to another normally involves two major problems: (1) organ rejection is likely unless the transplantation antigens (a usually protein or carbohydrate substance (as a toxin or enzyme) capable of stimulating an immune response) of both individuals are nearly identical, and (2) the introduction of any unmatched transplantation antigens induces the development by the recipient of donor-specific lymphocytes that will produce violent rejection of further transplantations from that donor. However, we have found that among many strains of rats these “normal” rules of transplantation are not obeyed by liver transplants. Not only are liver transplants never rejected, but they even induce a state of donor-specific unresponsiveness in which subsequent transplants of other organs, such as skin, from that donor are accepted permanently. Our hypothesis is that (1) many strains of rats simply cannot mount a sufficiently vigorous destructive immune-response (using lymphocytes) to outstrip the liver’s relatively great capacity to protect itself from immune-response damage and that (2) the systemic unresponsiveness observed is due to concentration of the recipient’s donor-specific lymphocytes at the site of the liver transplant.
17. The primary purpose of the passage is to treat the accepted generalizations about organ transplantation in which of the following ways?
(A) Explicate their main features
(B) Suggest an alternative to them
(C) Examine their virtues and limitations
(D) Criticize the major evidence used to support them(E)
(E) Present findings that qualify them
18. It can be inferred from the passage that the author believes that an important difference among strains of rats is the
(A) size of their livers
(B) constitution of their skin
(C) strength of their immune-response reactions
(D) sensitivity of their antigens(C)
(E) adaptability of their lymphocytes
19. According to the hypothesis of the author, after a successful liver transplant, the reason that rats do not reject further transplants of other organs from the same donor is that the
(A) transplantation antigens of the donor and the recipient become matched
(B) lymphocytes of the recipient are weakened by the activity of the transplanted liver
(C) subsequently transplanted organ is able to repair the damage caused by the recipient’s immune-response reaction
(D) transplanted liver continues to be the primary locus for the recipient’s immune-response reaction(D)
(E) recipient is unable to manufacture the lymphocytes necessary for the immune-response reaction
20. Which of the following new findings about strains of rats that do not normally reject liver transplants, if true, would support the authors’ hypothesis?
I. Stomach transplants are accepted by the recipients in all cases.
II. Increasing the strength of the recipient’s immune-response reaction can induce liver-transplant rejection.
III. Organs from any other donor can be transplanted without rejection after liver transplantation.
IV. Preventing lymphocytes from being concentrated at the liver transplant produces acceptance of skin transplants.
(A) II only
(B) I and III only
(C) II and IV only
(D) I, II, and III only(A)
(E) I, III, and IV only
Your Lunchtime cola
What it ages: Your bones
The science: Older women who drank a cola every day had significantly lower bone-mineral density than those who consumed less than one cola per month, according to a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. It’s not exactly clear why cola had this effect, but the study researchers believe that it could be the combination of caffeine and phosphoric acid (which most other carbonated drinks don’t have) that causes the problem.
What you can do: Cut back. Keep in mind that diet cola had similar effects and, to a lesser extent, so did decaf versions. If you need bubbles, try seltzer instead.
Your Daily Commute
What it ages: Your skin
The science: The air you’re exposed to on the highway is no friend to your complexion. Traffic-related pollution can lead to age spots, according to a review in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology, while another review in Frontiers in Environmental Science found that pollution contributes to overall skin aging, plus other problems like acne, eczema and psoriasis.
What you can do: Until someone comes up with a way to make a long commute shorter, these tips should help. First, if you drive an older car, roll your windows down instead of up when you’re sitting in traffic. (With an older air-filter system, you’ll just breath in your car’s own exhaust if you keep them up). Second, apply a topical antioxidant product to your face, neck in the morning to help protect your skin from environmental pollution.
A Hypercritical Boss
What it ages: Your brain
The science: Anxiety and stress can shrink your hippocampus, and in people already experiencing the cognitive decline that can lead to Alzheimer’s, they could potentially speed up the progression of the disease.
Your hippocampus controls memory formation and also plays a role in regulating your emotions. It naturally gets smaller as we age, but a review in Current Opinion in Psychiatry found that stress can cause structural damage and accelerate the shrinking process.
