
演讲稿 时间:2020-02-27 08:20:13 收藏本文下载本文
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00:09:03,730--> 00:09:06,728 QQ你好 有人在么? Hello.Is anyone there? LL我在上厕所

I'm just in the loo.LL啊 约翰逊夫人 您来了 Ah, Mrs.Johnson There you are.LL抱歉 这儿没有前台 我喜欢凡事从简

I'm sorry, there's no receptionist.I like to keep things simple.LL“安贫知足即是富” Poor and content is rich and rich enough QQ您说什么? Sorry? LL莎士比亚名言 您好么 Shakespeare.How are you? LL您好 How do you do? QQ还不错

Ahh, traveling alone LL说来有点尴尬 但是...恐怕您迟到了

Now, this is slightly awkward, But..I'm afraid you're late.QQ是啊 是有点晚 Yes, I'm afraid I am.LL约翰逊先生在哪儿? Where's Mr Johnson? 我瞒着他过来的LLHe doesn't know I'm here.这样的开头不太乐观啊

不 不 是这样 That's not a promising start.No.no look QQ能找的医生我丈夫都看过了 但都不见效 My husband has seen everyone to no avail.QQ他已经放弃了

Awefully 'fraid he's given up hope.LL他还没来我这儿看过呢 He hasn't seen me.QQ您相当自信啊

You're awfully sure of yourself.LL只要病人求治愈心切

Well, I'm sure of anyone who wants to be cured.LL他当然期望病能治好 Of course, he wishes to be cured.QQ我丈夫他...他得做公开演讲 My husband is umm..he's required to speak publicly.LL也许他该考虑换个工作?

QQ 换不了 Perhaps he should change jobs?

He can't LL他签了卖身契么 Indentured servitude? QQ性质差不多 就算是吧

Something of that nature.Yes LL得让您老公过来看看了

Well we need to have your hubby pop by...LL我有空

Uh..Tuesday would be good...LL跟我谈谈

He can give me his personal details LL做个全面分析

and I'll make a frank appraisal and then, LL就可以开始疗程了 We can take it from there.QQ 无意冒犯

Doctor, forgive me.QQ首先我不叫他“老公” I do not have a “hubby”.QQ我们不“看看” We don't “pop” QQ也从来不谈论生活隐私

and nor do we ever talk about our private lives.QQ您...必须上门治疗

You...must come to us.LL歉了 约翰逊夫人 我的地盘我做主

I'm Sorry, Mrs Johnson, my game, my turf, my rules.LL您得回去跟您丈夫商量

You'll have to talk over this with your hauband LL再打电话告诉我你们的决定

and then you can speak to me on the telephone.LL感谢您过来 恕不远送

Thank you very much for dropping by...Good afternoon.QQ那如果我告诉你我丈夫是约克公爵呢 And what if my husband were the Duke of York? LL约克公爵? The Duke of York? QQ是的...约克公爵

Yes...the Duke of York.LL预约上不是写的约翰逊么

I thought the appointment was for Johnson? LL请恕罪 尊敬的? Forgive me, your...? LL王妃殿下

尊敬的王妃殿下 Royal Highne.Your Royal Highne.QQ“约翰逊”曾用于一战战场 Johnson was used during the Great War;QQ海军不想让敌人察觉潜入了军舰

when the Navy didn't want the enemy to know he was aboard.LL说...我被当成敌人了? Am I...considered the enemy? QQ要是你不肯合作的话 就是了 You will be, if you remain unobliging.QQ对于此事必须严加保密

You'll appreciate the need for absolutely discretion LL一定一定 您是怎么找到我的呢 王妃殿下? Of course.How did you find me, Your Royal Highne? QQ矫治协会会长向我推荐的The President of theSociety Speech Therapists.LL·麦克列奥德? 她还真敢 Eileen McCleod? She's a sport.QQ醒我说您的疗法

Dr McCleod warned me your antipodean methods QQ破传统“又”富有争议“ were unorthodox and controversial.QQ告诉她...这两个词我都不太喜欢

I warned her...those were not my favorite words.LL信心能治好您丈夫 I can cure your husband.LL我的疗法见效

But for my method to work LL求您们信任并平等相待

I need trust and total equality;265 LL要在这儿 我的会诊室进行治疗

Here, in the safety of my consultation room.LL例外

No exceptions.QQ吧 既然如此...Well then, in that case...QQ时候开始? When can you start?


BOVRIL NOURISHES YOU TO RESIST 'FLU WW还是不太顺啊 伙计 Still sounds a bit rough, mate.爸 是你让我开那么慢的!u make me drive too slowly, Dad!WW伦敦桥接你妈了吗

Did you pick mum up from Bridge? LL乎一整天都在开车

Yes, I've hardly been out of the car all day.WW下午来了位特别的访客

I had a special visitor this afternoon.GG离开餐桌吗?

有多特别? May I please leave this table

How special, special? WW 小家伙 逼着你听爸妈的无聊对话 No, You must stay, bored stupid,listening to your parents?inane conversation.GG爸爸...也谢谢妈!


