1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、语言观 views on language ①structural view ②functional view ③ interactional view语言学习观 views on language learning ①behaviorist theory ②cognitive theory ③constructivist theory ④socio-constructivist theory好教师的素质要素 ①ethic devotion ②profeional qualities ③personal styles.④补充的 excellent teachers: flexibility, encouragement, enthusiasm, leading by example, integrity, never stop learning, good communication.语言教学的最终目标 the ultimate goal of ELT: the ultimate of foreign language teaching is to enable students to use the foreign language in work or life when neceary.Thus we should teach that part of the language that will be used(rather than all part of the language).交际能力 communicative competence ①linguistic competence ②pragmatic competence ③discourse competence ④strategic competence ⑤fluency交际语言教学的原则 principles of Communicative Language Teaching ①communication principle ②task principle ③meaningfulne principle评估交际教学的六个标准 6 criteria for evaluating communicate ①communicative purpose ②communicative desire ③content, not form ④variety of language ⑤no teacher intervention ⑥no materials control 任务型教学的特征 task-based Language Teaching ①skill and knowledge ②proce of doing, thinking in English ③product ④context ⑤purpose任务型教学的定义和四要素:a piece of claroom work which involves learners in comprehending, manipulating, producing or interacting in the target language while their attention is principally focused on meaning rather than form.①a purpose ②a context ③a proce ④a product设计任务时的四种问题four sets of question when designing tasks:①what is the objective of the task ②what is the content of the task ③how is the task to be carried out ④in what situation is the task to be carried out 设计任务的步骤①thinking about students’ needs, interests, and abilities ②brainstorm poible tasks ③evaluate the list ④choose the language items ⑤preparing materials语言教学的目标(课程目标)Overall Language Ability ①language knowledge: phonetics, grammar, vocabulary, functions, topics ②language skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing ③learning strategy: cognitive, self management, communication, resourcing ④affect and attitude: international, perspectives, patriotism, confidence, motivation ⑤cultural awarene: knowledge, understanding, awarene.教学计划 leon plan: a leon plan is a framework of a leon in which teachers make advance decisions about what they hope to achieve and how they would like to achieve it.In other words, teachers need to think about ①the aims to be achieved, ②materials to be covered, ③activities to be organized, and ④techniques and resources to be used in order to achieve the aims of the leon.好教学计划的原则 principles for good leon planning①aim ②variety
③flexibility ④learnability ⑤linkage15、宏观计划内容 what does macro planning involve ①knowing about the
profeion ②knowing about the institution ③knowing about the learners ④knowing about the curriculum/syllabus ⑤knowing about the textbook ⑥knowing about the objectives16、微观计划的组成 micro planning(components of a leon plan):background
information, teaching aims, language contents and skills, stages and procedures, teaching aids, aignments, and teacher’s after-leon reflection.17、3P.①语言知识structure-based leon: presentation, practice, production.②语
言技能skill-oriented leon: pre-, while-, post-.18、课堂管理 claroom management: claroom management is the way
teachers organise what goes on in the claroom.It contributes directly to the efficiency of teaching and learning as the most effective activities can be made almost usele if the teacher does not organize them efficiently.As the goal of claroom management is to create an atmosphere conductive to interacting in English in meaningful ways.19、有效的课堂管理的六个条件:①the teacher plays appropriate roles.②the
teacher provides clear instructions.③students are grouped in a way suitable for the learning activities.④the teacher asks appropriate questions.⑤there is discipline as well as harmony in the cla.⑥the students’ errors are treated properly.20、教师角色 roles of teachers ①controller: control the pace;control time;
control the whole cla.②aeor: ae the students’ work;correct mistake;organize feedback.③organiser: design and organize tasks ④prompter: give appropriate prompts;⑤participant: join students ⑥resource-provider: instruction materials.⑦new roles: facilitator;guide;researcher.21、课堂指令 claroom instructions : claroom instructions refer to the type of
language teachers use to organize or guide learning.They include ①giving directions to tasks or activities, ②providing explanations to a concept or language structure, ③setting requirements, ④checking comprehension, ⑤drawing attention, ⑥motivating learners, ⑦giving feedback, and ⑧aigning homework.22、有效的课堂指令规则rules to follow for making instructions effective:①use
simple instructions and make them suit the comprehension level of the students.②use the mother-tongue only when it is neceary.③give students time to get used to listening to English instructions and help them make an effort to understand them.23、学生分组类型students grouping:①whole cla work ②pair work ③group