“Cortisol is released when you’re stressed and cortisol is toxic to the hippocampus,” explains lead study author Linda Mah, an assistant professor of psychiatry at the University of Toronto and clinical scientist at the Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care. Before you get anxious about how stress and anxiety are affecting your brain, know this: The researchers concluded that “pathological anxiety and chronic stress” are the real dangers, meaning the kind that’s unrelenting and never seems to go away. If you think that’s what you’re experiencing, talk to your doctor about ways to manage it.
“紧张时会释放出皮质醇,对海马体百害无利,”研究作者Linda Mah表示,同时他还是东京大学的精神学助教、Baycrest老年护理中心的临床科学家。在你焦急的想知道焦虑和紧张是如何影响大脑之前,先弄清楚这些:研究人员认为“病态焦虑和慢性压力”是真正的元凶,这些可是顽固性因子。如果你觉得自己有这些症状,和医生谈谈解决办法。
Dr. Mah led another study in focusing on people with mild cognitive impairment, or MCI. (MCI is considered a precursor to Alzheimer’s. Not everyone with MCI develops Alzheimer’s, but almost all cases of Alzheimer’s start as MCI.) Subjects who experienced anxiety at any time were more likely to progress to Alzheimer’s during the three-year study. The more severe the anxiety, the higher the risk.
What you can do: You’ve heard this before, but managing your stress levels is incredibly important. Exercise may be particularly helpful in dealing with work worries, according to a new study in the journal Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, which reported that being physically fit helped protect against the health effects of work-related stress.
Sleepless Nights
What they age: Your cells
The science: A startling discovery comes via a study in Biological Psychiatry, which reported that women with five key symptoms of insomnia were almost two years older biologically than women of the same age without sleep issues. (The insomnia symptoms were difficulty falling asleep, restlessness, waking up during the night, trouble dozing off again and waking up too early.) This study didn’t show an obvious cause-and-effect relationship, but study author Steve Horvath, PhD, notes that it’s still good not to let sleep issues linger.
科学研究:生物精神病学研究有一项惊人的发现,有五大失眠症状的女性在生理上要比同龄女性老两岁。五大失眠症包括入睡困难、情绪不安、夜间易醒、午休困难、过早起床。该研究并未显示明显的因果关系,但是研究作者Steve Horvath博士表示还是要解决这些失眠问题。
What you can do: Treat the insomnia. If you’re having trouble sleeping, or notice any of the five symptoms above, ask your doctor for help.
An Expanding Waistline
What it ages: Your brain
The science: Our brains naturally lose white matter with age, but researchers from the University of Cambridge found that the brains of overweight and obese people had the same amount of white matter as healthy people 10 years older than them. Being physically unfit in middle age was also linked to smaller brain size, according to research in Neurology.
What you can do: Get regular exercise (the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise, or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise, per week) and manage your weight to help keep your brain at a healthy size for your age.
1. 广泛阅读禁止“挑食”
2. 练习高效提速阅读技巧
3. 培养生词术语应对能力
4. 记录好词妙句遣词造句
另一位同学B正在采取隆重开幕的风格。许多人头疼,从未要求TA提出要求。相反,它们通常是详细的问题,因此TA已被种植。通过重述问题,您可以看到对文章结构的理解仍然非常精确,经常达到媒介,就像写意风格。 B类的问题正好相反:对细节的理解太不合适了。要么限于词汇,要么不理解句子,所以即使内容非常精确,也很难找到与原文相对应的信息。类似于这类问题,通常需要的不仅仅是对“为什么”的回答,而是回顾问题时的情况,并反思,为什么不选择真正的珍珠?
文章的结构是阅读问题整体思维的关键。gre阅读备考, gre考试培训掌握文章的结构,就会知道文章的大致脉络,文章的大致意思几乎是一样的。文章的结构类型和标志词,gre阅读备考, gre备考要多久以及文章的结构类型和主题之间的关系,仔细分析一个主题的正确答案是如何描述原文的主题和结构的,事实上,正确答案是文章中心句的改写形式,最重要的是找出原文的中心句,这有助于读者更深入地理解原文的结构。有效的方法。
However,as they gained cohesion,the Bluestockings came to regard themselves as a women’s group and to possess a sense of female solidarity lacking in the salonnieres,who remained isolated from one another by the primacy each held in her own salon. (4-)
解释:本句读到表示并列的连词and开始变难。and之后的不定式与前面的不定式是并列的,to的前面省略了一个与前面一样的谓语came。 lacking之后的分词作定语修饰a sense of female solidarity其后的由who引导的定语从句又修饰逗号前面的salonnieres此从句中又有一个定语从句that each salonniere held in her own salon修饰其前的primacy,但是由于引导词that在从句中作宾语,因此被省略。
例如:bring A to B,写作:Bring to B A例:Yet Walter’s argument , however deficient , does point to one of the most serious weaknesses of capitalism-namely , that it brings to predominant positions in a society people who ,no matter how legitimately they have earned their material rewards , often lack those other qualities that evoke affection or admiration.
