beautiful, fair, handsome, lovely, pretty, fine
very pleasing aesthetically; delightful to the senses
abeautifulyoung woman.
of a very high standard; excellent
the house had been left inbeautifulorder
she spoke inbeautifulEnglish.
爱好: avocation;liking;fondness;hobby;fancy;passion;gusto;penchant
暗: darkness;gloom;shadow;shade
比赛,竞赛: game;match;competition;contest;tournament;challenge;championship
边缘: edge;limit;margin;threshold;boundary;bounds;border;frontier;verge
病: illness;disorder;disease;sickness;ailment;trouble;problem
不满意: depressed;discontented
不正常的: eccentric;insane;irregular
不足: shortage;scarcity;rarity
部分: part;section;segment;fraction;fragment;share;portion
财产,财富: property;belongings;possession;goods;asset;wealth
承认,接收: acknowledge;accept;admit;recognize;concede;confess;submit;agree;assent;consent
承认: acknowledgement;admission;confession;acceptance;concession;adoption
诚实,忠诚: honesty;trust;trustworthiness;faith;reliance;reliability;integrity;loyalty;constancy
崇拜,喜欢: admire;cherish;idolize;revere;worship. adore
触摸: touch;contact;tap
粗鲁无礼: rudeness;impudence;impertinence;insolence;disrespect
粗鲁无礼的: rude;impudent;impertinent;insolent;fresh
到达 目的 ,完成:achieve;carry out;complete;do;finish;fulfill;accomplish
第2篇:A Beautiful Mind
A Beautiful Mind
After seeing the movie A Beautiful Mind, I am shocked by John Nash’s suffering and the achievement he made.Also I was moved by his wife Alicia Larde.Nash’s mental illne was almost disastrous to him, but he was lucky that he met Alicia.As to Nash’s mental illne, the causes are complicated.In my opinion, the main causes are Nash’s lacking of communication, his strong desire for succe and the streful atmosphere at his time.At the first part of the movie, Nash once said that: “I don’t like people much, and they don’t much like me.” When he was a student in Princeton, he always studied by himself.He didn’t talk with others about his thoughts.Even after he married Alicia, he did not talk with her much about his job.So when the doctor asked Alicia about Nash’s job, she knew nothing.So he talked with Charles-his first delusion.Charles was actually the other side of himself.The other important cause is that he cared too much about succe which gave him much preure.In Princeton, Nash seldom went to the cla;he was finding his original idea all day.When he could not find out, he even clashed his head against the window.Nash was unlucky that he suffered such illne at his golden age, but he is lucky that he was lucky that his mental illne didn’t destroy him.When Alicia found that there was something wrong with Nash, she sent him to the hospital.When Nash went back home, he took some medicine daily.But he was not happy to do that until one day he realized that Charles,Marcee and Parcher were all his delusion.So he decided to ignore them and not let them to affect his life.That was one of his ways to overcome the difficulties.His delusion never disappeared, but no matter what they did, he chose ignore him.The most useful thing he did that helped to overcome his difficulties was that he changed himself by communicate with others.Several years after he stayed at home, he went to his old clamate Martin.He hoped that he could give him a permiion to stay in the school.Then he could study in the library.And several years later, he began to talked with the students studied in the library and helped them with their researches.And then he taught in Princeton.Nash was unlucky because of Schizophrenia.But he is lucky that he has Alicia and his friends that help him all the time.
第4篇:A beautiful mind
A beautiful mind
《A beautiful mind》,中文译为美丽心灵。最初听到这个名字的时候本以为是通过讲述一个人的行为举止来表现心灵之美丽的这样一个主题…却没有想到,在观看的过程中给予我一种不同的感受,不同的思索
其实,在影片观看初始还是浅显易懂的,主人公Jr.John Forbes Nash,在1947年进入普林斯顿大学学习并研究数学。这个“神秘的来自西弗吉尼亚的天才”并没有上预备班的经历,也没有遗产或富足的亲戚资助他进入“常春藤盟校”(Ivy League)----但普林斯顿最具声誉的奖学金证明他确实属于普林斯顿这个团队。这对纳什或是对普林斯顿来说是很不容易的。优雅的社会交际他根本不屑一顾,上课也提不起什么兴致。他整天沉迷于一件事:寻找一个真正有创意的理论。他深信这才是他