中山陵 导游词[优秀]_中山陵的导游词推荐

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DR.SUN YATSEN’S MAUSOLEUM Dr.Sun Yasten’s Mausoleum, located on the southern slope of the Purple Mountain in the eastern suburb of the city, is the tomb of Dr.Sun Yasten who is considered as the forerunner of the Chinese democratic revolution.(It took more than 3 years and 1.5 million silver dollars to build the mausoleum.)The construction began on March 12, 1926 and was completed in 1929 when the remains of Dr.Sun Yatsen was transported from Beijing and buried at the present site on June 1.Dr.Sun Yatsen, also named Sun Wen or Sun Zhongshan, was born in a peasant family in Guangdong Province in 1866, he had his primary education in Honolulu, Hawaii sponsored by his elder brother from 1878 to 1883.At that time, the Chinese people lived a miserable life and they were referred to as the “Sick Man of East Asia” by the westerners because of the corruptions and incompetence of the Qing government.Dr.Sun Yatsen dreamed to save the nation by practicing medicine and the idea led him to Hong Kong to learn medicine.In 1982, he graduated and won Master’s degree of medical science at the age of 26.But soon after he came to find that a medical doctor could only cure some physical disease of patients, but was unable to cure the nation of its political, economic and social problems.The reality made him give up his medical career and threw him into Chinese revolution.In 1894, with the funds raised, he organized the “Revive China Society”----China’s first bourgeois organization, the aim and object of which was to save China by improving the livelihood of the people through education and modern methods of agriculture and technology.The following 1905 witneed the founding of the “Chinese Revolutionary League” in Tokyo under the leadership of Dr.Sun Yatsen, an organization with a clear-cut program of “Expelling Tartars, Restoration of China, Establishment of Republic and Equalization of Land”.Dr.Sun Yatsen also put forward the Three people’s principles, namely “Nationalism, Democracy and People’s Livelihood”, as his political theoretical basis.(The China Revolutionary League attempted a number of uprising to overthrow the Manchu government, which ended up in failures.)The most important event that followed was the 1911 Revolution in Wuhan under the influence of Dr.Sun Yatsen, which drove the last emperor of the Qing Dynasty out of the Forbidden City in Beijing, and brought to an end the 2000 years, feudal system in China.In the meantime a provisional republican government was set up by the revolutionaries with its headquarters in Nanjing.The representatives of 17 provinces gathered in Nanjing and elected Dr.Sun Yatsen president of the provisional government of the Republic of China(ROC).On January 1,1912, it was in Nanjing that the first bourgeois republic in Chinese history was found and Dr.Sun Yatsen inaugurated his presidency.Unfortunately, the new republic was threatened by powerful warlords in the north.(To avoid political crisis and save the republic, Dr.Sun Yatsen compromised conditionally with the major northern warlord named Yuan Shikai who had been coveting the power of presidency for a long time.Sun Yatsen resigned at the end of March 1912, but never stopped aspiring after his goal.But Yuan tried to establish his personal rule in a dictatorial way and even restored the throne of China.Soon after Yuan’s usurpation of the power, China was broken asunder by unending chaotic civil wars.)The situation led to a series of movements like “the Second Revolution,” “Salvation of the Republic,” “the Northern Expedition” in the following years.Dr.Sun Yatsen spent most of his time dealing with warlords.(Not until 1921 did Dr.Sun Yatsen resume his presidency in Guangzhou.)Soon after the Chinese Revolution of 1911, Dr.Sun Yatsen brought together the Chinese Revolutionary League and other revolutionary groups to form a stronger organization called the Chinese Kuomingtang(KMT, or Nationalist Party).At the First National Congre of the Chinese Kuomingtang in 1924, he developed the old Three People’s Principles to the New Three People’s Principles by adopting the policy of “alliance 1 with Ruia, Cooperation with the Communist Party and aistance to peasant and workers”.(Under his influence, the cooperation between the Chinese KMT and Communist Party of China(CPC)in the administration of the government was officially acknowledged.)In November of 1924, Dr.Sun Yatsen, despite his poor health, made a journey to Beijing to confer the state affairs with Mr.Feng Yuxiang, a patriotic general.Unfortunately, he became very sick due to hard work and at last he paed away from liver cancer on March 12, 1925.(Here after, Chang Kaishek came to power as the president of the Republic of China until he was finally defeated in the civil war in 1949.)Dr.Sun Yatsen is a great man because he devoted 40 years of his life to pursuing his dream to overthrow the feudal monarchy and build a progreive, united and democratic Republic of China.Why was Dr.Sun Yatsen buried in Nanjing where he died?(The site of the mausoleum was chosen by Dr.Sun himself when he was alive.)The mausoleum site was first recommended to Dr.Sun Yatsen by the abbot of Linggu Temple for its good geomantic omen.One day in April, 1912, he went hunting at the site of present mausoleum with his friends.Dr.Sun Yatsen was really so amazed by the beautiful environment that he said to them:” I wish I could be bestowed a piece of land by people and be buried here after my death.” He once again expreed his will in his sickbed:” I hope to be buried at the foot of the Purple Mountain after dying, as where is the founding place of the Republic of China, so as not to forget the revolution of 1911.” After Dr.Sun Yatsen paed away, according to his wishes, Madame Sun, his widow, and the Funeral Committee decided to build a mausoleum for Dr.Sun at the site, and sponsored a competition for the design of mausoleum.A young architect named Lu Yanzhi was honored to win the competition with his design and was appointed the chief architect and engineer for the project.Dr.Sun Yatsen’s Mausoleum is designed in the shape of a liberty bell, intending to remind people never to get self-contented.(symbolizing Dr.Sun’s spirit as the sounding of a bell that it may reach everywhere of the country and better arouse people of the China nation.)The park of mausoleum covers an area of 80 000 square meters.The whole architecture is a harmonious combination of oriental and western styles, lying on the north-south axis from the gateway to the main entrance, tablet pavilion, memorial hall and the tomb vault.The buildings are all constructed with natural granite and marbles and covered by blue glazed-tile roofs.Now, we are standing on the half moon square of the mausoleum.To the south of the square there is a bronze tripod.It was presented by Mr.Dai Jitao and all the students and faculties of Zhongshan University.Cast in the surface of the tripod are three Chinese characters:” wisdom, benevolence and courage”.They were the school instructions of Zhongshan University.In the interior of the tripod I placed a hexagonal copper plate, engraved on which is the full text of the Claic of Filial Piety written in Mr.Dai’s mother’s own hand.Opposite to the bronze incense-burner off the square, stands the 12-meter high gateway of three arches with Dr.Sun Yatsen’s handwriting “Fraternity” carved on its front top.(These two words are quoted from “on the Origin of the Way” written by Han Yu.Dr.Sun consistently acted on the spirit of universal fraternity and fought all his life for independence and freedom of the nation.And he often presented these two words written by himself to his followers for encouragement.)

