一、教学目标 1.语言知识目标:
(1)学习单词red,yellow,green,blue,light,(2)能初步运用stop,now,let’s go等词汇(3)学习句子 The light is red.Stop!The light is green.Let’s go.(4)学唱歌曲Traffic Lights(5)能用英文描述事物的颜色 2.语言技能目标:
(1)通过学习颜色,培养学生的审美意识,发现生活中的美和对美好世界的热爱。(2)通过学习歌曲 Traffic Lights,教导学生要遵守交通规则,做讲文明的好少年。
三、教学过程 StepⅠ Warm-up 1.Greetings T: Cla begins.S: Stand up.T: Good morning, boys and girls.S: Good morning , Mi Lin.T:How are you? S: Find,thank you.T: Nice to meet you.福建教师招考(http://www.daodoc.com/)
S:Nice to meet you,too.T: Sit down,please.S:...2.sing a song《Ten Little Baby Ducks》
T: At first, let’s sing a song《Ten Little Baby Ducks》 S: …
T: Good job!
3.Review the word: duck,cat, dog, fish, hen.T: Let’s review some words.When I show you the picture,read it quick.Are you ready? S: … T: Let’s go!S: Duck/A duck.StepⅡ Presentation 出示两幅图画,一幅画黑白,一幅画为彩色图,画面里有蓝天、白云、草地、花朵、树木和小动物等。通过两幅画引出color和colors两个单词的教学
(1)Show the title of “Unit 6 Colors Part A”
T: Today, we are going to learn “Unit 6 Colors Part A”.板书
T:Color means “颜色”,很多种颜色就要加s.Color,color,C-O-L-O-R,color,颜色。S:...(2)Teach: Blue T:(播放图片)Blue sky.It’s blue.b,b,blue.(无课件时,指着手上的图片)板书 show me your fingers.Followme.B-L-U-E,blue.蓝色
S:...T:(无课件时,指着班上穿蓝色衣服的学生,笔盒或者其他蓝色物件)Blue,it’s blue.S:...T:(播放图片)blue cat,bluestar,blue kite...S:...(大小声操练)
(3)Teach: light, red, yellow, green T:(播蓝色的灯)Look!The light is blue.Blue light.(指着班上的灯)Light,it’s light.(light means 灯)
T:(在黑板画交通灯)They’re traffic light.What color are they?请学生用中文回答后,并用彩色粉笔涂上颜色,依次教学red,yellow,green.操练red, green ,yellow(升降调,大小声,快速读词)板书 T:出示三种颜色的灯,引导学生说:redlight,yellow light ,green light.(巩固四种颜色的单词1.出示色卡,请学生说出英文;2.指着黑板上的单词让学生认读;3.游戏--看谁的反应快)
T:Well done!
New leon 1.Watch the video T:OK, now open your book, turn to page 43,.Before you listen, there are two questions for you.(1)What color is the light in picture2?,(2)What color is the light in picture 3?Now, listen carefully.S:...T: Who can answer my questions? First one, Hands up.S:The light is red.T: Great!T:(2)
S:The light is green.T:Wonderful!T: Pay attention to this word.“Now” means 现在。T:The light is red.Stop.T:Stop means “停止,停下来”,read after me,stop,stop,S-T-O-P,stop,停。S:...T:The light is green.Let’s go.板书(并告诉学生要养成遵守交通规则的好习惯 T:Now, listen and follow.S:...T:Once again, listen and repeat.S:...T:Now, boys and girls,stand up ,please.When I say: The light is red,you should stand and say “Stop!”.When I say: The light is green,you should say “Let’s go.”and do the action.Understand?
S:Yes.Step Ⅲ
Extension 1.猜颜色
游戏规则:看屏幕上的气球、五角星飘过(各种颜色的)看哪组的反应最快。S:...T:Good job!/Well done!/Great!/Excellent!2.旋转色球。
3.T: Let’s play a game.(开车)游戏规则:全班学生做手握方向盘开车动作,老师举红色指示牌说:The light is red.学生立刻说:Stop!并发出刹车的声音。如果老师举绿色指示牌说:The light is green.学生立刻说Let’s go!并继续开车。
4.游戏升级:请每组各一个学生上台,(老师举红色的牌子)全班说The light is red,台上的学生做动作并且说Stop.(老师举绿色的牌子)全班说:The light is green.台上的学生做动作并且说:Let’s go!看谁的反应快就给改组加分。
5.学唱歌曲 Traffic Lights
Step IⅤ Summary T: Let me see what we have learned today.1.Word: blue, red, yellow, green.2.Sentence: The light is red.Stop!The light is green.Let’s go.Step Ⅴ Homework 1.背诵Unit 6 Part A 2.抄写单词stop-violin 3.预习Unit 6 Part B
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