Good afternoon ,ladies and gentlemen:
May I have your attention please?
In 20 minutes ,we will arrive at our today’s destination,遂宁city, 遂宁city is known for the production of 沱牌曲酒 liquor.In Sichuan ,there are four special local products ,they are 四川 food ,wine ,tea and traditional herbal medicine ,at the present time ,the wine production is the main part of the local food industry,沱牌曲酒liquor is one of the most prestigious wines in四川province ,it tastes mellow and is a bit sweet ,after drinking ,one feels fresh ,and can enjoy a long aftertaste.When it comes to the alcohol , here I would like to tell you some information about china’s wine culture both in ancient times and modern times.In ancient china , people had to obey a formal drinking etiquette when guest attended a feast or banquet , in order to show respect to each other , the host and guest would kneel down face to face , before they began to drink , the host would pour a bit of alcohol on the ground to show his gratitude to the mercy of the earth that provided them with grains and food , when drinking ,the host an guest would first savor the alcohol as a symbol of conveying their gratitude again before drinking to their hearts’ content.Nowdays , at the beginning of a formal dinner or party , the host and hoste will often raise his or her gla and say , “ drink an enjoy yourselves ”,if there is just one table , the host or hoste just need to accompany the people around the table ,but when there are more than one table , the host , after his opening remarks , will often go to each additional table to toast each individuals.drinking in china has long been aociated with establishing new personal , political , or busine relationships , as a common saying goes , “ if you respect each other , drink up your wine ,if you respect them le , just sip ’’.as the host often drink the first , sometimes he’ll turn his cup upside down to show there is no wine in his cup ,after this , the guests will also finish the wine in their cups , the more the guests drink , the happier the host , so refusing to drink is regard as impolite unle you have a good reason such as high blood preure , an upset stomach , in these cases , drinking water , tea or other soft drink is acceptable , otherwise you will usually take 3 cups of wine one time as a punishment.Chinese people often play drinking games when they are drinking ,the goal is not to get drunk , but to expre the pleasure and enhance the fun , common drinking games include the rock—paper---sciors , the finger gueing , the food chain.Well , so much introduction for the wine culture in china , let’s have a break.if you want to know the details of the drinking games , I’ll tell you more after we get to our destination遂宁city , thanks.
成都——海螺沟Good afternoon ,ladies and gentlemen: (加)I just said , in our 2 hours bus trip , we will pa 4 counties on 成都—雅安 expreway , 双流 ,新津 ,浦江 ,and......
成都—九寨沟Good afternoon,ladies and gentlemen:May I have your attention, please? In 20 minutes,we will arrive our today’s destination,九寨沟national park, 九......
成都到洛带古镇导游词(锦集7篇)由网友“小雀和橘子树”投稿提供,以下是小编帮大家整理后的成都到洛带古镇导游词,欢迎大家分享。篇1:成都到洛带古镇导游词 天下九州,九州不同方圆;......