Dr.Sun Yatsen’s Mausoleum
Dr.Sun Yatsen’s Mausoleum, located at the southern slope of the Purple Mountain, is the tomb of Dr.Sun Yatsen who is the great forerunner(pioneer)of the Chinese democratic revolution.It is the 5A cla scenic spot.On November 12, 1866, Dr.Sun Yatsen was born of a farmer’s family in Xiangshan County, Guangdong Province.In 1905, Dr.Sun set up the Chinese United League(同盟会), which was officially set up in Tokyo, Japan.Dr.Sun was elected to be the Prime Minister.He put forward the famous guiding principle-“driving the invaders out, restoring the sovereignty of China, establishing a republic and equalizing the land ownership” and the Three People's Principles-“Nationalism, Democracy and the People's Livelihood.” Unfortunately, he broke down from constant overwork and paed away on March 12, 1925.The location of the Mausoleum was chosen by Mr.Sun himself.Here is exactly a good place to build a mausoleum.You may wonder: Mr.Sun was born in Guangdong but died in Beijing.For his whole life he traveled throughout China for the revolution.Why did he choose Nanjing as the venue of his tomb? Fundamentally speaking, the reason he chose Zijing Mountain as his permanent resting-place is to commemorate the revolution of 1911 and to encourage the revolutionaries.Among all the contribution, young architect Lu Yanzhi's design, a design in the shape of a bell, was highly praised and gained the first prize.Because his design of the mausoleum in a shape of a kind of bell(木铎形平面设计)may best accord with the principle of the ancient Chinese architecture.This kind of bell was often used to iue decrees(颁布政权法令)in ancient times.Here at the mausoleum the design in such a style symbolizes Dr.Sun’s spirit as the sounding of a bell that it may reach everywhere of the country and better arouse people of the Chinese nation.The construction of the mausoleum started in January 1926, just on the occasion of the first anniversary of Dr.Sun’s death.The grand funeral ceremony held in large proceion on June 1, 1929.Mr.Sun's remains was transported from Beijing to Nanjing, it has been placed here since then.2陵前部分2’(孝经鼎的重量、高度和鼎腹的刻字及内置六角铜牌内容, 博爱坊建筑特色,高度、宽度及正中匾额的“博爱”题字及出处墓道的长度宽度及特点)Please look to the south of the square.On the top level of the platform stands a treasured tripod made of bronze.The copper “ding” with two ears and three feet weighs 5000 kg.It is 4.25 meters high and its diameter is 1.23 meters.The tripod was donated by Mr.Dai Jitao and all the students and faculties of Sun Yatsen University.Cast in the surface of the tripod are three Chinese characters: “ wisdom, benevolence and courage”(智,仁,勇).In the interior of the tripod is placed a hexagonal copper plate, engraved on which is the full text of the Claic of Filial Piety(孝经全文)written in Mr.Dai’s mother own hand.Now we can see a gateway(牌坊)made of granite in an imitation of an ancient wood archway(仿古木结构牌楼).The gateway is three-arched and three-eaved one with the doorposts towering above the gate(三间三檐冲天式牌坊).It was built between 1931 and 1933, 12meters high and 17.3 meters in width.Between the two eaves above the lintel sets a horizontal stone plaque, on which two Chinese characters in Dr.Sun’s brush writings(孙中山手书“博爱”两个镏金阴文)are cut in intaglio and gilded by gold, meaning “universal fraternity”.These two words are quoted from “On the Origin of the Way”(原道)written by Han Yu..Dr.Sun consistently acted on the spirit of universal fraternity and fought all his life for independence and freedom of the nation(孙中山先生始终秉承博爱精神,为民族独立自由奋斗不息).Further from the Fraternity Archway, there is a road leading to the mausoleum.The road is 480 meters long and dozens of meters wide.The pines, cyprees, ginkgoes and maples on the both sides of the road represent.The whole design of the mausoleum gives prominence to Chinese traditional style, grand, solemn and specific.3陵门、碑亭2’30(广场简介,陵门的建筑特点,“天下为公”匾额题字及出处)At the end of the tomb avenue stands a magnificent entrance tower, it is the gate of the mausoleum.In front of it is an open cement platform 70 meters in width flanked by lawns(草地).The gate of the mausoleum is single-eaved and gable-roofed(单檐歇山顶)with blue-glazed tiles.Under the front eave of the gate we can find another four Chinese characters also in Dr.Sun’s brush writings, meaning “The world belongs to the public”.The words are quoted from “The Analects of Confucius”(论语).Behind the gate of the mausoleum(陵门)is a square pavilion, side length 12 meters, about 17 meters high.all built by granite.The pavilion has a double-eaved and nine-ridged roof of blue-glazed tiles.Erected in the middle of the pavilion is an eight meters high monument:,Monument engraved with the front of the KMT veteran Tan Yankai(the former chief of the Administrative Bureau(原行政院长)hand-written “buried Premier Sun here the Chinese Kuomintang, the Republic of China June 1949 a day” 24-run gold characters.From the Tablet Pavilion to the Memorial Hall(祭堂)there are eight flights of 290 steps with each having a large platform in between.The three flights on the top part imply(寓意)the meaning of “The Three People’s Principles ”(Nationalism, Democracy
