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King George VI: [Logue is sitting on the coronation throne] Get up!Y-you can't sit there!GET UP!Lionel Logue: Why not? It's a chair.King George VI: T-that...that is Saint Edward's chair.Lionel Logue: People have carved their names on it.乔治六世:给我起来!你不能坐哪儿!快起来 莱诺•罗格:为啥不行?不就是一椅子么。



King George VI: L-listen to me...listen to me!Lionel Logue: Why should I waste my time listening to you? King George VI: Because I have a voice!Lionel Logue:...yes, you do.乔治六世:听……听我说……听我说!莱诺•罗格:凭啥我要浪费时间听你说话? 乔治六世:就因为我说的话举足轻重。莱诺•罗格:……没错,的确如此


Queen Elizabeth: My husband's work involves a great deal of public speaking.Lionel Logue: Then he should change jobs.Queen Elizabeth: He can't.Lionel Logue: What is he, an indentured servant? Queen Elizabeth: Something like that.伊丽莎白王后:我丈夫的工作涉及大量公众演说。莱诺•罗格:还是换个工作比较靠谱。伊丽莎白王后:能换早换了。

莱诺•罗格:难不成是个受人摆布的奴仆? 伊丽莎白王后:也差不多啦。


Logue: What was your earliest memory? King George VI: I'm not...-here to discu...-personal matters.Lionel Logue: Why are you here then? King George VI: Because I bloody well stammer!





Lilibet: What's he saying? [watching a clip of Hitler speaking] King George VI: I don't know but...he seems to be saying it rather well.伊丽伯特:他在说什么?



King George VI: If I am King, where is my power? Can I declare war? Form a government? Levy a tax? No!And yet I am the seat of all authority because they think that when I speak, I speak for them.But I can't speak.乔治六世:如果我是国王,我的权力又在哪里?我能宣战么?我能组建政府?提高税收?都不行!可我还是要出面坐头把交椅,就因为整个国家都相信…我的声音代表着他们。但我却说不来。


Lionel Logue: Please don't do that.King George VI: I'm sorry? Lionel Logue: I believe sucking smoke into your lungs will kill you.King George VI: My physicians say it relaxes the throat.Lionel Logue: They're idiots.King George VI: They've all been knighted.Lionel Logue: Makes it official then.莱诺•罗格:请不要那样做。乔治六世:啥?



第2篇:国王的演讲TheKingsSpeech 台词

The Kings Speech 国王的演讲

你好 有人在吗Hello.Is anyone there? 我正上厕所I'm just in the loo.约翰逊夫人你好 过来了啊Hello Mrs.Johnson, there you are.抱歉我这儿没接待员 我喜欢凡事从简

Sorry I don't have a receptionist.I like to keep things simple “人能安贫就是富”“Poor and content is rich and rich enough” 您好 How do you do 啊 就您一个人Ahh traveling alone 这么说可能有点别扭…

Now this is slightly awkward 不过您迟到了But I'm afraid you're late.恐怕确实来晚了Yes, I'm afraid I am.约翰逊先生没来Where's Mr.Johnson? 我过来没告诉他He doesn't know I'm here.这么开始治疗 前景不光明啊 That's not a very promising start.没错 我丈夫做过的治疗都没效果 他已经放弃了

No.My husband has seen everyone to no avail.He's given up hope.他还没找我呢He hasn't seen me.您这么信心十足 You're awfully sure of yourself.只要他想治好 I'm sure of anyone who wants to be cured.他当然愿意 Of course he wants to be cured.公开讲话是我丈夫的职责之一My husband is required to speak publicly.那他应该换个工作 Perhaps he should change jobs.换不了啊He can't.契约缠身的苦差事? Indentured servitude? 差不多吧Something of that nature.Yes 带你老公来我这儿转转吧 Well, we need to have your hubby pop by...星期二我有空

Tuesday would be good...罗格,不管演讲结果怎样 Logue however this turns out 我都不知道该怎么回报你的帮助

I don't know how to thank you for what you've done.奖个爵位?Knighthood? 排除杂念,只想着说给我听Forget everything else and just say it to me.说给我这个朋友听Say it to me as a friend.在这样严峻的时刻,可能是国家存亡的紧要关头 In this grave hour perhaps the most fateful in our history 我向领土上的所有子民

I send to every household of my peoples 不论是国内或是海外传达这份消息both at home and overseas this meage 我和你们一样,百感交集

spoken with the same depth of feeling for each one of you 只希望我能挨家挨户亲自向你们诉说

as if I were able to cro your threshold and speak to you myself.我们大部分人,都是第二次经历战争的洗礼

For the second time in the lives of most of us we are at war.不止一次,我们尝试过寻求和平之道

Over and over again we have tried to find a peaceful way out 求同存异,化敌为友

of the differences between ourselves and those who are now our enemies.然而徒劳无功。我们被迫卷入了一场战争

But it has been in vain.We have been forced into a conflict.我们所面临的,是一个邪恶信念的挑战

For we are called to meet the challenge of a principle which 如果敌方取胜,世界的文明秩序将毁于一旦

if it were to prevail would be fatal to any civilized order in the world.这样的信念,剥去伪装的外衣 Such a principle stripped of all disguise 只是赤裸裸的权力追求

is surely the mere primitive doctrine that might is right.为了捍卫凝聚起我们的所有

For the sake of all that we ourselves hold dear 我们无法想象去逃避这样的挑战

it is unthinkable that we should refuse to meet the challenge.为了如此崇高目标,我呼吁国内的民众

It is to this high purpose that I now call my people at home 海外的子民们,万众一心

and my peoples acro the seas who will make our cause their own.我希望你们能冷静坚定,在时间的历练中团结向前 I ask them to stand calm and firm and united in this time of trial.任务将会困难重重,前路可能乌云密布

The task will be hard.There may be dark days ahead 战场将不再局限于战场之上。

and war can no longer be confined to the battlefield.只有掌握真知才能正确行事

But we can only do the right as we see the right 在此我们虔诚的向上帝承诺

and reverently commit our cause to God.如果我们大家坚定信念

If one and all we keep resolutely faithful to it 上帝会保佑,我们必将获胜 then with God's help we shall prevail.




King George VI: [Logue is sitting on the coronation throne] Get up!Y-you can't sit there!GET UP!

Lionel Logue: Why not? It's a chair.King George VI: T-that...that is Saint Edward's chair.Lionel Logue: People have carved their names on it.【罗格端坐在加冕典礼宝座上】





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00:09:03,730--> 00:09:06,728 QQ你好 有人在么? Hello.Is anyone there? LL我在上厕所

I'm just in the loo.LL啊 约翰逊夫人 您来了 Ah, Mrs.Johnson There you are.LL抱歉 这儿没有前台 我喜欢凡事从简

I'm sorry, there's no receptionist.I like to keep things simple.LL“安贫知足即是富” Poor and content is rich and rich enough QQ您说什么? Sorry? LL莎士比亚名言 您好么 Shakespeare.How are you? LL您好 How do you do? QQ还不错


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