Good morning, my respectable teachers and my dear fellows.My name is Chen Yang.The title of my thesis is Dialect Translation of Jia Pingwa’s Works in Perspective of Dynamic Equivalence.First of all, I would like to present why did I choose this topic.I choose this topic because of two reasons.First, as might have been expected, interest.Here i must expre my great gratitude to my supervisor Zhang Jianchang because he sparked my interest.I was really enchanted by the practice that he asked us to do about translating Jia Pingwa’s short storiesfrom English to Chinese during he gave us the lecture of Translation Theory and Practice when I was in junior.The dialect translation in Jia Pingwa’s works is not easy to do, which costed me much time but I enjoyed so much, so I made my decision of thesis topic at the cery early time.My second reason of choosing this topic is that translation is a subject which is worth studying forever.There is always the blank that previous studies have neglected.Dialect translation in Jia Pingwa’s works has being a big challenge to translators.It will never be enough to study on it.My thesis consists of five parts.In the introduction part, the research background, the objectivity and significance of the thesis are illustrated.Then it focuses on literature review of the studies on English translation of Jia Pingwa’s literary works and the previous study on dialect translation in his works.After that, in order to further study the dialect translation of Jia Pingwa’s works, the dynamic equivalence theory is briefly introduced in terms of the principle, feasibility and significance of the theory for the research.The next part is the most important part.It places emphasis on the analysis of the dialect translation in Jia Pingwa’s works and makes the application of dynamic equivalence into the dialect translation, and comments and approaches are come up with under the guidance of the theory.Then a conclusion is drawn from the present study.In the main part, by analyzing the specific examples of the dialect translation of Jia Pingwa’s works, the thesis compares the satisfactory translation and inappropriate translation under the guidance of dynamic equivalence, from which two translation methods are put up with: closest equivalence and natural equivalence.These two strategies can achieve better equivalence effect during the dialect translation.Hopefully the study would give other researchers a different perspective for the future study on dialect translation based on more source and data, and spark translators putting forward more methods and techniques for future translation.It will be able to arouse more attention to the aspect of dialect translation especially in Jia Pingwa’s works, and make readers have a new thinking about dialect translation.That would be all of my presentation.Comments and suggestions are welcome.Thank you very much.
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