Beyond the gate way is the 480-meter long tomb avenue, lined with pine, gingko and maple trees, having replaced the stone statues and animals before the ancient tombs.The avenue in such a design may best embody Dr.Sun’s spirit and noble character.At the end of t he tomb avenue stands a magnificent entrance tower roofed by blue-glazed tile.Under the front eave of the tower, Dr.Sun Yatsen’s motto “The World Belongs to the People” can be seen.(The words are quoted from “The Analects of Confucius”.Dr.Sun often wrote them during his lifetime as the wording for a scroll, because this is the lofty ideal that Dr.Sun pursued all his life.)

Walking through it, the first building one will see is the tablet pavilion which houses a huge tombstone which is engraved with “Premier Dr.Sun is buried here by the Chinese Kuomingtang on June 1, 1929.” From the tablet pavilion to the memorial hall there are eight flights of 290 steps with each having a large platform in between.Each of the flights has some stone benches on the platform for climbers so as not to get them exhausted.The upper three flights imply the meaning of the Three People’s Principles—Nationalism, Democracy and the People’s Livelihood, and the lower five fights represent the Five-Power Constitution, a reference to the five bureaus—the Bureau of Legislation, the Bureau of Justice, the Bureau of Supervision, the Bureau of Administration and the Bureau of Personnel Evaluation.Counting from the fraternity gateway to the memorial hall there are altogether 392 steps.Such a design intends to remind climbers of Dr.Sun’s teaching:” The revolution has not yet succeeded and my comrades should make their further efforts.”

Climb up all the steps, we’ll come to the top platform in front of the memorial hall, where we can enjoy a panoramic view of beautiful Nanjing and understand how great Dr.Sun Yatsen is.The memorial hall is a palatial architecture in an imitation of an ancient wood structure.It is 27 meters long, 22 meters wide and 25 meters high.The lintel of the memorial hall is inscribed with “nationalism, democratic rights and people’s livelihood” and a vertical plaque is carved with 4 characters “tian di zheng qi” meaning “the healthy tendency is bound to prevail over the world”.All these words are written in Dr.Sun’s own hand.In the center of the memorial hall sits the Italian white marble statue of Dr.Sun Yatsen mounted on a pedestal carved by a Polish sculptor.The 4 faces of pedestal for the statue are carved in bas-relief about Dr.Sun’s revolutionary activities.The surrounding walls are inscribed with the national constitution written by Dr.Sun Yatsen.Beyond the memorial hall is the tomb vault, 16 meters in diameter and 9.9 meters in height.The door frame is built by black marble with 4 characters carved on its lintel, meaning “imperishable noble spirit”.Standing by the side of the pool, as visitor look down, they bow to see Dr.Sun Yatsen’s reclining marble statue with his body buried 5 meters underneath.If one looks up, he will find the emblem of the Nationalist Party on the ceiling.Dr.Sun Yasten’s Mausoleum is the most favored highlight among all the historical and cultural attractions in Nanjing.The whole mausoleum is an architectural complex in a typical and traditional Chinese style, and the layout is harmonious and rational.With pine trees and cyprees growing around, the mausoleum looks magnificent and dignified.Doctor Sun’s Mausoleum attracts thousands of visitors everyday.3 mausoleum [m:slim]n.陵墓

slope [slup]n.斜坡, 斜面, 倾斜v.(使)顺斜 suburb [sb:b]n.市郊, 郊区 forerunner [f:rn]n.先驱(者),传令官,预兆