Thanks Dad..and Mum!

and Mum.GG

你是要去见吉恩么? Me too.You meeting Jean? GG人啦 No, someone else.WW士?高材生? Doctor? Doctor? WW帮着兄弟们一起洗碗么? Can't you help your brother with the washing...了

I'm fine.是谁呢 莱昂奈尔?MM Who's it Lionel? 既然不能说干嘛还提MM Why bring it up if you can't talk about it? 茉特尔 就是一个女士WW Myrtle, It's just a woman, 让我帮她丈夫看病而已WW looking to help her husband.WW我还收到面试演出的通知

Oh!And I had a call?for an audition.我最爱的一出戏 WW

你哪部不喜欢来着WW One of my favorites.Aren't they all? 肯定特别有意思 It Could be a lot of fun.MM相信你一定会演得很棒的 I'm sure you'll be splendid.余剧团里 这个团有很高的评价WW In the amateur scene, they're a highly regarded group.从帕特尼区来的WW From Putney.就到这吧 姑娘们 明天讲第四章QQ at's all girls.Tomorrow, Chapter IV.MM行” THE FLIGHT 知道他们飞...MM I long to know they fly to.我等不及了QQ I can't wait 哦 他们飞走了!GG Oh, to fly away!多幸运哪!GG Weren't they lucky!MM来讲个故事嘛 Now Papa tell a story!GG能改扮企鹅? Could I be a penguin instead? MM我想听企鹅故事


Now I want to hear a penguin story.Very quickly GG 有两位小公主...Once, there were two princees...伊丽莎白公主(现英女皇伊丽莎白二世)Prince Elizabeth GG格丽特公主 and Prince Margaret.GG的爸爸是一只企鹅

whose Papa was a penguin.GG一个女巫给他施了魔法

This was because he had been turned into one by the wicket witch.GG...给他造成很大困难...This was an...inconvenient for him..GG他喜欢把小公主们搂在怀里

because he loved to hold his princees in his arms...GG企鹅做不到

you can't do that if you're a penguin, GG它翅膀跟鲱鱼一样短

because you have wings like herrings.MM没有翅膀

Herrings don't have wings.GG翅膀 形状...像鲱鱼

Penguins have wings which is shaped like herrings GG糕的是

and make matters worse...GG把他丢到了南极

is that she sent him to the South Pole.GG不会飞 所以回去要...走很久很久

which is an awfully long walk..back.if you can't fly.GG呢...等他走到海边 So..When he reached the water, GG一头扎了进去 游得非常快

he dived in through the dept so fast...GG时他就到达南安普顿了

that he was in Southampton waters by lunchtime.GG儿 他搭上2:30的船来到韦布里奇 And from there, he took the 2.30 to Weybridge, GG拉彭交叉口换车

changed at Clapham Junction GG位路过的勇士问了去白金汉宫的路

and asked a paing Mallard the way to Buckingham Palace.GG着泰晤士河一直游 He swam up the Thames, GG从排水孔钻了出来 out through the plughole, GG子

and gave the cook, GG还有...惠特克夫人大吃一惊 Mama and...Mrs Whittaker quite a shock.GG们听到了骚动声

Now when the girls heard all the commotions, GG跑来厨房 帮他仔细地擦洗干净

they ran to the kitchen where they gave him a good scrub, GG他一条小鱼 亲了它一下 a mackerel and a ki.GG们亲吻他时 and as they kied him, GG他变成了什么? gue what he turned into? MM英俊的王子!A handsome prince.GG短尾巴的信天翁 A short-tailed Albatro.GG大大的翅膀 With wings so big GG的公主们都搂在怀里

that he could wrap them both his two girls together.205 :15:51,546--> 00:15:52,868 辛普森夫人也会去么?MM Will Mrs Simpson be there? 我哥哥坚持要她去MM My brother's insisting.他是认真的?MM Is he serious? 你是说当真要她来参加晚宴?GG About her coming to dinner? 不 对她的感情是认真的?MM No.About her!对一个有夫之妇? 不可能GG A married woman? He can't be.她可是会的MM She can.对了MM By the way, 我觉得我找到了一个很有趣的人MM I think I found someone rather interesting.住在哈利街 是一个医生MM On Harley Street.A doctor.别再说了GG Out of the question.不想再说了 我已决定不接受治疗GG I'm not having this conversation again.The matter's settled.


经典台词中英文对照:《国王的演讲》【罗格端坐在加冕典礼宝座上】King George VI: [Logue is sitting on the coronation throne] Get up! Y-you can't sit there! GET UP!......

国王的演讲TheKingsSpeech 台词

The Kings Speech 国王的演讲你好 有人在吗Hello.Is anyone there? 我正上厕所I'm just in the loo.约翰逊夫人你好 过来了啊Hello Mrs.Johnson, there you are.抱歉我这儿......


兰州大学疯狂英语社团内部资料《国王的演讲》12段精彩对白中英对照King George VI: [Logue is sitting on the coronation throne] Get up! Y-you can't sit there! GET UP......


(1925) King George V reigns over a quarter of the world's people.He asks his second son, the Duke of York, to give the closing speech at the Empire Exhibition......