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and the People’s Livelihood)and the five flights on the lower represent “The Five-Power Constitution”,(the Bureau of Legislation 立法院,the Bureau of Justice 司法院,the Bureau of Supervision监察院, the Bureau of Administration 行政院and the Bureau of Personnel Evaluations考试院).Counting from “the Fraternity Gateway” to the Memorial Hall there are altogether 392 steps.Such a design intends to remind climbers of Dr.Sun’s last words :“The revolution has not yet been achieved and my comrades should make their further efforts”.Now we have come to the fifth floor platform, where a pair of enormous purple tripod, inscribed “Bong An Dadian” four seal script characters, this was the Shanghai Municipal Government to commemorate Sun Yat-sen's funeral and presented them.Please carefully read the west side of the bird tripod, leaving two bullet holes in the wall, is said to be in December 1937 when the Japanese attack on Nanking shells breakdown.Now we are coming the top platform.Left and right sides of a pair of antique bronze tripod, which was donated by Mr Sun’s son Sun Ke's family.4祭堂、墓室3’
Now we are in front of the Memorial Hall.Let us look around the platform around this platform, 162 meters from east to west, north and south into the deep 38 m.The Memorial Hall is a Chinese and Western architectural style in one of the palace-style building, 30 meters long, 25 meters wide, high 29 meters, surrounded by a small fortre-like building.The Memorial Hall roof ridge to eaves nine, overlying blue glazed tiles.the Memorial Hall on the marriage of the three arches were carved from east to west, “Nationalism, Democracy and the People’s Livelihood”.6 gold-gilded Chinese characters carved in relief(阳刻镏金字), the KMT veteran Zhang Jingjiang handwritten.Center of the “people” upper lintels, as well as Sun Yat-sen the book “ The healthy tendency is bound to prevail over the world ”(天地正气).Halls in Yunnan white house black marble floor.Halls to four weeks you can see 12 black stone pillars,.On both sides of the Atlantic Wall is also engraved with the handwritten Sun Yat-sen ” The Outline National Reconstruction:(建国大纲)。The whole The Festival Hall in black and white blue tone, are traditional Chinese filial piety color.Festival Hall is the center of a stone statue of Sun Yat-sen body, such as 4.6 meters high, the base width of 2.1 meters, with Italian white marble carved.Seated in Poland by French sculptor Paul Lang Tesi Ji carved, carved it in 1930 after Sun Yat-sen arrived in Paris from the country, the total cost of 1.5 million francs.Seated side of the six base four relief, depicts the Sun Yat-sen's revolutionary activities in the vivid picture.A newborn baby held in its mother’s arms(如抱赤子)symbolizing the new republic is supported by the whole nation;Going abroad for promotion(出国宣传)and holding discuions about the revolution(商讨革命);Rousing the deaf and awakening the unhearing 振聋发聩sending a punitive expedition against the warlord Yuan Shikai讨袁护国, and the state power authorized by the Congre(国会授印).Within the top of festival hall is KMT party emblem
Entrance of the tomb is divided into two, the first U.S.production of copper is two insurers doors, wedding engraved with “spirit lives forever,” banners, Sun Yat-sen autograph the book.Bronze doors for the second single fan, carved Zhang Jingjiang written “Sun Yat-sen's tomb,” 7 seal.Doors open, the seven characters are invisible, and only when the entrance of the tomb is closed, the door to see the words.Closed the tomb is a domed building, was a Western-style dome-shaped roof.Indoor circular diameter of about 18 meters, 11 meters high, with walls the color of artificial stone veneer Prince.Central is the burial tomb of Sun Yat-sen Spirit brown marble mine, a diameter of about 4.3 m, 1.6 m deep quarry, surrounded by exquisite white marble railings around.Middle of the rectangular tomb protection are placed on the grave of Dr.Sun Yat-like white marble lying, lying like wearing a tunic, an air of quiet, kind face, like sleep during his lifetime, as awe-inspiring.This is a high concentration by Czech sculptor Sun created the image of the body.5附属纪念建筑 1’
there are many other attractions beside it ,for example:Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall.Music platform, light Huating光华亭, revolves pavilion, 行健亭pavilion flow emblem流徽榭, Zhongshan Botanical Garden(former Prime Minister cemetery Botanical Garden), Liao Zhongkai and He Xiangning tomb, Tan Yankai tomb and so on.that’s all.Thank you.(As a research center on central and northern subtropical floras of China, the garden has a living collection of about 3,000 species belonging to 913 genera of 188 families.Liao Zhongkai(1877—1925 AD)was a good aistant of Dr.Sun Yat-sen.After the death of Dr.Sun Yat-sen, he continued to adhere to the three policies of “alliance with Ruia and Chinese Communist Party and support for workers and farmers”, and was murdered by the Kuomintang in 1925.In 1935, his tomb was moved to Dr.Sun Yat-sen’s Mausoleum in Nanjing.As the wife of Liao Zhongkai, He Xiangning once served as vice-chairman of National Political Consultative Conference and vice-chairman of the National People’s Congre.After she died in 1972, her remains were buried here together with Liao Zhongkai according to her wish.)
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中山陵导游词 各位旅客,现在我们到了今天的目的地,也就是我们伟大的中国民主革命先行者孙中山先生的陵墓所在地——中山陵 。它位于南京紫金山的第二峰小茅山的南麓。中山陵的......