1.I am working for a tourist agency.我在一家旅行社工作。
2.My present job is to inspect the quality of products.我目前的工作是产品质量检查。
3.Although I do my job well,I am looking for a new job which is more challenging.尽管工作干得不错,我还是在寻找一份更有挑战性的工作。
4.I would like to take a job with which I can develop my full potential.我喜欢从事可以充分发挥我潜能的工作。
5.Though I just left school,I have had a lot of working experiences from my part-time jobs during my vacations.
1.I graduated from a rather famous university in East China.我毕业于华东一所很有名的大学。
2.My major is Economics./I major in Economics.我的专业是经济学。
3.I attend(am attending/attended)a computer course in an evening school.我在一所夜校学习计算机课程。
4.My minor is French.我的辅修科目是法语。
5.After four years of hard working,I have had a good command of listening,speaking,reading and writing with English.经过4年的刻苦学习,我已良好地掌握了英语的听、说、读、写技能。
1.I am from Dalian,a port city in the North east of China.我来自中国东北的海港城市——大连。
2.I am a native of Beijing.我是北京本地人。
3.Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region is my hometown.我的家乡在内蒙古自治区。
4.My family moved to Hongkong SAR three years ago.我们家3年前搬到了香港特别行政区。
5.We live on 19 North Xisanhuan Road.我们住在西三环北路19号。个人个性
1.I am a man of my word.我是一个说话算数的人。
2.As an easy-going person,I have a lot of friends.我是个随和的人,有很多朋友。
3.Many people believe I am a diffident person,but as a matter of fact I‘d like to have long talks with close friends.许多人认为我很内向,实际上我很愿意与好朋友长谈。
4.I am not a man of hidden talents,but I may be considered as a Jack of al1 trades.我虽说不上是一个身怀绝技的人,但也算得上是个万事通。情感类
1.I always know it was love at first sight.我一直相信,这就是一见钟情。
2.I feel so lucky that,out of all the men that I could have met,I found you.我觉得很幸运,能在茫茫人海中发现了你。
3.I just wanted to say those three little words to you in this sweet season:I love you.在这个甜蜜的日子里,我只想对你说短短的三个字:我爱你。
4.I like you,and I think you are pretty special.我喜欢你,我觉得你很特别。
5.I love you.You’re the nicest bleing I’ve got.我爱你。拥有你是我一生中最大的福气。
6.I never knew I could be in love so deeply.我从来不知道我会爱得如此深情。
7.If love is a flower ,you would be a perfect rose.假若爱情是花朵,那么你就是一朵完美的玫瑰。
结业证书Certificate of Completion
毕业证书Certificate of Graduation
肄业证书Certificate of Incompletion/Attendance/Study
教育学院College/Institute of Education
师范学校Normal School[upper secondary level]
师范专科学校Normal Specialised Postsecondary College
专科学校Postsecondary Specialised College
广播电视大学Radio and Television University
中等专科学校Secondary Specialised School
自学考试Self-Study Examination
技工学校Skilled Workers[Training] School
业余大学Spare-Time University
职工大学Staff and Workers University
大学University[regular ,degree-granting]
职业大学Vocational University
1.Now or never勿失良机
A:It’s now or never.Take the perfect chance!
B:But I really don’t know what to do.
2.Be in line for有得到„„的机会
A:She is in line for promotion.
B:She deserves it.She works so hard.
3.Strike while the iron is hot趁热打铁
A:What do you suggest?
B:I suggest that you strike while the iron is hot.Time waits for nobody.我建议你还是趁热打铁吧。时间不等人呀。
4.Make hay while the sun shines抓紧时机;勿失良机
A:You’ve got only a week, So you have to make hay while the sun shines.你只有一个星期时间,所以要抓住机会。
B:Sure.I won’t let you down.
5.While the going is good及时行动
A:I can’t decide whether I should tell her the truth.
B:Take action while the going is good ,or you’ll mi the chance.及时行动吧,不然你就错过机会了。
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