如果从bring A to B的角度去分析这个句子,则这个句子应该将people who....or admiration写到it brings 后面,之所以原句子不这样做,则遵循了英语的句尾信息焦点原则,从而尾部信息成为一种受到强调的部位.根据这条原则,说话人要强调什么意思,便可以让他出现在句子的句尾,而传递的信息便主次分明了.句尾信息焦点和“尾重”原则就是采用这一原理.对比下面这两句话:
The patient was taken good care of, and began to recover immediately.
The patient was taken good care of, and immediately began to recover.
这两个句子的意思都是病人受到了很好的照顾,很快开始康复。但第一句的意义重心是immediately, 强调了康复的速度,而第二句的意义重心则在于“康复”而不强调“马上”。
另外上面的第一个例句中的倒装部分还考虑了一个因素,那就是使之读起来不至于让人产生头重脚轻的感觉,而“people who....or admiration”带有一个较长的定语从句,所以就放在了末尾,另外作者在本句中所强调的部分显然是“often lack those other qualities that evoke affection or admiration,却常常缺乏其它那些能唤起他人爱戴和钦佩的品质”另外“no matter how......material rewards”为本句当中的一个插入语成分
b)such as后的内容一律跳过,也用括号括起来,不过我会数数列举的个数,如果是4个,则必出题,其他个数不用管,出题了再回头看;
c)for example举例只要提炼关键词的首字母就可以了,也要括起来,重点看后面或前面的结论。
d)原因——标志词常为because、since——一律跳过,括起来,只看结果。比较容易被忽略的是result in和result from,遇到这两个,我在下面划横线做标记。
1.Patel:Although enrollment in the region's high school has been decreasing for several years, enrollment at the elementary school has grown considerably. Therefore, the regional school board proposes building a new elementary school.
Quintero: Another solution would be to convert some high school classrooms temporarily into classrooms for elementary school students. Which of the following, if true, most helps to support
Quintero's alternative proposal?
(A) Some rooms at the high school cannot be con-verted into rooms suitable for the use of ele-mentary school students.
(B) The cost of building a high school is higher than the cost of building an elementary school.
(C) Although the birth rate has not increased, the number of families sending their children to the region's high school has increased markedly.
(D) A high school atmosphere could jeopardize the safety and self-confidence of elementary school students.
(E) Even before the region's high school population began to decrease, several high school class-rooms rarely needed to be used.
2. Peter: More than ever before in Risland, college graduates with science deGREes are accepting permanent jobs in other fields. That just goes to show that scientists in Risland are not being paid enough.
Lila: No, it does not. These graduates are not working in science for the simple reason that there are not enough jobs in science in Risland to employ all of these graduates.
Which of the following, if true in Risland, would most undermine the reasoning in Peter's argument?
(A) The college graduates with science deGREes who are not working in science are currently earning lower salaries than they would earn as scientists.
(B) Fewer college students than ever before are receiving deGREes in science.
(C) The number of jobs in science has steadily risen in the last decade.
(D) A significant number of college graduates with science deGREes worked at low-paying jobs while they were in college.
(E) Every year some recent college graduates with science deGREes accept permanent jobs in nonscientific fields.
3.Counselor: Every year a popular newsmagazine pub-lishes a list of United States colleges, ranking them according to an overall numerical score that is a composite of ratings according to sev-eral criteria. However, the overall scores gen-erally should not be used by students as the basis for deciding to which colleges to apply.Which of the following, if true, most helps to justify the counselor's recommendation?
(A) The vast majority of people who purchase the magazine in which the list appears are not college-bound students.
(B) Colleges that are ranked highest in the magazine's list use this fact in advertisements aimed at attracting students.
