姓名__________ 结果__________
1.照顾___________ 2.电影,影片_________ 3.邀请__________4.失望的__________ 5.诞生,形成_____________6.角色________7.向Tony说对不起____________
8.与…和解_____________ 9.最终,最后___________ 10.使…振奋起来___________
()1.After his wife died, he lives ______, but he doesn’t feel _____.A.lonely;lonelyB.alone;aloneC.lonely;aloneD.alone;lonely
()2.The funny story makes me ______.A.happilyB.happyC.sadlyD.sad
()3.They thought hard for long and _______they had a great idea.A.at firstB.in factC.in the endD.on the other hand
1.Do you know the Same Song to Dabieshan?It’s so _________ and moving.I’m very ________ to see a football match this evening.(excited / exciting)
2.She was _________ in reading books when she was eight years old.This story sounds _________.(interested / interesting)
3.I was ________ at why he was used to swimming in winter.It’s _______ that we all failed in the exam.(surprised / surprising)
4.It must be _______ for your parents that you stay in net bar the whole night.Why are you so _______?(worried / worrying)
姓名__________ 结果__________
1.照顾___________ 2.电影,影片_________ 3.邀请__________4.失望的__________ 5.诞生,形成_____________6.角色________7.向Tony说对不起____________
8.与…和解_____________ 9.最终,最后___________ 10.使…振奋起来___________
()1.After his wife died, he lives ______, but he doesn’t feel _____.A.lonely;lonelyB.alone;aloneC.lonely;aloneD.alone;lonely
()2.The funny story makes me ______.A.happilyB.happyC.sadlyD.sad
()3.They thought hard for long and _______they had a great idea.A.at firstB.in factC.in the endD.on the other hand
1.Do you know the Same Song to Dabieshan?It’s so _________ and moving.I’m very ________ to see a football match this evening.(excited / exciting)
2.She was _________ in reading books when she was eight years old.This story sounds _________.(interested / interesting)
3.I was ________ at why he was used to swimming in winter.It’s _______ that we all failed in the exam.(surprised / surprising)
4.It must be _______ for your parents that you stay in net bar the whole night.Why are you so _______?(worried / worrying)
课前测试说明:课前测试是测试您对课程内容的初期掌握情况,带着问题参与学习,测试结果不计入考试成绩。 判断题1.愿景简洁、明确。此种说法: √正确错误正确答案: 正确2.愿景具有......
自动自发工作心态修炼课前测试说明:课前测试是测试您对课程内容的初期掌握情况,带着问题参与学习,测试结果不计入考试成绩。 判断题1.为了饭碗而工作的人才是最主动的人。此种......
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