work ④individual study24、课堂纪律 Discipline in the language claroom: discipline here refers to a
code of conduct which binds a teacher and a group of students together so that learning can be more effective.25、课堂纪律的要素What contributes to discipline: ①claroom management
②teachers’ behavior ③students’ motivation26、对无纪律课堂的措施measures ①act immediately ②stop the cla27、28、29、30、31、32、33、③rearrange the cla ④change the activity ⑤talk to students after cla ⑥create a code of behavior 课堂问题的建议advice about problems in cla ①deal with it quietly ②don’t take things personally ③don’t use threats 课堂上的问问题questioning in the claroom:teachers use questions ①to focus students’ attention, ②to invite thinking and imagination, ③to check understanding, ④to stimulate recall of information, ⑤to challenge students, and ⑥to ae learning.Questions should be wise and purposeful, contributing to the overall objectives of the leon, stimulating the development of knowledge and thinking, as well as helping to maintain interaction.错误处理 dealing with errors: ①when to correct ②how to correct ③who to correct 语法教学3P模式:Ⅰ.presentation: ①purpose: students perceive the structure——its form and meaning——in both speech and writing, and take it into short-term memory.②ways: the deductive method;the inductive method;the guided discovery method: 步骤:create a context, clear model, highlight rules, check understanding.Ⅱ.practice: ①purpose: students learn to use the grammar item.Absorb the structure thoroughly, or to transfer what they know from short-term to long-term memory.②ways: mechanical practice(substitution drills, transformation drills);meaningful practice(定义:in meaningful practice the focus is on the production, comprehension or exchange of meaning though the students “keep an eye on ”the way newly learned structures are used in the proce).③要素factors: ⑪can’t be said to have really mastered it yet.⑫aimed at form accuracy.⑬the students pay repeated attention to a key element in a structure.⑭controlled/mechanical and semi-controlled.⑮group.⑯ways.Ⅲ.Production: ①purpose: there is a need for meaningful practice and communicative use of the structure taught so that students can be helped to achieve both accuracy and fluency in language use.②ways: communicative practice(gueing games, completing the picture, information sheet, find someone who, paired cue card, role play, story telling);task.A synthesis approach to teaching grammar: collocational, constructive, contextual, and contrastive.有效阅读者怎么做what do effective readers do: ①have a clear purpose in reading ②read silently ③read phrase by phrase, rather than word by word ④concentrate on the important bits, skim the rest, and skip the insignificant parts ⑤use different speeds and strategies for different reading tasks ⑥perceive the information in the target language rather than mentally translate ⑦gue the meaning of new words from the context, or ignore them ⑧have and use background information to help understand the text.阅读策略reading strategies: ①specifying a purpose for reading ②planning
what to do ③previewing the text ④predicting the contents of the text ⑤checking predictions ⑥skimming the text for specific information
⑦distinguishing main ideas from supporting details ⑧posing questions about the text ⑨finding answers to posed questions ⑩connecting one part of the text to another34、The three models for teaching reading: ①bottom-up model ②top-down model
③interactive model35、读前pre-reading activities: ①purpose: the purpose of pre-reading is to
facilitate while-reading activities.②ways: predicting(predicting based on the title, predicting based on vocabulary, predicting based on the T/F questions);setting the scene.读中While-reading: ①fast reading: skimming;scanning.②reading in detail: transition device(信息转换)⑪purpose: focus attention on the main meaning of the text;be able to simplify sophisticated input so that it becomes the basis for output;allow students to perform tasks while they are reading;highlight the main structural organization of a text, and show how the structure relates to meaning;involve all the students in clearly defined reading tasks;precede one step at a time;when a TD is completed, use it as a basis for further oral and written language practice.⑫ways: picture;drawings;maps;tables;tree diagrams;cyclic diagrams;pie charts;bar charts;flowcharts;chronological sequence;subtitles;notes.读后post reading ① purpose ⑪to consolidate or reflect on what has been read in the text.⑫to relate the text to the students’ own knowledge interests or view.⑬to give the students the chance to consolidate that language by using it freely.②activities: discuion questions;reproducing the text;role play;gap-filling;discuion36、阅读理解问题的类型types of reading comprehension questions ①questions
of literal comprehension ②questions involving reorganization or reinterpretation ③questions for inferences ④questions for evaluation or appreciation ⑤questions for personal response.⑥understanding references.
【机会性感染】某些因素导致宿主的免疫功能受损或机械损伤使寄生物离开其固定寄生部位而到达其它寄生部位,平衡不复存在而引起宿主损伤。如大肠杆菌进入泌尿道或呼吸道。 【......
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