(C) The rankings seldom change from one year to the next.
(D) The significance that particular criteria have for any two students is likely to differ according to the students' differing needs.
(E) Some college students who are pleased with their schools considered the magazine's rankings before deciding which college to attend.
4. A thorough search of Edgar Allan Poe's correspon-dence has turned up not a single letter in which he mentions his reputed morphine addiction. On the basis of this evidence it is safe to say that Poe's reputation for having been a morphine addict is undeserved and that reports of his supposed addiction are untrue. Which of the following is assumed by the argumentabove?
(A) Reports claiming that Poe was addicted to mor-phine did not begin to circulate until after his death.
(B) None of the reports of Poe's supposed morphine addiction can be traced to individuals who actu-ally knew Poe.
(C) Poe's income from writing would not have been sufficient to support a morphine addiction.
(D) Poe would have been unable to carry on an extensive correspondence while under the influence of morphine.
(E) Fear of the consequences would not have pre-vented Poe from indicating in his correspon-dence that he was addicted to morphine.
5. Adelle: The government's program to reduce the unemployment rate in the province of Carthena by encouraging job creation has failed, since the rate there has not changed appreciably since the program began a year ago.
Fran: But the unemployment rate in Carthena had been rising for three years before the program began, so the program is helping.
Which of the following, if true, most strongly counters Fran's objection to Adelle's argument?
(A) The government is advised by expert economists, some of whom specialize in employment issues.
(B) The unemployment rate in the province of Carthena has historically been higher than that of the country as a whole.
(C) The current government was elected by a wide margin, because of its promises to reduce the unemployment rate in Carthena.
(D) Around the time the government program began, large numbers of unemployed Carthena residents began leaving the province to look for work elsewhere.
(E) The unemployment rate in Carthena had been relatively stable until shortly before the current government took office.
6. Soft Drink Manufacturer:Our new children's soft drink, RipeCal, is fortified with calcium. Since calcium is essential for developing healthy bones, drinking RipeCal regularly will help make children healthy. Consumer Advocate:But RipeCal also contains large amounts of sugar, and regularly consuming large amounts of sugar is unhealthful, especially for children. In responding to the soft drink manufacturer, the consumer advocate does which of the following?
(A)Challenges the manufacturer's claim about the nutritional value of calcium in children's diets
(B)Argues that the evidence cited by the manufac-turer, when properly considered, leads to a conclusion opposite to that reached by themanufacturer.
(C)Implies that the manufacturer of a product is typically unconcerned with the nutritional value of that product.
(D)Questions whether a substance that is healthful when eaten in moderation can be unhealthful when eaten in excessive amounts.
(E)Presents additional facts that call into question the conclusion drawn by the manufacturer.
7.Over a period of several months, researchers attached small lights to the backs of wetas—flightless insects native to New Zealand—enabling researchers for the first time to make comprehensive observations of the insects' nighttime activities.Thus, since wetas forage only at night, the researchers' observations will significantly improve knowledge of the normal foraging habits of wetas.Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?
(A) Researchers were interested only in observing the wetas' foraging habits and so did not keep track of other types of behavior.
(B) No pattern of behavior that is exhibited by wetas during the nighttime is also exhibited by wetas during the daytime.
(C)Attaching the small lights to the wetas' backs did not GREatly alter the wetas' normal nighttime foraging habits.
(D)Wetas typically forage more frequently during the months in which the researchers studied them than they do at other times.
(E)The researchers did not use other observational techniques to supplement their method of using small lights to track the nighttime behavior of wetas.
8.People whose bodies cannot produce the substance cytochrome P450 are three times as likely to develop Parkinson's disease, a disease that affects the brain, as are people whose bodies do produce this substance. Since cytochrome P450 protects the brain from toxic chemicals, toxic chemicals probably play a role in the development of Parkinson's disease. Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the argument?
(A)It will soon be possible for cytochrome P450 to be synthesized for the treatment of people whose bodies cannot produce this substance.
(B)Many people whose bodies are unable to produce cytochrome P450 lack the ability to produce certain other substances as well.
(C)Cytochrome P450 has no effect on the brain other than to protect it from toxic chemicals.
(D)People with Parkinson's disease often exhibit a marked lessening in the severity of their symp- toms when they are treated with dopamine, a chemical produced naturally in the brain.
