
读后感 时间:2020-02-28 09:16:56 收藏本文下载本文
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A book report on Pride and Prejudice

Pride and Prejudice, first published on 28 January 1813, is the most famous of Jane Austen's novels and one of the first “romantic comedies” in the history of the novel.Jane Austen, English novelist whose realism, biting social commentary and masterful use of free indirect speech, burlesque and irony have earned her a place as one of the most widely-read and best-loved writers in British literature.Its manuscript was first written between 1796 and 1797, initially called First Impreions, but was never published under that title.The title of the book is taken from a sentence in Fanny Burney's Cecilia;Austen was a reader and admirer of Burney's novels.The book opens its prelude with the sentence, “It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in poeion of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.” However little known the feelings or views of such a man may be on his first entering a neighborhood, this truth is so well fixed in the minds of the surroundings families, that he is considered as the rightful property of some one or other of their daughters.Elizabeth was the core character of the story, who is the second daughter of Mr.Bennet.She is characterized as a sensible, intelligent, yet stubborn, young woman.Elizabeth initially holds that Mr.Darcy is such a proud man that she dislikes him because of it.Jane, sister of Elizabeth falls in love with Mr.Bingley but Mr.Bingley is persuaded to leave the town under the suggestion of Mr.Darcy.Mr.Darcy is a rich man that at first he thinks that Elizabeth is not handsome enough to tempt him.However, he has a crush on the girl later.The man makes a proposal to Elizabeth, unfortunately he was turned down because his attitude is supposed to be too proud and Elizabeth has a great prejudice against him.What’s more, Elizabeth is convinced by Mr.Wickam of Darcy’s selfishne and pride.Having been turned down by the girl, Mr.Darcy leaves her sadly, leaving a long letter to make some explanation: he admits that he persuaded Bingley to leave but it is

because he is unsatisfied with Mrs.Bennet.What Mr.Wickam has said is all a lie for that it is Wickam who uses up all the aets and attempts to temp her sister.After reading the letter, Elizabeth is regretful and changes her opinion against Darcy.The next summer, Elizabeth meets Mr.Darcy and finds the changes in Darcy.During that time, Mr.Darcy helps Lidia and helps Bingley be together with Jane.From then on, Elizabeth’s prejudice towards Darcy is changed into true love.Finally they make peace and again, Mr.Darcy makes a proposal to Elizabeth.At last, the lovers finally got married.Having read the book, a question occurred to me that what is the cause of the lovers to be together after such a long time.As far as I am concerned, it is pride and prejudice that is the barrier of their love.In fact, there is barrier like this in our communication in our daily life.We always take something for granted and we have prejudice to the people whom we do not really understand.Meanwhile, we are too proud sometimes and we just refuse to know others well because of our poor pride.Furthermore, we have choice to decide what we want.Some people gets married because the temptation of the materials, like Charlotte, however, some insist on getting married to the person that is really their love, just like Elizabeth.Material comfort makes us happy sometimes, however, it won’t last long.For the things are empty in spirits.We need something that can comfort our spirits not just our bodies.Everyone has his own shortcomings.Elizabeth has prejudice against before she knows the person well, while Mr.Darcy is too proud at first.No one is perfect, but we can overcome those shortcomings as poible as we can, no matter what the result is.The communication with people is not an easy thing and understanding others may be more difficult.However, if we try our best to do it well, throwing away all our pride and prejudice, and be a new person to fight for a good future.


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傲慢与偏见读后感《傲慢与偏见》是简·奥斯汀的代表作,它主要讲述了伊丽莎白与达西从误解走向相爱的故事,赞美了伊丽莎白不贪图金钱、追求爱情、自尊自信的故事。 在一次舞会......


