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50 years ago, no one talked about acid rain.50年前,没人谈论酸雨。

Then we didn#39;t really know the harm it was causing to the world.那时,我们没有真正了解它对世界的.危害。

Today almost every adult and school child is aware of acid rain and its effects.现在,几乎所有成年人和学生都认识到酸雨及其危害性。

It affects people all around the world.它对全世界的人都有影响。

Even those who are not responsible for its creation suffer from it.即使那些与其产生无关的人,也被其所累。

It is caused mostly by the burning of fossil fuels.它大都是由于燃烧化石燃料而致的。

Fossil fuels are coal, gas, oil and peat and create carbon when they are burned.化石燃料指的是煤碳、天然气、石油,它们燃烧时会产生碳。

Carbon is both necessary and dangerous in our world.在我们这个世界上,碳既有用也有害。

Plants and trees need carbon dioxide, CO2, to breathe.植物和树木需要呼吸二氧化碳。

Carbon monoxide, CO, however, is poisonous to us.一氧化碳却对我们有害。

When carbon and other elements get into the air, they mix with water in the clouds.碳和其他的元素进入空气时,便与云层里的水分混合。



Weights and measures are different in different countries.不同的国家使用不同计量和丈量方法。

We call the different systems decimal and imperial.我们称不同的'系统为ldquo;十进制rdquo;和ldquo;英制rdquo;。

Most countries use the decimal system.大多数国家采用十进制系统。

Thatrsquo;s a system that uses units of ten to count and measure.这是十进制的计量系统。

The imperial system came from England and is still used in some countries.英制系统来自英国,许多国家仍然采用这种方法。

England will have changed to the decimal system by the end of the decade.在未来十年内,英国将变成采用十进制系统(的国家)。

Many imperial countries are changing to decimal.许多采用英制系统的国家正改为采用十进制系统。

America uses the imperial system for weights and measures.美国采用英制系统计重和计量。

But America uses decimal for money.但是美国在货币上,则采用十进制系统。

Americans use pounds and ounces for weight.美国用磅和盎司计重。

The decimal system uses grams and kilograms.十进制系统以克或千克为单位。

The imperial system uses inches,nbsp;feet, yards and miles for measuring length.英制系统用英寸、英尺、码和英里来丈量长度。



Section30 Climate Change

El Nino, which is not an English name, is playing an important part in our lives.厄尔尼诺,并不是一个英文名字,正在对我们的生活产生很大的影响。

We often hear people talk about the strange weather we are having nowadays.现在,我们常会听人们谈论到许多近年来才出现的奇怪的气候现象。

The changing weather patterns are not fully understood yet.人们还没有完全了解气候变化的模式。

El Nino is one which is no

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If we try to think of the most important inventions, electricity will surely be on the list.如果让我们想一想什么是最重要的发明,电一定榜上有名。

For the last 100 years, it has played an important part in the development of the modern world.在过去的`一百年里,它在现代社会的发展过程中扮演了十分重要的角色。

It affects everyonersquo;s life in one way or another.它以这样那样的方式影响着人们的生活。

It is probably present the

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