(E)Many people with Parkinson's disease have the ability to produce cytochrome P450 naturally.
9.The early universe contained only the lightest elements, hydrogen and helium. Heavier elements, such as carbon, form only in nuclear reactions in stars and are dispersed when the stars explode. A recently discovered gas cloud contained carbon several billion years ago, when the universe wasno more than two billion years old.If the statements above are true, which of thefollowing must, on the basis of them, also be true?
(A)The earliest stars contained only hydrogen.
(B)Some stars were formed before the universe was two billion years old.
(C)The carbon in the gas cloud later formed part of some stars.
(D)No stars identified to date are as old as the gas cloud.
(E)The gas cloud also contained hydrogen andhelium.
10.Sleep deprivation is a known cause of workplace error, and many physicians frequently go without sleep for periods of 24 hours or more. However, few of these physicians have, in the course of a routine examination by a peer, been diagnosed with sleep deprivation.So there is little cause for concern that habitual sleep deprivation will cause widespread physician error. The answer to which of the following questions would be most helpful in evaluating the argument?
(A)Do physicians who have been diagnosed with sleep disorders also show signs of other ills not related to sleep deprivation?
(B)Is the ability to recognize the symptoms of sleep deprivation in others significantly impaired by habitual sleep deprivation?
(C)Do factors other than habitual sleep deprivation ever lead to errors in the workplace on the part of physicians?
(D)Of people who have recently been treated by physicians, what percentage believe that many physicians have occasionally suffered from sleep deprivation?
(E)Is the incidence of sleep deprivation higher among physicians than it is among other health care workers?
11.A list of the fifteen operas most frequently performed in recent times includes no works by the nineteenth- century German composer Richard Wagner. Although music producers tend to produce what audiences want, relative infrequency of performance probably does not indicate lack of popularity in Wagner's case, since Wagner's operas are notoriously expensive to perform on stage. Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the conclusion of the argument above?
(A)The list of most frequently performed operas does not include operas produced by small amateur groups.
(B)Some opera companies are backed by patrons who are willing to commit large sums of money in order to enjoy lavish productions.
(C)All of the fifteen most frequently performed operas of recent times are works that have been popular for at least 75 years.
(D)More recordings have been produced recently of the works of Wagner than of the works of any other composer of opera.
(E)Operatic works of all kinds have been increasing in popularity in recent years.
12.The bodies of dwarf individuals of mammalian species are generally smaller in relation to those of nondwarf individuals than are the teeth of the dwarf individuals in relation to those of the nondwarf indi- viduals. Fragmentary skeletal remains of an adult dwarf woolly mammoth were recently found. The teeth are three-fourths the size of the teeth of an average adult nondwarf woolly mammoth. The statements above, if true, most strongly support which of the following?
(A)The body of the dwarf woolly mammoth was less than three-fourths the size of the body of an average adult nondwarf woolly mammoth.
(B)None of the teeth of the dwarf woolly mammoth that were recently discovered was as large as any of the teeth of nondwarf woolly mammoths that have been discovered.
(C)The teeth of most adult dwarf individuals of mammalian species are three- fourths the size of the teeth of the adult nondwarf individuals of the same species.
(D)Dwarf woolly mammoths had the same number of teeth as did nondwarf woolly mammoths.
(E)Dwarf individuals of most mammalian species are generally no more than three-fourths the size of the adult nondwarf individuals of those species.
13.Excluding purchases by businesses, the average amount spent on a factory-new car has risen 30 per- cent in the last five years. In the average household budget, the proportion spent on car purchases has remained unchanged in that period. Therefore the average household budget must have increased by 30 percent over the last five years.Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument relies?
(A)The average number of factory-new cars pur-chased per household has remained unchanged over the last five years.
(B)The average amount spent per car by businesses buying factory-new cars has risen 30 percent in the last five years.
(C)The proportion of the average household budgetspent on all car-related expenses has remained unchanged over the last five years.
(D)The proportion of the average household budget spent on food and housing has remained unchanged over the last five years.
(E)The total amount spent nationwide on factory- new cars has increased by 30 percent over the last five years.