Honolulu [hnlu:lu:]n.火奴鲁鲁(即“檀香山”, 美国夏威夷州的首府和港市)

miserable [mizrbl]adj.痛苦的, 悲惨的, 可怜

corruption [krpn]n.腐败, 贪污, 堕落 incompetence [inkmpitns]n.无能力,不适当[律]无行为能力,法律上无资格

revive [rivaiv]v.(使)苏醒,(使)复兴,(使)复活 bourgeois [b:]n.中产阶级,商人,资产阶级adj.中产阶级的, 平庸的livelihood [laivlihud]n.生计, 谋生

expel [ikspel]v.驱逐, 开除, 排出, 发射

tartar [t:t]n.酒石, [医]牙垢,鞑靼人,凶悍的人

restoration [restrein] n.恢复,归还,复位, 复职, 赔偿, 修补, 重建, 修复物

equalization [i:kwlaizein]n.均等,平等化

nationalism [nnlizm] n.民族主义, 国家主义, 民族之特性, 民族独立运动 democracy [dimkrsi]n.民主政治, 民主主义 democratic [demkrtik]adj.民主的, 民主主义的, 民主政体的, 平民的 theoretical [iretikl]理论的overthrow [uvru] n.推翻, 打倒, 扔得过远得球vt.打倒, 推翻, 颠覆 provisional [prvinl]adj.临时的 inaugurate [in:jureit]vt.举行就职典礼, 创新, 开辟, 举行开幕(落成、成立)典礼.covet [kvit]v.垂涎, 觊觎

resign [rizain]n.辞去(职务)v.辞去, 辞职 aspire [spai]vi.热望, 立志 dictatorial [diktt:ril]adj.独裁的 usurpation [ju:z:pein]n.篡夺

asunder [snd(r)]adv.分离, 成碎片 chaotic [keitik]adj.混乱的, 无秩序的 alliance [lains]n.联盟, 联合 patriotic [ptritik]adj.爱国的, 有爱国心的 monarchy [mnki]n.君主政体, 君主政治, 君主国

geomantic [di: mntik]adj.风水的omen [umen]n.预兆,征兆vt.预示,有...的前兆 abbot [bt] n.修道院, 修道士的总称 funeral [fju:nrl]n.葬礼, 出殡 axis [ksis]n.轴 vault [v:lt]n.拱顶

granite [rnit]n.花岗岩

marble [m:bl]n.大理石,(玩具)弹球.石弹子, 雕刻品adj.大理石的, 冷酷无情的, 坚硬的glaze [leiz]v.装玻璃, 上釉, 使表面光滑n.釉料, 釉面, 光滑面, 上釉, 上光

glazed [leizd]adj.光滑的, 像玻璃的 glazed tile 釉面砖 tripod [traipd]n.三脚桌, 三脚架

benevolence [binevlns]n.仁爱心, 善行 hexagonal [hek`snl]adj.六角形的,六边形的fraternity [frt:niti]n.兄弟关系, 友爱, 互助会

gingkgon [植]银杏 motto [mtu]n.座右铭, 格言, 题词, 笺言 analects [nlekts]n.文选, 论集

engrave [inreiv]v.雕刻,(线条, 文字, 图案)于一硬面上, 深印于(心上), 使铭记, 铭刻 memorial [mim:ril]n.纪念物, 纪念馆, 纪念议事, 请愿书adj.记念的, 记忆的 constitution [knstitju:n]n.宪法, 构造, 体质, 体格, 国体, 章程, 惯例

legislation [ledislein]n.立法, 法律的制定(或通过)

justice [dstis] n.正义,正当,公平,正确,司法 supervision [sju:pvin]n.监督, 管理 evaluation [ivljuein]n.估价, 评价, 赋值 panoramic [pnrmik]adj.全景的imitation [imitein]n.模仿, 效法, 冒充, 赝品, 仿造物

vertical [v:tikl]adj.垂直的, 直立的, 顶点的, [解]头顶的n.垂直线, 垂直面, 竖向 prevail [priveil]vi.流行, 盛行, 获胜, 成功

pedestal [pedistl]n.基架, 底座, 基础vt.加座, 搁在台上, 支持

sculptor [sklpt(r)]n.雕刻家

imperishable [imperibl]adj.不灭的, 不朽的 emblem [emblm]n.象征, 徽章, 符号, 寓意画vt.用象征表示rational [rnl]adj.理性的, 合理的, 推理的n.[数]有理数

magnificent [mnifisnt]adj.华丽的,高尚的,宏伟的

dignified [dinifaid]adj.有威严的, 有品格的




中山陵导游词 各位旅客,现在我们到了今天的目的地,也就是我们伟大的中国民主革命先行者孙中山先生的陵墓所在地——中山陵 。它位于南京紫金山的第二峰小茅山的南麓。中山陵的......







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