Review of the documentary “HOME”
Ever, documentaries always make my mood sad.This time, “Home” brings fear heart truly and hesitation to me in addition to the extremely heavy heart, natural beauty touched me, finding yourself ignorant, praising the human wisdom.How long do the human live the life without worry of resources? All kinds of resources for living, like water, food, trees and so on, maybe still are enough for us now.But, how do our future generations live when they are exhausted? We are always mention environmental protection, but few people can really realize resource depletion in mine.The soil, air, water, minerals, forests, gralands and other natural resources already exist on earth before human beings.They develop in accordance with the laws of their own.But since humans have come to this world, these natural resources have disappeared more and more.Gralands are occupied by farmland.Trees are replaced by high-rise buildings.Temperature rise, global warming, the glaciers melted….These are the facts helplely.“Home” tells us that our homes are being destroyed by ourselves.Beijing downtown’s temperature is 9.6° C higher than the suburb’s.Under the same situation, the temperature difference of Shanghai is 6.8° C.Causes of urban heat island effect is concentrated and the growing urban population.Now, the global annual net increase of more than 86 million population, there are 17 million hectares of forest disappear, six million hectares of land desertification.Over the past 10 years, the Arctic sea ice to an annual rate of 100,000 square kilometers melted.A sharp rise in the number of sea ice melted this year, reaching the one million square kilometers, currently only about Arctic sea ice 3,000,000 km.The time from the Industrial Revolution until now is more than 200 years.The time from the blue sky to polluting is le than 50 years.So how far can we go? These statistics shocked me, makes me fear.Large amounts of statistical data make everyone have to believe that the fact that the depletion of resources coming.Our ancestors could survive in the primitive society which have no electricity, no water pipes, no cars, no firearms and gunpowder。In that environment, ancestors faced threats every day, and live with many kinds of animals.They have the resources, but do not understand development.Why did they survive? Why do not they like us to worry about the survival of future generations? Because they have an inexhaustible supply of natural resources, they are in harmony with the world, they follow the laws of nature.However, if no resources are available in the world, our children have to live like our ancestors, could they multiply like ancestors forever? I think they can’t do that.Our ancestors could not have water pipes, but they have clear spring water, rushing rivers, roaring sea;Our ancestors may not have electricity, but they left us with a variety of generation resources;Our ancestors could not have a car, but they left us with oil and they have strong limbs;Our ancestors could not have guns and ammunition because of they do not wantonly kill animals to satisfy the desire of all human cruelty, they just to get their survival food.But we and our children have long been accustomed pampered and modern society.We have long lost ancestors legacy of physical fitne.If these resources are gone, we are suddenly back to the original from the modern era, could we also live the same to ancestors?
Now is not just a question of resource depletion upcoming, but rather a question of how we live.We are talking about how to conserve resources, how to protect the Earth, but rather that how we make ourselves live better, how to make our children and grandchildren to live, How to make humans continue to multiply.
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