1. 选择阅读材料不能太“挑食”
2. 阅读长篇内容顺手练重点提取能力
3. 课外阅读遇到生词不妨猜一猜
4. 好词妙句主动整理化为己用
1. GRE词汇&填空
2. GRE写作
Fallois proposed that Proust had tried to begin a novel in 1908, abandoned it for what was to be a long demonstration of Saint-Beuve‘s blindness to the real nature of great writing, found the essay giving rise to personal memories and fictional developments, and allowed these to take over in a steadily developing novel.
解释:本句主要考察的是句子的复杂修饰。从that引导的宾语从句开始,以列举的方式描述其动机的变化。但是因为abandoned之后的状语 for…的结构复杂、用词抽象,并且for后面是what 引导的宾语从句中套的另外一个宾语从句,如此以来这个复杂的结构就隔断了句子前后的整体逻辑,干扰到考生对整句话的理解,所以这个结构不太容易被看出来。
解法:看到句子比较长又比较难理解,就先找句子的主谓结构,然后就不难发现该句子的大致结构为Proust had tried to…, abandoned…,found…,and allowed.。。之后再逐一解决各个小分句后面的部分,各个击破,最后整个句子的意思就迎刃而解了。
Historians credit repeated locust invasions in the nineteenth century with reshaping United States agriculture west of the Mississippi River. Admonished by government entomologists, farmers began to diversify. Wheat had come to nearly monopolize the region, but it was particularly vulnerable to the locusts. In 1873, just before the locusts’ most withering offensive, nearly two-thirds of Minnesota farmland was producing wheat; by the invasions’ last year, that fraction had dropped to less than one-sixth. Farmers learned that peas and beans were far less vulnerable to the insects, and corn was a more robust grain than wheat. In addition to planting alternative crops, many farmers turned to dairy and beef production. Although pastures were often damaged by the locusts, these lands were almost always left in better shape than the crops were.
For the following question, consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply.
1. According to the passage, before the recommendations by the government entomologists, which of the following was true about farming west of the Mississippi River?
A. Farmers focused primarily on growing wheat.
B. Peas and beans had not yet been planted in the region.
C. A relatively small portion of farmland was devoted to crops other than wheat.
2. In the context in which it appears, “robust” (line 8) most nearly means
A. crude
B. demanding
C. productive
D. vigorous
E. rich
Fallois proposed that Proust had tried to begin a novel in 1908, abandoned it for what was to be a long demonstration of Saint-Beuve‘s blindness to the real nature of great writing, found the essay giving rise to personal memories and fictional developments, and allowed these to take over in a steadily developing novel.
解释:本句主要考察的是句子的复杂修饰。从that引导的宾语从句开始,以列举的方式描述其动机的变化。但是因为abandoned之后的状语 for…的结构复杂、用词抽象,并且for后面是what 引导的宾语从句中套的另外一个宾语从句,如此以来这个复杂的结构就隔断了句子前后的整体逻辑,干扰到考生对整句话的理解,所以这个结构不太容易被看出来。
解法:看到句子比较长又比较难理解,就先找句子的主谓结构,然后就不难发现该句子的大致结构为Proust had tried to…, abandoned…,found…,and allowed.。。之后再逐一解决各个小分句后面的部分,各个击破,最后整个句子的意思就迎刃而解了。
【GRE长难句】One such novel idea is that of inserting into the chromosomes of plants discrete genes that are not a part of the plants' natural constitution: specifically, the idea of inserting into nonlegumious plants the genes, if they can be identified and isolated, that fit the leguminous plants to be hosts for nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Hence, the intensified research on legumes.
【意群阅读版】One such novel idea/ is that of/ inserting into/ the chromosomes of plants/ discrete genes/ that are not/ a part of the/ plants' natural constitution:/ specifically,/ the idea of/ inserting into/ nonlegumious plants/ the genes,/ if they can be/ identified and isolated,/ that fit the/ leguminous plants/ to be hosts/ for nitrogen-fixing bacteria./ Hence,/ the intensified research/ on legumes.
倒装:inserting into the chromosomes of plants discrete genes that are not a part of the plants' natural constitution.
正常语序:inserting discrete genes that are not a part of the plants' natural constitution into the chromosomes of plants.
倒装:the idea of inserting into nonlegumious plants the genes, if they can be identified and isolated, that fit the leguminous plants to be hosts for nitrogen-fixing bacteria.
正常语序:the idea of inserting the genes, if they can be identified and isolated, that fit the leguminous plants to be hosts for nitrogen-fixing bacteria into nonlegumious plants.
读句子,尤其是读长难句是GRE阅读部分的重要考点和难。比较容易学会的读法是先找句子的主、谓、宾成分,尤其是谓语动词,很多句子结构复杂,由很多从句组成,一句读下来可能会不解其义,开始读的候侯,如果能句子的主干读起,就能相对容易地把握句子的大意。另外,ETS将简单句子复杂化通常有其固定的模式, 比如:
1. 合并简单句、变简单句为带有从句结构或并列从句结构或多层从句结构的句子;
2. 通过否定、双重甚至多重否定增加理解上的困难;
3. 将原本分开的句子组合、套用在某固定句式、词组里面;
4. 加入插入语来打断读句子的思路;
5. 通过将一些成分后置、倒装或者省略来增加难度。
a)让步分句(如:带although的分句、带it is true的分句、带do的分句等)一律跳过(但是用括号括起来),只看后半个分句;
b)such as后的内容一律跳过,也用括号括起来,不过我会数数列举的个数,如果是4个,则必出题,其他个数不用管,出题了再回头看;
c)for example举例只要提炼关键词的首字母就可以了,也要括起来,重点看后面或前面的结论。
d)原因——标志词常为BECause、since——一律跳过,括起来,只看结果。比较容易被忽略的是result in和result from,遇到这两个,我在下面划横线做标记。
4. (本来想把这条放在第一位的)我的提高阅读速度的不二法门:反复阅读已经读过的文章,5遍左右吧!慢慢地就会产生一种直觉,知道哪里略读哪里重读。
Prominent among theories of the function of sleep is Meddis’ immobilization hypothesis, which holds that sleep, rather than serving a restorative function, plays a protective role during times that animals cannot be usefully engaged in other activities. Meddis reasoned that animals not immediately threatened by predators would be safer if they passed the time sleeping.
However, that hypothesis cannot easily explain why one often observes a rebound in sleep time or intensity following a period of sleep deprivation. Neither does the hypothesis explain the existence of various states of sleep, which themselves may be associated with different functions.
Consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply.
1. According to the passage, the immobilization hypothesis fails to account for which of the following facts?
A. That sleep does not appear to be a uniform and unchanging state
B. That under certain conditions animals appear to need more sleep than usual
C. That animals rarely sleep when a predator has been detected nearby
2. In the context of the passage as a whole, the highlighted portion serves primarily to
A. present the thinking that led scientists to qualify a widely accepted view
B. describe the basis on which a hypothesis was advanced
C. illustrate the kind of reasoning that is applied in a branch of science
D. explain how a hypothesis can be tested empirically
E. relate the analysis that refined a tentative explanation
In 1919 Britain experienced its largest ever reduction in industrial working hours, to 48 per week. In Dowie’s view the 48-hour week played a central role in Britain’s poor economic performance during the 1920s. Dowie argued that the reduction, together with rapid wage growth, drove up prices. However, Greasly and Oxley found that the First World War (1914-1918) constituted a more powerful negative macroeconomic shock to Britain’s competitiveness. And Scott argues that Dowie’s thesis ignores considerable evidence that hourly productivity improves when hours are reduced from a high base level. Crucially, Dowie’s thesis does not acknowledge that hours were reduced to around 48 hours a week for industrial workers in most industrialized nations at this time so far—undermining any potential impact of reduced hours on industrial productivity relative to other nations.
1. Which of the following, if true, provides the strongest support for Scott’s argument?
A. Companies have generally found that part-time employees are less productive than full-time ones.
B. When the total number of hours worked at a company increases owing to the addition of more employees, the usual result is improved productivity at the company.
C. When the total hours worked by all employees per week in two companies are equivalent, hourly productivity tends to be equivalent as well.
D. Companies whose employees usually work a high number of hours tend to have greater total costs than do similar companies whose employees work fewer hours.
E. Companies have found that total output per employee is not necessarily changed by reductions in the number of hours worked per employee.
2. It can be inferred from the passage that in the view of Greasley and Oxley
A. a reduced workweek was ultimately beneficial to employees
B. the economic effects of the reduction in working hours in 1919 were brief
C. Britain became less economically competitive in the 1920s
D. reduced working hours were the primary cause of the economic changes observed by Dowie
E. the changes in economic performance in Britain in the 1920s were unforeseen
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